Healthier Holiday Meal
Johanna Hicks By Johanna Hicks, Texas AgriLife Extension Agent, Family and Community Health Agent, [email protected] The upcoming holiday season is rapidly approaching. This is usually the time of year when we overindulge on our food choices. However, holiday meals can be made healthier without any significant difference in taste by using some basic recipes substitutions of alterations. Dr. Jenna Anding, Specialist in the Department...
RECALL: Issue With “Gluten Free” Labeling on Cedar Creek Popcorn Box Containing Gluten
Cedar Creek Popcorn of Sac City, Iowa is recalling its 18 oz. Old-Fashioned Caramel Holiday Popcorn Box because the side of the box features a Gluten Free claim when there are elements with gluten contained in the product. People who have an allergy or severe sensitivity to wheat run the risk of serious or life threatening allergic reaction if they consume these products. Cedar Creek’s 18 oz. Old-Fashioned Caramel Holiday Popcorn Box...
AG: Agreement In Principle Reached In Opioid Settlement With CVS Pharmacy
Texas to Receive $276 million Under Proposed Deal An agreement in principle has been reached with CVS Pharmacy for its role in the nationwide opioid epidemic. Under the $5.034 billion multistate settlement, more than $276 million will be designated for Texas. The agreement will largely track the terms of the Global Prescription Opioid Litigation Settlement Agreement with opioid distributors that was executed in July 2021,...
FDA Warns: Don’t Purchase or Use Artri Or Ortiga Products Due To Possible Hidden Ingredients
USFA Public Notification, Nov. 1, 2022 FDA continues to warn consumers not to purchase or use Artri and Ortiga products as the agency received adverse event reports, including of liver toxicity and death, associated with the use of Artri King and similarly named products since the first consumer warning about an Artri Ajo King product was issued on January 5, 2022, and another in April, 20, 2022. These products are...
City National Bank Employees Donate To In My Closet
Sulphur Springs, Texas – Employees of The City National Bank donated $1,150 to the Hopkins County Health Care Foundation to go to In My Closet. CNB employees donated money for the privilege of wearing jeans on Thursdays during the month of October. The employees then voted to donate the funds to In My Closet. City National Bank employees Leota Cone and John Sellers display the proceeds of an October jeans fundraiser held by bank...
November Is Both Lung Cancer And COPD Awareness Month
CHRISTUS Mother Frances Hospital – Sulphur Springs Business News: Oct. 31, 2022 By Jennifer Heitman, Senior Market Development, CHRISTUS Mother Frances Hospital – Sulphur Springs, [email protected] Are you noticing a theme? Our lungs are vital! As always, having an annual physical by your Primary Care Provider is of utmost importance. If your provider decides you need further diagnostics they will be able to...
Sulphur Springs Ladies Golf Association Donates To In My Closet
By Kayla Price, executive director, Hopkins County Health Care Foundation Sulphur Springs, Texas – The Sulphur Springs Ladies Golf Association held their annual fundraising tournament on October 26 at the Sulphur Springs Country Club. Participants showed their support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, not only by raising over $5,000, but also by wearing pink. Rhonda Underwood (right) representing the SS Ladies Golf Association,...
Week 4: Hopkins County United Way Receives $16,346.42 In Donations, Pledges Toward Goal
Hopkins County United Way campaign workers turned in another $16,346.42 in donations and pledges, which were applied toward this year’s overall $150,000 goal to benefit 18 local non-profit agencies. Overall, that makes $70,181.69 HCUW had received as of the fourth weekly campaign workers’ report meeting this week, which put the campaign at just shy of 50% of the goal, with only 2 weeks left in the campaign. “Every...
Chamber Connection: The 53rd Annual Stew Festival Was Fantastic
By Butch Burney, CEO/President, Hopkins County Chamber of Commerce Wow, what a great day at the park! Despite some gusty winds and a little bit of a warm day, the 53rd Annual Hopkins County Stew Festival, sponsored by Alliance Bank, was fantastic! Thanks to our 167 cook sites, our adult volunteers and student volunteers, about 7,500 people were able to enjoy beef and chicken stew, with crackers and cheese, while also shopping the...
Hopkins County Sheriff’s Posse Joins DEA In Hosting Drug Take-Back Day On Oct. 29, 2022
The Hopkins County Sheriff’s Posse, in conjunction with the DEA, is hosting a National Drug Take-Back Day for the Hopkins County area from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. this Saturday, October 29, 2022, in Wal-Mart parking lot (the northwest corner close to Super Handy), 1750 South Broadway St. in Sulphur Springs. The DEA’s National Prescription Drug Take Back Day reflects DEA’s commitment to Americans’ safety and health, encouraging the public to...