SSHS Band Director Spencer Emmert Says Awards Were Highlight of Recent Band Banquet
The highlight of any Sulphur Springs High School Band Banquet is announcement of major awards for senior band members. The banquet took place last Thursday (May 2) at the Hopkins County Regional Civic Center with more than 270 people in attendance. The top award, the John Phillip Sousa Award went to Peyton Baugh, a band drum major. The Louis Armstrong Jazz Award, a national award, went to Brayden Fisher, who was also a drum major. The Director’s Award, also a National award, went to Maddy Ray. The Double Duty Award went to Evan Rushing, who marched at halftime while also playing football for the Wildcats during the game. Band Director Spencer Emmert said Rushing plans to enter the Navy after graduation. Tuba player Isaac Lamb received the Rex Wilemon Award. Emmert said Lamb was going to attend Henderson State University in Arkansas as a music major. Emmert and former Band Director, the late Charles McCauley, were both Henderson State grads. Emmert said for a second year top marchers in the band received the Golden Foot Award. Named for a second year was senior Travis Pundt. Other winners were junior Elizabeth Lopez, sophomore Jorge Santacruz and freshman Jakson Medelline. Named Outstanding Juniors in the band were Elizabeth Lopez and Zack Phillips. Outstanding Sophomores were Zoie Ward and Cameron Beard. Outstanding Freshman were Anayeli Delacruz and Matthew Sherman. Emmert also said there were two Outstanding Service Awards. Star Country’s Jordan Owens, a former Wildcat Band member, was recognized as the band’s halftime announcer and KSST’s Don Julian and Channel 18’s Doug Haston were recognized for their media coverage of the band.