Tira News For Sept. 11, 2019
By Jan Vaughn Last week, I received the following note from Terry Sampite: “It is with great sorrow that I inform you of the death of our mother, Joyce Allayne Callaway-Schwartz, on March 11, 2019. Mom often spoke fondly of growing up there. My brother and I were pleased to visit Tira in 2015 and pause briefly at the Callaway headstone behind the church. The experience adds to our memories of her.” You can read the obituary at...
Dinner Bell Menu for September 11th, 2019
ALLIANCE BANK is the Community Partner It may be September but it screems SUMMER outside! Tuna Salad in Lettuce Cups Marinated Vegetable Salad Fruit Melange (we will have summer’s bounty while it lasts) Crusty Bread Slices Coconut Cake Lemon Chiffon Pudding (the no added sugar dessert) Same time (11:45 a.m.). Same place (Fellowship Hall of the First United Methodist Church). You will be cool (air conditioning works well)! Hope...
Cornerstone Baptist Church Revival September 8-12
Cornerstone Baptist Church Revival Cornerstone Baptist Church, located at 207 E. I-30 Service Road in Cumby, Texas, will hold a Revival Praise and Worship Event September 8th through the 12th. Praise and Worship will be held from 6:30 to 7:45PM each night. A fellowship meal will be served Sunday, September 8th, beginning at 5:15PM. Everyone is welcome.
Dinner Bell Menu For September 4th, 2019
The City of Sulphur Springs Law Enforcement is the Community Partner We are serving a Dinner Bell favorite! You won’t want to miss! Chicken Spaghetti Mediterranean Carrots Garden Salad Buttered French Bread Lemonade Dessert Citrus Pudding (the no added sugar dessert) Same time (11:45 a.m.). Same place (Fellowship Hall of the First United Methodist Church). Hope to see you. Weather is still warm. Remember we are AIR CONDITIONED!...
League Street Church of Christ Special Sunday
The League Street church of Christ is having their annual Connect / Reconnect Sunday, September 8th, and they would like to invite everyone to come out for a special day with the church. Bible classes for all ages will begin at 9:30am and a special hour of worship will begin at 10:30am. After worship, the church will serve a free meal to all who can stay around for lunch. If you’ve not been to church in a while this will be a great...
Dinner Bell Menu For August 28th, 2019
St. Philip’s Episcopal Church is the Community Partner. Cool food for a hot summer day! Taco Salad with chips donated by Tierra Del Sol Restaurant Watermelon Cubes Grape Salad Chocolate Cherry Cake Chocolate Pudding (the no added sugar dessert) Same time (11:45 a.m.). Same place (Fellowship Hall of the First United Methodist Church). Come enjoy this hot weather meal at Dinner Bell and beat the heat in our air conditioned hall....
Dinner Bell Menu For August 21st, 2019
The Dinner Bell Ministry wishes to thank the HOPKINS COUNTY UNITED WAY for continued support. MENU Baked Chicken Thighs with Lemon and Garlic Always Requested Cornbread Salad Bacon Infused Green Beans Garden Salad Buttered French Bread Flapper Pudding ( a revised version of a popular 1920’s dessert) Pineapple Yogurt Pudding (the no added sugar dessert) Beat the heat with iced tea or water and enjoy a great lunch! Same time...
Dinner Bell Menu For August 14th, 2019
Young Parents Sunday School Class at First United Methodist Church is the Community Partner Chicken and Rice Salad on Lettuce Leaves Green Beans with Fried Almonds and Feta Cheese Garden Salad Buttered French Bread Apple Sour Cream Cake Sauteed Apple Slices (the no added sugar dessert) Same time (11:45 a.m.). Same place (Fellowship Hall of the First United Methodist Church). Say “no” to the heat and enjoy the cool...
Dinner Bell Menu For August 7th, 2019
ADVANCED EYE CARE is the Community Partner MENU Tuna Salad on a Lettuce Leaf Three Pepper Pasta Salad (colorful but not HOT/SPICY) Fresh Fruit Melange Buttered Toast Pieces Banana Pudding (original and no added sugar) It is AUGUST! That is almost hard to believe. Summer is closing down and school will soon START! Same time (11:45 a.m.). Same place (Fellowship Hall of the First United Methodist Church). Join us for food and visiting...