Texas Commission on Law Enforcement’s investigation of former Sulphur Spring Public Safety Director James “Jay” Sanders concluded with Sanders voluntarily surrendering his peace officer license on May 2, TCOLE spokeswoman Gretchen Grigsby said.
Sanders, who served as the head of both the police and fire departments, was placed on administrative leave March 22, “due to his being involved in an ongoing criminal investigation by another agency,” City Manager Marc Maxwell stated in a March 25 press release.
TCOLE was investigating an allegation Sanders provided “false information to pay for a couple of people to go to academy,” the TCOLE spokeswoman said.
There is a process in which funding can be obtained to help with costs of police academy. Sanders was accused of providing false information on documentation to obtain funding for a couple of individuals to go through police academy, according to Grigsby.
TCOLE’s investigation concluded with Sanders’ voluntary surrender of his peace officer license on May 2, she said.
When asked if other agencies were involved in or investigating the allegation, Grigsby said she could speak for TCOLE; the agency’s case on Sanders is closed.
Sanders remained on administrative leave from the city until Friday, May 3, when he officially handed in his letter of resignation, according to Maxwell.
Jason Ricketson has served as acting police chief and Tim Vaughn as acting fire chief for the city since Sanders was placed on leave. Both will continue to serve in those positions at this time, Maxwell said.