HC Master Gardeners Present A Basic Home Vegetable Gardening Workshop through the Extension Service

Gardening is for everyone. Learning to do it right gives high yields in produce and in satisfaction! Hopkins County Extension Agent Mario Villareno and Master Gardener Robert Suson will be on hand as Master Gardener Susie Faltachek presents the program to interested persons assembled at the Extension office on April 24, 2018 at 7pm. Cost of the workshop is $10.

The most seasoned gardeners are usually the ones who consistently use smart, simple skills that work, like selecting the right site for your garden placement. Vegetables need a lot of sun! Veteran Northeast Texas gardeners know already that weather can be very unpredictable here, and often a garden planted too early can get “bitten” by a late-Spring frost.  What should you plant in your garden? That depends…on the size of your plot, type of soil, amount of shade and many other factors. How much should you water? You can learn the answers to these and other frequently asked questions during the workshop. And if you miss the workshop, you can get your answers from the Hopkins County Extension office any time of year, including other topics like container gardening, raised-bed and “lasagna” gardening.

As a Master Gardener, Susie Faltachek had an opportunity to expand her area of expertise and she selected Vegetable Gardening as her project. She gathered a group of nine Master Gardeners to act as volunteers in the community training project. Upon completion, she will have earned a Certified Vegetable Gardener rating. These types of opportunities and more are available through the Hopkins County Extension office as part of the Texas Agri-Life Extension Program.

Robert Suson is a Master Gardener who believes in butterflies. On his property, he leaves space for milkweed to flourish so that it  cans serve as a host plant for Monarch butterflies, and he encourages others to do so. Sulphur Springs is on the edge of the migration path of Monarchs heading to Mexico. We can passively assist in this miracle of nature by not robbing them of their required habitat for a few short weeks during the Spring. Other types of butterflies require other types of vegetation. Find out more about these and join the Master Gardeners in their efforts.

On the morning of Saturday April 28, the Master Gardeners will perform community service with the annual Plant Swap, to be held on the parking lot of Bright Star Vet Clinic at 744 Gilmer Street, across from Brookshire’s. Bring any seedlings or cuttings you’d like to swap, or just come and get healthy plants, cuttings and seedlings grown by these seasoned gardeners. A small donation toward the chapter’s work in the community is appreciated. For more information, contact the Extension office at 903-885-3443.

Robert Suson and Mario Villarino


Author: Enola Gay

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