The Building Fund Begins
Members of the First United Methodist Church of Sulphur Springs presented a check to Senior Citizens Center Director Karon Weatherman. Members of FUMC gave what they could during a 5 month campaign in 2016. The funds were kept separate from other church offerings. “This was over and above our regular giving to the church,” said Campbell. The congregation voted to divide the donations 3 ways, and give to 3 separate needs...
Bright Star Trumpeter Performs in Four-States Honor Band
Parker Tillery, son of Michael and Amanda Tillery, lead trumpeter for the Bright Star Christian School Band was awarded a position in the Four States Honor Concert Band. The performance was held on January 14th, 2017 at the Performance Arts Center in Texarkana, TX. Over 200 students from Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma formed 2 concert bands, and one jazz band. Rehearsals were held for 3 days prior to the event. Parker says,...
Dinner Bell Receives $500 From the Celebration Association
Proceeds from the “Taste of Sulphur Springs” event that took place on November 9th, 2016 were presented to Dinner Bell on Wednesday January 18th, 2017. Mary Campbell and Kaydee Hauerwas presented the check to Head Cook Judy Gilreath. The Celebration Association promotes Downtown Businesses in Sulphur Springs, TX.
The Dinner Bell Menu, Wednesday January 18th 2017
Lions Club is the Community Partner this week for The Dinner Bell We will be having our awesome: New Year’s Stew Corn and Green Chili Muffins Salad Banana Pudding Tea or water Come and join us any Wednesday! 11:45 to 12:45 20170118_114420 2024 2028 2029 2032 2036 2039 2018 2019 2021 2020 If anyone is interested in being a Community Partner for this Mission, Please contact the FUMC office at (903)...
Young at Heart; First United Methodist Church
I recommend the Hungarian Goulash. Young at Heart meets on the third Monday of each month, rain or shine, holiday or not. A pot-luck lunch of dishes you can not get at a restaurant and fellowship is offered. Did I mention the Hungarian Goulash? If you’re a grandma, a grandpa, or just miss your grandma’s cooking, join them each month at the First United Methodist Church. All denominations welcomed, even Baptists like me...
Saturday Lunch at MLK Church of Christ
Martin Luther King Church of Christ Community Outreach Program offers a free lunch from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday. The food pantry will also be open at the church building during that time. For more information, contact lunch ministry and food pantry coordinators Sequita Mosley, Katie Robinson or Bettye Harrison or Amanda Wilkins at 903-885-8511.
Today Only; Lunch at Mitchell Chapel Church of God in Christ
Friday’s best lunch will be served starting at 10:30 a.m. and continuing until it’s all gone at Mitchell Chapel Church of God in Christ, 402 South Jackson St. Offered for a donation of $7 or more per meal will be a chopped beef sandwich, chips and a drink. Dine in or carry out available. Delivery also available for orders of two or more lunches per location in Sulphur Springs. Church members offer thanks in advance “to all our...
Ring that Dinner Bell
I finally made it to the Dinner Bell. I must admit I was a little apprehensive. Anyone who views me from the side will attest to my lack of need in the food department. I was scared it would be awkward for a well fed man like myself to partake. First United Methodist Church welcomes all. There was nothing to be afraid of. All demographics and probably every religion known to man can be found serving or being served. They ring the...
Community Outreach Lunch
Community Outreach Lunch set for this Sat. January 14 at the MLK Church of Christ located at 154 MLK Jr. Dr here in Sul. Spgs, TX beginning at 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.