As part of the lead-in to Dairy Festival 2019, Board President Carolyn McKinney, Vice President David McCaig, board members and sponsors met with media for a brief meet-and-greet and photo-op on the morning of Wednesday May 29, 2019. The group gathered around tables at The Creamery inside a major sponsor location, the Southwest Dairy Museum. The front drive of the Southwest Dairy Museum sports two of the largest statues of milk cows anywhere, while inside, the life-like displays illustrate 100 years of changes in dairying. Year-round, the massive Holstein and Jersey replicas and beautiful facility celebrate the dairy industry in Hopkins County and the importance of milk in the lives of Americans. Plan to visit the Museum this summer!
Other stops made that same morning were The Propane Company, PCI and Sulphur Springs Dodge, each of whom contribute in a large way to the success of the annual festival. Another of the major sponsors, Dairy Max, held a meet-and-greet at the AgriLife Extension Office in Sulphur Springs.
Each morning June 4-14, committee members and pageant contestants will be visiting another sponsor, KSST Radio/Channel 18 TV. Get to know them by listening to the 8:15 am interviews on KSST 1230AM radio, by watching playbacks on Cable Channel 18 TV, at and on our YouTube channel. Dairy Festival 2019 runs June 7-15 with a parade, cattle shows, hot air ballooning, cooking contests, a carnival, a milking contest, an ice cream freeze-off, a Dairy Festival Queen’s Pageant and Coronation, and lots more!