Dinner Bell Menu for November 2, 2022

Dinner Bell Menu for November 2, 2022

Tim and Michelle Dollison and employees at Diversified Storage are continual supporters of Dinner Bell. Thank you for believing in the mission of Dinner Bell. GRAB and GO with a meal from the distribution area under the covered driveway on the Northeast corner of the First United Methodist Church campus starting around 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday. MENU Chicken and Rice Casserole Marinated Vegetable Salad Buttered French Bread Slices...

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Week 4: Hopkins County United Way Receives $16,346.42 In Donations, Pledges Toward Goal

Week 4: Hopkins County United Way Receives $16,346.42 In Donations, Pledges Toward Goal

Hopkins County United Way campaign workers turned in another $16,346.42 in donations and pledges, which were applied toward this year’s overall $150,000 goal to benefit 18 local non-profit agencies. Overall, that makes $70,181.69 HCUW had received as of the fourth weekly campaign workers’ report meeting this week, which put the campaign at just shy of 50% of the goal, with only 2 weeks left in the campaign. “Every...

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Chamber Connection: The 53rd Annual Stew Festival Was Fantastic

Chamber Connection: The 53rd Annual Stew Festival Was Fantastic

By Butch Burney, CEO/President, Hopkins County Chamber of Commerce Wow, what a great day at the park! Despite some gusty winds and a little bit of a warm day, the 53rd Annual Hopkins County Stew Festival, sponsored by Alliance Bank, was fantastic! Thanks to our 167 cook sites, our adult volunteers and student volunteers, about 7,500 people were able to enjoy beef and chicken stew, with crackers and cheese, while also shopping the...

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8th Annual George Dorner 42 Tournament Slated Nov. 5

8th Annual George Dorner 42 Tournament Slated Nov. 5

The 8th Annual George Dorner 42 Tournament is scheduled to be held Saturday, Nov. 5, 2022, in Sulphur Bluff United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. Registration for the 42 tourney will begin at 9 a.m. and play will start at 9:30 a.m. Domino game on wooden background Early registration through today, Oct. 25, 2022, costs $10 per person. Oct. 26-Nov. 5, the cost will be $25 per team. Metal plaques will be awarded to the top three...

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Dinner Bell Menu for October 26th, 2022

Dinner Bell Menu for October 26th, 2022

A big shout out and THANK YOU to Alliance Bank and employees for being a Community Partner once again. GRAB and GO with a meal from the distribution area under the covered driveway on the Northeast corner of the First United Methodist Church campus starting around 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday. MENU Spaghetti Casserole Roasted Fall Vegetables Special Salad Homemade Rolls 20 Minute Chocolate Cake BE CAREFUL AS THE PANDEMIC IS STILL IN OUR...

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Dinner Bell Menu for October 19th, 2022

Dinner Bell Menu for October 19th, 2022

City National Bank is a repeat Community Partner for Dinner Bell. Dinner Bell is so grateful for their continued support. GRAB and GO with a meal from the distribution area under the covered driveway (porte cochere) on the Northeast corner of the First United Methodist Church campus around 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday. MENU Lasagna Roasted carrots with herbs Buttered french bread Garden Salad Do Nothing Cake BE CAREFUL AS THE PANDEMIC IS...

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Dinner Bell Menu for October 12th, 2022

Dinner Bell Menu for October 12th, 2022

Dr. Andrew Yoder and Staff at I Focus Vision Center is a repeat Community Partner for Dinner Bell. Dinner Bell is so grateful for their continued support. GRAB and GO with a meal from the distribution area under the covered driveway (porte cochere) on the Northeast corner of the First United Methodist Church campus around 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday. MENU Hamburger Steak with Brown Onion Gravy Mashed Potatoes Blackeyed Peas Garden Salad...

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The Texoma Gospel Music Association Convention and Gathering to be Held in Sulphur Springs October 7-8

The Texoma Gospel Music Association Convention and Gathering to be Held in Sulphur Springs October 7-8

Buddy and Ina Gore announce the Texoma Gospel Music Association Convention and Gathering will be held October 7th and 8th in Sulphur Springs, Texas. There will be over 40 artists from many states attending. The Texoma Gospel Music Association, (TGMA), began in 1977 and is one of the oldest Gospel Music organizations in Texas and Oklahoma (thus (TGMA) and now includes many other states.  Originally, Country Gospel was the main forte...

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Dinner Bell Menu for October 5th, 2022

Dinner Bell Menu for October 5th, 2022

Jim Helfferich is a repeat Community Partner for Dinner Bell for the first Wednesday in October. “Thank you, Jim.” GRAB and GO with a meal from the distribution area under the covered driveway on the Northeast corner of the First United Methodist Church campus around 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday. MENU Red Beans and Rice Fried Cabbage Cornbread Squares Garden Salad Southern Pecan Praline Sheet Cake BE CAREFUL AS THE PANDEMIC IS...

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The St James Fiesta and Auction to be Held October 8th

The St James Fiesta and Auction to be Held October 8th

The annual St. James Fiesta and Auction will be held Saturday, October 8th, 2022, at the Hopkins County Civic Center in Sulphur Springs, Texas. A delicious Tex-Mex meal will be prepared by the Aguilar family. Tickets are $12 for adults, $7 for children under 12. Meal service begins at 5:30pm. The Live Auction begins at 7:00pm. There will be a silent auction, door prizes, and much more. St James Gala Fiesta Dinner and Auction...

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