Dinner Bell Menu for October 9th, 2019
The Dinner Bell today is: In Memory of Jim Rooks Taco Salad Chips Salsa Sour Cream Green Bean Salad Tortillas and Butter Sopapilla Cheesecake Butterscotch Pudding (the no extra sugar dessert) Promises of cooler weather have been given. Same time (11:45 a.m.). Same place (Fellowship Hall of the First United Methodist Church). Join us for food and great visiting!
Central Baptist Event – “Love The Red Sunday”
Central Baptist Church, at 840 Connally Street in Sulphur Springs, is excited to host “Love The Red Sunday” THIS Sunday, October 6th! All local Hopkins County and city firefighters, and emergency medical personnel are invited to a special service in their honor at 10:30am, followed by lunch afterward. Don Mingo will be our guest speaker. We hope you will join us! Central Baptist Church Love The Red Sunday
Greater Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church Family Conference
If you have any questions please contact Joyce Young 903-335-4345 or [email protected]
Dinner Bell Menu for October 2nd, 2019
Christus Healthcare is our Community Partner Well, it is still SUMMER!!!! Baked Chicken Salad Savory Creamed Corn Crunchy Romaine Toss Buttered French Bread Carrot Cake Cheesecake Pudding (the no added sugar dessert) Same time (11:45 a.m.). Same place (Fellowship Hall of the First United Methodist Church). The air-conditioners are still beating the heat!!! Join us for a good meal and great visiting. Hope to see...
Tira News for Sept. 24, 2019
By Jan Vaughn Robert, Yvonne, and Wesley Weir drove to Plano Saturday for Lucas Connley’s eighth birthday. Yvonne reported that they got to see their grandchildren, Nicolaas and Everly, at the party, too. Prior to the event, they went to the Brickstreet Vintage Market on the square. On Sunday, Yvonne attended the shower for Trenton Dodd and Melany Huffman at the community center for a little while, before getting a call from work. She...
Central Baptist Church Pumpkin Patch
For more information contact: Central Baptist Church840 Connally StreetSulphur Springs, TX 75482 [email protected] Office: (903) 885-3660Fax: (903) 885-2788
Dinner Bell Menu for September 25th, 2019
City National Bank is this week’s Community Partner Vegetable Frittata Navy Beans with Ham Cornbread Muffins with Butter Peach Crisp with Whipped Cream Peaches in Sugar Free Peach Jello (the no added sugar dessert) Another Fall type of menu BUT when will Fall come upon us?!! Same time. (11:45 a.m.) Same place (Fellowship Hall of The First United Methodist Church). If you don’t come you will miss the good food and the great...
Southside Church of Christ in Sulphur Springs Hosts the next Gospel Meeting Sep. 22-25
Gospel Meeting
Tira News For Sept. 11, 2019
By Jan Vaughn The Tira City Council met on Thursday, September 12th at the Tira Community Center for their quarterly meeting. The group voted to cancel the council election for November 5, 2019, since Mayor Allen Joslin and council members, Joyce Dodd and Janie Lewis were unopposed. Janie Lewis gave an update on the recent repairs at the center. Joyce Dodd shared that the Tira Food Pantry is running low. The quarterly financial report...
Dinner Bell Menu for September 18th, 2019
V F W Post 8560 is the Community Partner Beef Enchilada Casserole Honey Balsamic Roasted Yellow and Zucchini Squashes Garden Salad Buttered French Bread Assorted Cookies Same time (11:45 a.m.) Same place (Fellowship Hall of the First United Methodist Church). The weather is still warm!!! Enjoy a good meal in cool surroundings. Hope to see you.