Thursday Forecast
60% chance of precipitation; High: 54; Low: 42; Wind: East, northeast 5-10 mph
Wednesday Forecast
50% chance of rain and thunderstorms; High: 60; Low: 51; Wind: Northeast 10-15 mph.
Tuesday Forecast
40% chance of showers Tuesday evening; High: 75; Low 58; Wind East, northeast 5-10 mph
Sunday Forecast
30% chance of showers and thunderstorms; High: 71; Low: 51; Wind: South, southeast 5-15, gusting to 20
Saturday Forecast
60% chance showers and thunderstorms at night; High: 74; Low: 52; Wind: 5-15, increasing to 15-20 mph, gusting to 35 mph
Thursday Forecast
20% chance of showers; High: 54; Low: 44; Wind: North,northwest 15-10 mph
Wednesday Forecast
90%chance of showers and thunderstorms; High: 70 falling to 60 by 5 p.m.; Low: 47; Wind: North, northwest 10-15 mph