City of Sulphur Springs Manager’s Report for August Council Meeting

CROSSTOWN TRAIL -The railroad crossing is complete. The Capital Construction Division is now constructing the portion of the trail from the KCS railroad tracks to Coleman Park. When finished, this grant-funded project will connect Buford Park to Coleman Park and the high school/civic center complex. It will also replace the sidewalk on the north side of Connally Street.

CANTEX FORCE MAIN – This project is about 50% completed. The Capital
Construction division began on the east end of the project and they are now progressing north on Jackson Street toward the hospital. This is the final capital improvement project in the 2013-2017 C. I.P. It replaces 2,400 linear feet of aging sewer force main and 2,900 feet of gravity main. Currently the main passes through the middle of the hospital complex. The new route passes around the hospital complex. One-third of the city’s sewage passes through this line.

SUNSET STREET – We have designed the Sunset Street improvements, and the design has been approved. The project will include new water mains, new sewer mains and a new concrete street from Coimally to Houston. The $275,000 CDBG grant is matched with $132, 000 of city funding. We have submitted consb-uction drawings for approval. Work will begin in the fall.

WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT – Phase 2 has begun with the demolition of the secondary clarifiers. This will make way for the new diffused air aeration units. This project is on time and under budget.

CLAIMS – We had 3 workers compensation claims in July, and 2 of those were serious enough to require time off. We did not receive any liability claims in July. 

REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES – Finance Director Lesa Smith will not give a year-to-date report of revenues and expenditures since she will be presenting the budget. 

Elsewhere around the city, employees:
Graded Pipeline and Wiesenbaker Lane twice.
Removed 4 dead trees from roadways.
Repaired 255 potholes.
Made one street repair following utility repairs.
Demolished a home on Live Oak.
Checked our 4,441 items from the library and 561 e-books.
Top-dressed soccer fields.
Fertilized athletic fields.
Hosted a state softball tournament.
Mowed Coleman Lake Dam.
Conducted 31 building inspections, 25 electrical inspections, 31 plumbing
inspections, 4 mechanical inspections, and issued 24 building permits.
Treated wastewater effluent to an average total suspended solids reading of 2.07 mg/L.
Repaired 14 water main ruptures.
Replaced 29 water meters.
Unstopped 8 sewer mains.
Repaired 4 sewer mains.
Washed 80,000 feet of sewer mains.
Flushed 35 dead end water mains.
Performed preventative maintenance on the flood gates at Lake Sulphur Springs.
Treated 182 million gallons ofpotable water.
Sold 2,295 gallons ofAvGas and 7,542 gallons ofJetA fuel.
Made 6 felony arrests in the special crimes unit.
Recorded 80 offenses, wrote 826 citations, made 87 arrests, and responded to 34 accidents in the patrol division.
Responded to 207 Animal control calls and achieved a 32% adoption rate.
Responded to 196 fire/rescue calls including 1 structure fire.
Performed 51 fire inspections, and reviewed 51 pre-fire plans.
Performed preventative maintenance on 82 fire hydrants.

Sulphur Springs City Hall

Author: Staff Reporter

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