Dinner Bell Menu for June 24, 2020
Catocon: Jared and Amanda Pickett are the Community Partners MENU: Jambalaya with Chicken and Sausage Yellow Squash Casserole (oh, so good) Sweet Texas Cantelope Cubes Garden Salad with Ranch Cups Buttered French Bread GRAB and GO distribution under the covered driveway at the Northeast corner of the First United Methodist Church campus starting after 11:00 a.m. every Wednesday. DINNER BELL cares about the people of Sulphur Springs....
Dinner Bell Menu for June 17, 2020
Cross Country Cowboy Church is the Community Partner Grab and Go under the covered driveway at the Northeast corner of First United Methodist Church starting after 11:00 a.m. every Wednesday. Hamburger Steak with Brown Onion Gravy Buttered Parsled New Potatoes Summer Squash with Onions and Tomatoes Blackeyed Pea Salad Buttered French Bread Slices Glazed Chocolate Cake Take care of yourself. Wash your hands OFTEN. Wear masks in...
Dinner Bell Menu for June 10, 2020
Chaney and Craig Johnson are the Community Partners. For your GRAB and GO MEAL: From North Davis go east on Fleming Street, north, east and south under the covered driveway at the First United Methodist Church to the distribution area around 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, June 10. MENU: Oven Bar-B-Que Chicken ThighsSmashed PotatoesSquash and Corn CasseroleGarden SaladLemon Cake To Die ForButtered French Bread Slices PLEASE BE CAREFUL!...
Dinner Bell Menu for June 3, 2020
Sulphur Springs F F A is the Community Partner Can you believe it is already June? The year is “flying by”. MENU Meat Loaf Mashed Potatoes Roasted Squash Casserole Garden Salad with Ranch Cups Buttered French Bread Slices Brownies We are still serving Grab and Go meals handed out under the covered driveway on the Northeast corner of the First United Methodist Church campus starting around 11:30 on Wednesday. Please...
Chamber Connection — May 28, 2020
Annual Chamber Of Commerce Golf Tournament Registration Is In Full Swing By Lezley Brown, CEO/President Hopkins County Chamber of Commerce The Chamber is excited to announce that we are moving forward with our annual Golf Tournament! Our reschedule date is Friday, June 19, at Sulphur Springs Country Club. As usual, we will have morning and afternoon flights, and we have availability for teams right now. This tournament will look...
Dinner Bell Menu for May 27, 2020
The Sulphur Springs Rotary Club is the Community Partner and is grilling hamburgers! MENU Hamburgers with cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, pickles and onions Baked Beans Individual sacks Potato Chips Banana Pudding It is still GRAB and GO under the covered walkway in the Northeast corner of the First United Methodist Church campus. (Across from the Post Office). Food distribution starts after 11:00 a.m. every Wednesday. Please practice safe...
Dinner Bell Menu for May 20, 2020
Texas Farm Credit is the Community Partner for a Grab and Go meal from Dinner Bell at the First United Methodist Church. Distribution is under the covered driveway (porte cochere) at the Northeast corner of the church campus starting at 11:30 a.m. MENU King Ranch Chicken Salsa Pinto Beans Mexican Rice Salad with Ranch Cups Tortillas Sopapilla Cheesecake Please practice safe health routines. Wash, wash, wash your hands. Wear a mask in...
Local Businesses Come Together for Dinner Bell
Representatives from several local business came together Wednesday May 13th, 2020 to donate beef to the Dinner Bell. The businesses making the donation were: Highlander Training Center1st Choice Home HealthHopkins/Rains Farm Bureau Spencer Brewer, Jon Newbold, Don Smith, Jimmy Jones, Warren Mitchel, Judy Gilreath, Stephanie Mitchell, and John Holland Meat from the Grand Champion steer was processed and donated to the community meal...
Dinner Bell Menu for May 12, 2020
Christus Mother Frances Hospital is this week’s Community Partner. Dinner Bell at the First United Methodist Church is again distributing meals in the Grab and Go method from under the covered driveway at the Northeast corner of the church campus starting at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday. MENU Herb Crusted Pork Loin Mexican Hominy Crunchy Romaine Toss Buttered Bread Slices Fresh Fruit PLEASE Continue to be VERY CAREFUL! WEAR MASKS...
The Dinner Bell: May Blessings
The Dinner Bell, a ministry of the First United Methodist Church in Sulphur Springs, TX, had a lot on it’s plate Wednesday. Beside the weekly free community meal, now served grab-and-go due to social distancing, a group of young men had a donation to make. Judy Gilreath with donors Charlie and Mason White, Marshal and Barrett Ingram. Also pictured is Natalie White. and Lauren and Preston Ingram. Gentlemen from the White and...