Monday Forecast
20% Chance of showers and thunderstorms; High: 93 with heat index as high as 98; Low: 73; Wind: West, southwest around 5 mph
Sunday Forecast
30% chance of showers and thunderstorms; High: 92; Low: 74; Wind: Northeast around 5 mph
Saturday Forecast
20% chance of showers and thunderstorms; High: 90; Low: 74; Wind: East 5 mph
Friday Forecast
20% chance of showers and thunderstorms; High: 90; Low: 74; Wind: East around 5 mph
Wednesday Forecast
20% chance of showers and thunderstorms; High: 82; Low: 70; Wind: East 5 mph
Tuesday Forecast
50% chance of showers and thunderstorms; High: 82; Low 68; Wind: East around 5 mph
Saturday Forecast
60% chance of showers and thunderstorms; High 85; Low 67; Wind Northwest around 5 mph