It’s a big day (August 16) for the Wildcats Marching Band. Thursday evening beginning at 5:30 p.m. they are having their annual Exhibition and Squad Off competition at Gerald Prim Stadium. Parents and other Band Boosters usually attend this event in large numbers. This will be the first Squad Off for new Wildcats Marching Band Director Spencer Emmert. The band usually performs the complete first song for this season’s band show featuring electronic music.
The Wildcats’ team tennis squad will be playing Marshall at the Wildcat Tennis Complex beginning at 2 p.m. Coach Martinez decided to treat it like an exhibition match when he learned that the Mavericks’ coach would be bringing only five or six players to town.
Meanwhile the Wildcats’ football team will have their fourth workout of the season from 5 p.m. until 9 p.m. Thursday inside and outside the Multipurpose Building. Wednesday the Wildcats were able to wear pads but they were restricted from hitting each other. They were able to strike padded objects. Hitting each other in pads will start Saturday. Despite the hot weather Wednesday, the Wildcats practiced outside from 5 p.m. to around 8 p.m. A good breeze helped them out. The Wildcats finished up with an hour inside the Multipurpose Building lifting weights and working on kick offs and receiving them.