Wednesday Forecast
40% chance of showers and thunderstorms; High: 76; Low: 61; Wind: North, northeast around 10 mph
Tuesday Forecast, September 25, 2018
20% chance of showers and thunderstorms; High 77; Low 61; Wind: North, northeast 10-15 mph, gusting as high as 20 mph
Monday Forecast
Occasional drizzle and patchy fog; High: 83; Low 70; Wind: East, southeast around 5 mph
Saturday Forecast
100% chance of showers and thunderstorms; Flash Flood Watch; High: 79; Low: 69; Wind: Northeast 5-10 mph.
Friday Forecast
Flash Flood Watch; 70% chance of showers and thunderstorms; High: 86; Low: 72; Wind: South, Southeast 5-10 mph.
Wednesday Forecast
20% chance of showers and thunderstorms; High: 95 with heat index as high as 103; Low: 75; Wind: South around 5 mph
Tuesday Forecast
High: 94 with heat index as high as 99; Low: 75; Wind: South, southwest around 5 mph