Wildcats Have Most Individuals Scoring Points at Regional Track Over Past Eleven Years
Wildcats Track Coach Matt Young said the Region II Class 5A Track Meet last Friday and Saturday (April 26-27) at UT Arlington was a great meet despite no Wildcats qualifying for the State Track Meet. He said the Wildcats had the most individuals score points at a regional meet over the past eleven years that he knows of. Coach Young had seven athletes compete at Regional. Eli Sellers took a sixth place in the pole vault. Jeremiah Roland was fourth in the high jump. Roland actually was involved in a jump off for third place and just missed out going to the medal stand. 6-foot-4 was Roland’s best jump. Nabian Ramirez was eighth in the 800-meter run. Ryan Hammons competed in the shot put. He had only one throw of 45 feet coming into regional but put the shot 45 feet twice at regional. Hammonds scratched on his third throw after Coach Young urged him to give it all he had. Landon Thornton had a personal best run in the 3200-meter run. Christian Palomino also competed in the 3200-meter run. Landry Tyson also ran both the 110-meter hurdles and 300-meter hurdles