Dinner Bell Meal for January 4, 2023
Dinner Bell starts 2023 with gratitude to Heilman Properties (Mary and Johnny Heilman) for a repeat performance as a Community Partner. GRAB and GO with a meal from the distribution area under the covered driveway on the Northeast corner of the First United Methodist Church Campus around 10:30 – 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday. The meal is comprised of “good luck” for 2023 food items. MENU Ham (Progress/Prosperity) pigs root...
No Dinner Bell Meal for December 28, 2022
“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more.”Revelation 21:1 NRSV HAPPY NEW YEAR from THE DINNER BELL!!! THERE WILL BE NO MEAL SERVICE FOR DECEMBER 28. WE RETURN JANUARY 4, 2023!!!
No Dinner Bell Meal for December 21st, 2022
MERRY CHRISTMAS from The Dinner Bell Ministry There will be no meal served DECEMBER 21. “to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign for you; you will find a child wrapped in bands of cloth and lying in a manger.” Luke 2: 11-12 NRSV
Dinner Bell Menu for December 14, 2022
The Cross Country Cowboy Church is the host Community Partner for the Christmas meal. Their continued support is greatly appreciated by the Dinner Bell Ministry. GRAB and GO with a meal from the distribution area under the covered driveway (porte cochere) on the Northeast corner of the First United Methodist Church campus around 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday. Menu Cranberry Apple Stuffed Pork Loin Mashed Potatoes Roasted Carrots...
Dinner Bell Menu for December 7, 2022
Christus Mother Frances, a five time yearly partner, is the Community Partner for this week’s meal. For the continued support of Christus for Dinner Bell we are greatly appreciative. GRAB and GO with a meal from the distribution area under the covered driveway on the Northeast corner of the First United Methodist Church campus near 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday. MENU Mexican Lasagna Seasoned Pinto Beans Mexican Corn Salad ...
Dinner Bell Menu for November 30, 2022
The Marine Corps League repeats as a Community Partner. We are grateful for the continued support! Grab and go with a meal from the distribution area under the covered driveway (porte cochere) on the Northeast corner of the First United Methodist Church campus around 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday. MENU Oven Barbecued Chicken Legs Macaroni and Cheese Seasoned Italian Cut Green Beans Garden Salad Buttered French Bread Slices Brownies BE...
Thanksgiving Dinner Bell Menu for November 16, 2022
The Knights of Columbus are smoking the turkeys and are the Community Partner for our holiday celebration. These men are REPEAT (many years) Thanksgiving partners! Dinner Bell is extremely thankful for their support!!! The Annual Thanksgiving Dinner Bell Meal will be served inside First United Methodist Church. There will be no food pickup for this meal. MENU Turkey, Cranberry Sauce, Dressing, and Gravy Fresh Green Beans with Bacon...
Dinner Bell Menu for November 9, 2022
Dinner Bell is honoring Dr. Omer and Nell Kirkpatrick this week. Omer Kirkpatrick was born in Sulphur Bluff on May 17, 1912. On November 13, 1943 he married Ruby Lanell (Nell) Ellison. He served in WW II with the rank of Major after graduating from Southwestern Medical School. The Kirpatricks were the parents of Seba and Bob Kirpatrick, June Finke, Ruth Palmer and Ann Wyatt. He was a physician in Sulphur Springs for 33 years with 30...
Dinner Bell Menu for November 2, 2022
Tim and Michelle Dollison and employees at Diversified Storage are continual supporters of Dinner Bell. Thank you for believing in the mission of Dinner Bell. GRAB and GO with a meal from the distribution area under the covered driveway on the Northeast corner of the First United Methodist Church campus starting around 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday. MENU Chicken and Rice Casserole Marinated Vegetable Salad Buttered French Bread Slices...
Week 4: Hopkins County United Way Receives $16,346.42 In Donations, Pledges Toward Goal
Hopkins County United Way campaign workers turned in another $16,346.42 in donations and pledges, which were applied toward this year’s overall $150,000 goal to benefit 18 local non-profit agencies. Overall, that makes $70,181.69 HCUW had received as of the fourth weekly campaign workers’ report meeting this week, which put the campaign at just shy of 50% of the goal, with only 2 weeks left in the campaign. “Every...