[Editor’s Note: Included in this article is a video of the dedication and below that, a slideshow of pictures from the past]
Saturday, June 30, 2018, a Registered Texas Historical Landmark designation was unveiled at the home of Monty and Vivian Dennis Monzingo, a colonial style house built in 1939 at 333 College Street and known locally as the Ashcroft House. Mayor John Sellers presented a history of the house, introduced the children of the Ashcroft family, and the current owners of the house who sought the designation. The designation is a higher designation than a historical landmark. The County Courthouse is the only other building in Hopkins County with the designation.
A Registered Texas Historical Landmark is not only based on the history of the building but also on architecture. There has been an addition made to the original structure but that was 50 years ago and the architectural style was carried out in the addition. The designation does not mandate that the family open the house for tourists. However, any changes or repairs to the house will require approval by the state historical commission.