Dinner Bell Menu For November 17, 2021
It is our Thanksgiving Meal and the Knights of Columbus are our Community Partner and are also smoking the turkeys!!! We are so thankful for all the Knights of Columbus do for The Dinner Bell Ministry this year and in past years. GRAB and GO with a meal from the distribution area under the covered driveway (porte cochere) on the Northeast corner of the First United Methodist Church campus starting at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday. Clayton...
Dinner Bell Menu For November 10, 2021
Friends of Dinner Bell are the Community Partner for this week’s meal. For their support we at Dinner Bell thank them for their generous donation. GRAB and GO with a meal from the distribution area under the covered driveway ( porte cochere) on the Northeast corner of the First United Methodist Church campus starting at 11:00 on Wednesday. MENU Chicken and Rice Casserole Roasted Broccoli, Caulflower and Brussel Sprouts Garden...
Hopkins County United Way Within $40,000 Of Goal, With 1 Week To Go In 2021-22 Campaign
Hopkins County United Way 2021-22 campaign workers received another $25,158.42 in campaign donations and pledges over the last week, increasing the total collected after the fifth week of the campaign to $110,441.57. That’s leaves a little over $39,500 still to go if HCU to meet the $150,000 campaign goal to benefit 18 local non-profits. HCUW Campaign Chair Kristy Moseley encourages those who still have donation packets out, to...
Dinner Bell Comes Together for The Wall That Heals
The Dinner Bell has teamed up with Diversified Storage, Clayton Homes, and several service groups in Hopkins County to provide hot food for The Wall That Heals crew. Click here for more information about The Wall That Heals. This week’s meal will take a little extra effort to prepare. The Tuesday evening before The Wall arrives, an anonymous service group and the Dinner Bell Team (Which honestly has volunteers from all over...
Dinner Bell Menu For November 3, 2021
DIVERSIFIED STORAGE is the Community Partner for this week’s meal. Our gratitude extends for the continued support of Diversified Storage for this feeding ministry. Dial Study Club is assisting in the preparation of this meal. Visit THE WALL THAT HEALS which Diner Bell supports. GRAB and GO with a meal from the distribution area under the covered driveway (porte cochere) on the Northeast corner of The First United Methodist...
Week 4: Hopkins County United Way $24,729 Closer To Campaign Goal
Hopkins County United Way is $24,729 closer to the 2021-22 campaign goal of $150,000 to benefit 18 local non-profit agencies, thanks to the generous contributions received over the last week from local businesses, organizations and individuals. Week 4: Hopkins County United Way campaign workers report meeting “That brings our total to $85,283, which is amazing. We are doing really great. I thank everybody for the work you are...
Dinner Bell Menu For October 27, 2021
The Alliance Bank is the Community Partner for this week’s meal. Dinner Bell thanks Alliance Bank for its continued support of this feeding ministry. GRAB and GO with a meal from the distribution area under the covered driveway (porte cochere) on the Northeast corner of the First United Methodist Church campus starting at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday. MENU Spaghetti Casserole Roasted Vegetables Buttered French Bread Slices TOASTED...
Dinner Bell Menu For October 20, 2021
The City National Bank is the Community Partner for this week’s meal. Our gratitude extends for the continued support of this feeding ministry by this entity. GRAB and GO with a meal from the distribution area under the covered driveway (porte cochere) on the Northeast corner of The First United Methodist Church campus. MENU Hamburger Steak with Brown Onion Gravy Mashed Potatoes Bacon Infused Green Beans Buttered French Bread...
Dinner Bell Menu For October 13, 2021
Dr. Andrew Yoder O.D. and the Staff of the IFocus Vision Center is the Community Partner for this meal. For the generosity, Dinner Bell extends gratitude. GRAB and GO with a meal from the distribution area under the covered driveway (porte cochere) on the Northeast corner of the First United Methodist Church campus starting at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday. MENU Mexican Lasagna Pinto Beans Mexican Chopped Salad Cornbread Muffins with Green...
Dinner Bell Menu For October 6, 2021
Remembering SHARON HUGHES for her years of dedicated service to Dinner Bell. GRAB and GO with a meal from the distribution area under the covered driveway (porte cochere) on the Northeast corner of the First United Methodist Church campus starting at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday. MENU Chicken and Dumplings Buttered Long Grain Rice Roasted Broccoli Garden Salad Buttered French Bread Slices Banana Pudding BE CAREFUL! KEEP DISTANCES! WEAR...