North Hopkins FFA Chapter Looks Forward to NETLA Show February 22-24, 2018

              By Reporter Breanna Hicks

The holiday and New Year season was fast and furious for the North Hopkins FFA! The 53-member chapter finished up the holidays with one of their favorite service projects, the SCAT program. The chapter received the names of two local senior citizens in need and asked them to write a Christmas list to “Santa”. The chapter got as many of the items as we could and spent a day delivering the special gifts to the special people. In December, we also had our chapter Christmas party. A day where the chapter members could come and hear about what was going on in the chapter and enjoy a pizza lunch.
After New Years and into January, the chapter attended District FFA convention. For the convention, we had a chapter officer run for a district office. While she did not get voted for an office, we are extremely proud of her efforts. Our chapter First Vice President, Faith Wheeler, was also serving as our District Vice President. Her term was over but she was elected to run for Area office at the end of the month.
For the future, we are looking forward to the NETLA county market show, happening February 22-24. We have many participants from the North Hopkins FFA chapter. The next month looks exciting and we can’t wait!


Author: Enola Gay

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