New Beginnings 2020 Women's Conference Will be Held January 18th
New Beginnings 2020 Women’s Conference
Dinner Bell Menu For Wednesday, January 8th, 2020
New Year’s Day Stew Super Salad ( heartier than a regular green salad) Chili Cheese Cornbread Muffins Texas Chocolate Sheet Cake Chocolate Cheesecake Pudding (the no added sugar dessert) Same time (11:45 a.m.). Same place (Fellowship Hall of the First United Methodist Church). May the New Year at Dinner begin with your presence!
Cross Country Cowboy Church Serves Dinner Bell
Members of Cross Country Cowboy Church served Dinner Bell on Wednesday December, 18th, 2019. This was the final Dinner Bell meal for 2019. The next Dinner Bell Community meal will be January 8th, 2020.
Dinner Bell Menu For Wednesday, December 18th, 2019
Come Celebrate A Christmas Feast with Dinner Bell! Cross Country Cowboy Church is the Community Partner Cranberry Apple Stuffed Pork Loin Wild Rice and Long Grain Rice with Sauteed Celery, Mushrooms and Green Onions Roasted Root Vegetables Broccoli Salad Yeast Rolls Pecan Pie Cake Pumpkin Fluff (the no added sugar dessert) Same time (11:45 a.m.). Same place (Fellowship Hall of the First United Methodist Church). Celebrate our season...
Dinner Bell Menu For Wednesday, December 11th, 2019
VFW Post 8560 is Community Partner this week. Is it Fall, is it Winter? Who knows as we awaken each day to a different season! For sure you know you will get a great meal at Dinner Bell! Chicken Parmesan Rice Pilaf Bacon Infused Green Beans Garden Salad Buttered French Bread Sour Cream Apple Cake Baked Apples (the no added sugar dessert) Same time (11:45 a.m.). Same place (Fellowship Hall of the First United Methodist Church). ...
Dinner Bell Menu For Wednesday, December 4th, 2019
First Choice Home Health is the Community Partner After ALL that Turkey and Dressing, Comfort Food Is What You Need! Hamburger Steak with Brown Onion Gravy Mashed Potatoes (with butter and cream) Sauteed Cabbage and Kale (full of the nutrients everyone needs) Garden Salad (with Homemade Ranch Dressing made fresh by Chuck Jones) Millionaire Pie Cottage Cheese Delight (the no added sugar dessert) Same time (11:45 a.m.). Same place...
Dinner Bell Menu For Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2019
Dinner Bell Menu for Nov. 20, 2019 The Knights of Columbus will be smoking turkeys and are also this week’s Dinner Bell Community Partner. The Nov. 20 will be a Thanksgiving menu: Turkey, dressing and giblet gravyCranberry sauceFresh green beans with caramelized onionsFestive sweet potatoesWinter fruit saladYeast rollsCreamy layered pumpkin dessertPumpkin fluff (the no added sugar dessert) Same time: 11:45 a.m. Same place:...
Tira News For The Week Of Nov. 12, 2019
Yvonne Weir and Joyce Dodd, Tira City Council members, pictured with the Cross Spur Cowboy Church Youth Group. By Jan Vaughn The Cross Spur Cowboy Church youth group collected canned goods for the Tira Food Pantry. Sherry Smiddy reported that Ruth Ann Crowson donated canned goods, also. Joyce Dodd shared, “We got a food donation from our angels and a money donation from Martha Payton and her brother Von Honzel.” She adds, “I, also,...
Greater Emmanuel Baptist Church Celebrates Pastor & Wife’s 17th Anniversary
Greater Emmanuel Baptist Church Welcomes You To Share Our Pastor & Wife’s 17th Anniversary Sunday: December 1st, 2019 3:00 P.M. Special Guest: Rev. Kerry Duffey Omaha 1st Baptist Church Rev. D.K. Young: Pastor & Founder**
Greater Emmanueal M.B.C. Will Hold a Hopkins County Stew Fundraiser
GREATER EMMANUEL M.B.C. 901 Como St. LOOK WHAT’S HERE HC Beef Stew ALL THE TRIMMINGS Saturday November 16th, 2019 @ 11:00 AM. Donations: $8.50 To place an order or for more information please call (903) 689-8135 Mollie Shepard Or (903) 439-6034 Jackie Berry Or (903)335-4345 Joyce Young Also: Multi- Family Garage sale Bake Sale/ Karaoke/ Games Starting at 8:00 AM Sponsored By: Greater Emmanuel Family Thank you and May God Bless Each of...