The top three teams now have a year’s worth of bragging rights since they placed in the Sixth Annual George Dorner 42 Tournament. Spectators who crowded in to watch the intense but friendly competition also helped to raise money for the benefit. It was staged in the new Fellowship Hall of the United Methodist Church at Sulphur Bluff on FM 71 East to provide funds for new Bibles for Senior Sunday School Class members. A total of 31 two-person teams signed up to play, and an additional 30-40 persons came to watch and enjoy the fellowship and concessions. According to founder Patricia Dorner, it was successful with over $2,000 raised and priceless memories made. “All ages love this tournament from the youth to the senior population. Families get involved, and as you may know, we are known for wholesome community events, fellowship and good food at Sulphur Bluff. My late husband George played 42 and started this off. It was a ministry of his, and it is still a good way to demonstrate his kind of caring and unity in the community. Senior citizens who come to church will have access to new large-print study Bibles. This tournament blesses everybody who gets involved, and we have a lot of fun too. And, each player in the top three teams gets a metal trophy sign and a framed certificate”. New pastor at Sulphur Bluff United Methodist Church is Nick Lantz. There are 26 members in the Senior Sunday School class.Visitors are welcome in the spacious modern sanctuary located on FM 71 East in Sulphur Bluff, Texas.
Many teams return to play every year. 2019 Winners are:
First Place: Ernest Young and Bill Easton
Second Place: Jr. Hinton and Larry Fite (3-year 2nd Place record holders!)
Third Place: Bob Bain and Blake Bain