Thursday Forecast
40% chance of showers in the afternoon and evening; High: 64; Low: 53; Wind: East, northeast 5-10 mph
Wednesday Forecast
40% chance of showers; High: 57; Low: 52; Wind: North, northeast 5-10 mph
Monday Forecast
100% chance of rain and possibly a thunderstorm; High: 49: Low: 46; Wind: North around 15 mph, gusting to 20
Sunday Forecast
40% chance of showers and thunderstorms increasing to 90% tonight; Patchy fog also possible; High: 77; Low: 48; Wind: South becoming north in the evening 5-10 mph
Saturday Forecast
80% chance of showers and thunderstorms; High: 70; Low 64; Wind: Southeast 5-10 mph
Friday Forecast
40% chance of showers and thunderstorms; High: 66; Low: 58; Wind: Southeast around 5 mph
Wednesday Forecast
10% chance of precipitation prior to 7 a.m.; High: 76; Low: 54; Wind Northwest 5-10 mph
Tuesday Forecast
90% chance of showers and thunderstorms. Some storms could be severe; High: 82; Low: 62; Wind: South, southeast 5-15 mph