After what he described as a miserable Tuesday, Wildcats Team Tennis Coach Tony Martinez found a lot more to enjoy Wednesday as the Wildcats returned to their battling ways against Forney at the Wildcat Tennis Complex. The result was a one point loss, 10-9 to Forney. The Wildcats had to forfeit one of their girls matches due to a shortage of players Wednesday.
The Wildcats top four boys players did all they could to win the match. Jonah Kirkpatrick, Chase Crouch, Aaron Lucas and Logan Schumacher all won their singles and doubles matches. Kirkpatrick teams up with Lucas and Crouch with Schumacher. Jeaux Leigh Cantu also won her girls singles match and teamed up with Carlos Lopez for a mixed doubles victory.
Coach Martinez said a scheduled match against Marshall set for 2 p.m. Thursday would now be considered an exhibition match. The Marshall coach told him he would be bringing five or six Mavericks’ players to Sulphur Springs. Coach Martinez said he probably would let some of his younger players get some court time.