Winterfield Cemetery Association
Winterfield Cemetery Association will hold its annual Program and meeting on Sunday, June 25, 2023 beginning at 10:00am. The Fellowship Hall will be open for your convenience for lunch. Please bring your covered dish/dessert/drinks and share in a time of food and fellowship.Cemetery maintenance is paid by donation from families whose loved ones are buried at Winterfield. If you are unable to attend you may send your donation to:Patty...
The Lord’s Way COGIC Anniversary, 2023
June 20, 2023 – The Lord’s Way COGIC Anniversary will be on June 25th. The guest speaker will be Elder Lee Collins. You can find the church at 806 Freeman st in Sulphur Springs.
Come to the Ice Cream Freeze Off Today at 5:00pm!
The annual Ice Cream Freeze Off will be held today, June 10th,, beginning at 5:00pm. Tickets go on sale at 4:30pm. $5.00 gets you your own bowl and spoon. Then you will have your choice from 53 Ice Cream Freezers. The Ice Cream Freeze Off event has been moved inside the Shannon Oaks Church building, due to the chance of rain. Weather can’t stop the tradition of the Ice Cream Freeze Off! Tell your friends, family,...
Morning Chapel Baptist Church VBS 2023
May 6, 2023 – Join the Morning Chapel Baptist Church for their annual evening VBS starting June 26. Morning Chapel is located at 208 Fuller St in Sulphur Springs. Find out more on their Facebook Page.
Dinner Bell Menu for May 31, 2023
The Rotary Club is cooking HAMBURGERS as has been their practice for the last of May for many years! Dinner Bell is please for their service to the community!!! GRAB and GO with a meal from the distribution area under the covered driveway on the Northeast corner of the First United Methodist church campus starting around 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday. HAMBURGERS with traditional fixings BAKED BEANS JALAPENO POTATO SALAD BANANA CAKE TAKE...
Mahoney Memorial Day Homecoming
May 25, 2023 – Memorial Day Homecoming service will be held at Mahoney Cemetery and Old Mahoney Methodist Church on June 11th starting at 10:30am. During this service, reports from the Christmas 2022 “Wreaths Across America” will be discussed for their vets. The special speaker during this event is Ridley Briggs from Mt Vernon a former USAF fighter pilot and Texas Aggie. At noon, basket lunches will be passed out and...
Black Oak Cemetery Memorial Day
May 23, 2023 – Memorial Service for Black Oak Cemetery will be held Sunday, May 28th at the black Oak Baptist Church 6 miles south of Como off FM 69. Service starts at 10:30 am. Reverend B. J. Teer will be the speaker for the service. Families are asked to bring covered lunches and lunch will be served in the fellowship hall after the services.
Dinner Bell Menu for May 24, 2023
Money Law Firm and First American Title is a repeat Community Partner for the Dinner Bell Feeding Ministry. For their continued support we are very grateful. GRAB and GO with a meal from the distribution area under the covered driveway (porte cochere) on the Northeast corner of the First United Methodist Church campus starting around 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday. MENU Dinner Bell Style King Ranch Casserole Restaurant Style Mexican Rice...
Dinner Bell Menu for May 17, 2023
Cross Country Cowboy Church is a repeat Community Partner for many years with multi times each year. For their dedication to this feeding ministry we at Dinner Bell are extremely grateful! GRAB and GO with a meal from the distribution area under the covered driveway (porte cochere) on the Northeast corner of the First United Methodist Church campus around 10:30 on Wednesday. MENU Meat Loaf Mashed Potatoes Bacon Infused Green Beans...
Dinner Bell Menu for May 10, 2023
The Dollison family of Diversified Storage Systems is a repeat Community Partner! That entity has supported our feeding ministry for many years!!! We so appreciate their monetary backing which allows us to feed many in our area weekly. GRAB and GO with a meal from the distribution area under the covered driveway (porte cochere) on the Northeast corner of the First United Methodist Church campus around 10:30 am on Wednesday. MENU Red...