ECLC Kids Visit SOC Pumpkin Patch
On Oct. 5th 2017, a group of students from Early Childhood Learning Center (ECLC) visited the Shannon Oaks Church Pumpkin Patch for a day of fun activities, including a barrel train, bean bag tosses, and a hay maze, along with other games. pumpkinpatch 1 pumpkinpatch 2 pumpkinpatch 4 pumpkinpatch 5 pumpkinpatch 6 pumpkinpatch 7 pumpkinpatch 8 pumpkinpatch...
Dinner Bell Sponsored by Autumn Wind
Autumn Wind sponsored and served the weekly community meal served each Wednesday at the FUMC. The volunteers served several delicious options including smothered chicken, garden salad and vegetables, and peach cobbler crisp. If you or your business would like to take part in Dinner Bell, call FUMC at (903) 885-2185. Served at 11:45 AM at the First United Methodist Church in Sulphur Springs, TX.
Mitchell Chapel Community Meal Menu for September 21st, 2017
Do You Know What This Thursday Is? It’s Mitchell Chapel COGIC Free Community Feeding. Starts At 11:00 am Until 1:00pm… This Thursday Menu: Chicken Stew Green Salad Crackers Cheese Pickles Dessert Tea So Stop By Mitchell Chapel COGIC(402 Jackson Street) And Have Some Good Stew With Conversation. “We Are Here To Serve The Whole Man Spiritually And...
Dinner Bell Menu For October 4, 2017
Dinner Bell Menu for October 4, 2017 Autumn Winds Assisted Living, Mineola this week’s Community Partner. Smothered Chicken Mashed Potatoes Roasted Vegetables Garden Salad Peach Cobbler Crisp Lemony Delight–sugar free Served at 11:45 AM at the First United Methodist Church in Sulphur Springs, TX.
Shannon Oaks Church Pumpkin Patch: Now Open
The Shannon Oaks Church Pumpkin Patch opened this past weekend on Sept. 30th, 2017, and will be open Fridays and Saturdays from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm until October 28th. The pumpkin patch will house a special “Pumpkin park” which includes fun activities for the whole family such as face painting, games, pumpkin bowling, mazes paintball, and more. This event is open to the public, and admission is $5 for everyone over...
Braums Donate Food for Dinner Bell Community Meal
Braums donated food for the weekly community meal served each Wednesday at the FUMC. The donated items included Chicken Sandwiches, Cheese, and Ice Cream. If you or your business would like to take part in Dinner Bell, call FUMC at (903) 885-2185. Braums Dbell1 Braums Dbell2 Braums Dbell3 Braums Dbell4 Served at 11:45 AM at the First United Methodist Church in Sulphur Springs,...
Dinner Bell Menu For September 27, 2017
Dinner Bell Menu for September 27, 2017 Braum’s this week’s Community Partner. Grilled Chicken on a Bun Cheese Slices, Lettuce, and Tomatoes Condiments for the Sandwiches Pickled Okra Potato Chips AND for Dessett–Vanilla, Strawberry and Chocolate Ice Cream! Served at 11:45 AM at the First United Methodist Church in Sulphur Springs, TX.
Men’s Wednesday Lunch Group Dazzles Kitchen with Panache and Flair
Member of the Men’s Wednesday Lunch Group served meals at the Dinner Bell on Wednesday September 20th, 2017. With hands deftly wielding scoops, the four members took their turn giving back to the community. The Dinner Bell is a free community lunch searched each Wednesday at 11:45PM at the FUMC in Sulphur Springs, TX. Any group can sponsor the meal. Call for more information: 903.885.2185
Dinner Bell Menu For September 20, 2017
Dinner Bell Menu for September 20, 2017 Smoked Sausage Red Beans and Rice Fried Cabbage Corn Muffins with Bacon, Cheese and Jalapeños Surprise Cookies Cottage Cheese Gelatin Sugar Free Dessert Served at 11:45 AM at the First United Methodist Church in Sulphur Springs, TX.