A Message of Inspiration From the Author of Living Loved, October 13, 2024
Hey friends! Recently, I stood between two cars. Both wrecked, totaled to be exact. As I stood there I had just finished talking to and praying with the family of the young man driving the car to my right. We celebrated and thanked the Lord that this young man’s life was spared. They repeatedly said ”God is good!” To my left I saw the car that just a few hours before I held the sobbing mother of a young woman who is fighting for...
Hopkins County United Way held Their Second Meeting of the Current Campaign October 8th and the Donations are just Marching In
October 8, 2024 – The Hopkins County United Way held their second meeting of the season Tuesday, (the 8th), and the donations are continuing to march in. KSST was present at this meeting. Everyone sat at a conference table at the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Office in Sulphur Springs, Texas. The volunteers went around the room sharing what businesses and organizations had turned in their donation packets. Many volunteers...
Medicare AEP: What You Need to Know About This Year’s Major Changes
October 7, 2024 – The Medicare Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) is the time each year when Medicare beneficiaries can make changes to their Medicare coverage. AEP runs from October 15th to December 7th, during which beneficiaries can: Switch from Original Medicare to a Medicare Advantage Plan or vice versa. Switch from one Medicare Advantage Plan to another. Enroll in, switch, or drop a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan. Changes...
Report from United Way’s First Report Meeting
October 7, 2024 – The Hopkins County United Way Workers held their first Report Meeting October 1st, 2024. KSST received an email from the Hopkins County Untied Way Executive Security, Susan Berning, about the meeting. Susan Berning stated in this email… “Good morning, Campaign volunteers and media friends. Thank you for all you are doing on behalf of Hopkins County United Way and the 18 organizations this...
A Message of Inspiration From the Author of Living Loved, October 6, 2024
FROM A DISGRACE TO ACCEPTED BY HIS GRACE. Friends, as I was reading up on some of the ladies in the Bible, I saw that several of them, Mary Magdalene, woman at the well, woman caught in adultery; were all a DISGRACE in their community. Most people you would ask about them would not have a high opinion of them. But when they met Jesus, they went from disgraced to accepted by His grace. As the Bible goes, let’s look at Mary Magdalene....
Guaranty Bank and Trust Offers Cyber Security Tips as part of Their Goal to Help You Grow
October 4, 2024 – Even though Cyber threats sound like something from science fiction, these threats are real and are occurring today. The experts report that there were over 2,300 cyberattacks reported last year. The number of reported victims reached at least 343,338,964. Guaranty Bank and Trust takes your Cyber Security very seriously. As part of their goal to “… help you grow,” Guaranty Bank and Trust...
2024 United Way Campaign is Underway with “Believe” as the Theme
October 1, 2024 – The Hopkins County United Way has kicked off their 2024-2025 campaign at full speed. The theme for this year is “Believe.” The 2024-2025 Hopkins County United Way Officers are Co-Presidents Jessica McInnis and KK McKenzie, Campaign Chair Lyndsay Palmer, and the Executive Secretary is Susan Berning. The Hopkins County United Way has already held their 2024 Ribbon Cutting, the Campaign Lunch event,...
A Message of Inspiration From the Author of Living Loved, September 29, 2024
Hey friends! Was just sitting and reminiscing this morning and was reminded of a time when someone saved my life. So, when I was younger I worked, through a program at school, for the United States Forest Service. One day we were up on the side of the mountain cutting trail and as I took a step back to take a bite with my McCloud, I slipped and almost fell down the mountain side, to what could have been my death or at minimum serious...
A Message of Inspiration From the Author of Living Loved, September 22, 2024
Hey friends, Do you know that the Father never leaves us or forsakes us. Never. He is always with us. Even when we feel incredibly alone. Even when our hearts are so tired. Even when it feels like everyone has walked out of our lives. Yes, even when we are surrounded by people and still feel so alone. Loneliness is a tool of satan. He likes to make us feel alone, isolated, dejected, invisible and tired. But the Father is...
A Message of Inspiration From the Author of Living Loved, September 15, 2024
Hey friends!! Talking about WAITING ON THE LORD today.And here’s a little nugget: Wait at God’s promise until He meets you there, for He always shows up by the path of His promises. Are you in a season of waiting? Waiting for provision, a spouse, a baby, a job, a position in ministry, freedom, healing, the suffering and storms to end? Where are you in the waiting? Abraham and Sarah: Waited 25 years for the birth of their son,...