Joseph Andrew Newman, 31, of Sulphur Springs was arrested on a felony driving while intoxicated charge after he nearly crashing a Buick LaSabre into patrol officer’s vehicle, according to arrest reports.
Hopkins County Sheriff’s Sgt. Shea Shaw was contacted by another officer, who had reportedly stopped the car at 11:53 p.m. Newman was reported to have been driving and suspected to be intoxicated. Shaw was later advised the man had nearly wrecked into the other patrol unit on College Street. An officer reported stopping the man on South Broadway Street at Taco Bell. Upon contact, Shaw reported seeing three bottles on top of the car and smelling an alcoholic beverage odor emitting from Newman. Shaw administered field sobriety tests and noted the man showed multiple clues of intoxication.
Consequently, Newman was jailed for DWI, marking at least the third time he had been charged on the offense, which enhances the charge to a felony offense. He remained in the county jail Saturday morning, June 29. Bond was set at $10,000 on the felony charge, according to jail reports.