Sulphur Springs Independent School District is getting closer to filling all staffing positions for the 2019-2020 school year.
Trustees approved the 11 personnel changes as recommended by administrators during a special noon school board meeting Thursday, July 18. Overall, four resignations were accepted, four new staff hired and three personnel changes were approved.
Michelle Bolton resigned as kindergarten teacher at Barbara Bush Primary. Her position will be filled by Tristan Gant.
Craig Philo resigned as DAEP teacher at Austin Academic Center. Kathy Wright will move from middle school, where she taught math, to Austin to replace Philo as a DAEP math teacher.
Miranda Anglin resigned as a Sulphur Springs Elementary special education aide. Ashley Rodriguez was approved to fill her position.
Meredith Townsend, high school digital instructional specialist, also resigned.
Jennifer Price was approved to join the faculty at Barbara Bush Primary as a kindergarten teacher, a position opened with Mary Surber’s resignation, which was accepted at the July 8 school board meeting.
Melissa Aaron’s resignation on July 8 left an opening for a physical education teacher at Bowie Primary. Ashley Matthews was approved July 18 to fill that opening.
Courtney Anglin will be switching jobs at high school. She will go from special education teacher to become the special education-504 coordinator, a position created with Jeana Penny’s resignation, accepted on July 8 as well. Maria Garcia-Hildago will move from the Administration Building, where she’s been a purchasing clerk, to the high school, where she’ll fill the special education opening.