The annual 55-Plus Health Fair is just over a week away. Those planning to attend will want to note this year’s fair will be an afternoon event that offers educational information as well as a hot dog supper.
“We changed the time of the health fair this year to help those seniors who are never able to attend the morning health fairs,” noted Karon Weatherman, Senior Citizens Center marketing and program director.
The fair will begin at 4 p.m. and continue until 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 2, at First Baptist Church’s Recreational Outreach Center (The ROC), located at 115 Putman St.
“We are also going to be cooking hot dogs this year for a hot dog supper. Several of the vendors are providing that food for you,” Weatherman said.
Overall, 40 booths are expected to be set up, with vendors providing information about a variety of programs and agencies available to offer assistance as well some health screenings, such as blood pressure, glucose and blood oxygen levels.
Also offered will be information about insurance, pre-need counseling, hospice, medical equipment therapy.
“Don’t wait until is it too late to make your own decisions. If you don’t make your own educated decisions, someone will be making them for you. You might not like what they decide,” said Weatherman.
Each booth was asked to provide a $25 door prize, which those attending the fair will be eligible to register to win.
“I hope to see lots and lots of seniors on that afternoon. All of this is just for you,” Weatherman said.
For additional information about the 55+ Health Fair, contact First Baptist Church Associate Pastor Fred Lewis at 903-885-0646.