What To Expect In Local City and County Facilities Following GA-34
Governor Greg Abbott’s announcement last week of GA-34, which retracts most of the other Governor’s Order enacted related to COVID-19 over the last several months, goes into effect today (Wednesday, March 10). Businesses that choose to do so will be allowed to reopen with no capacity limits, and most public face mask requirements are also lifted — although business owners are allowed to request people wear masks if...
2 Jailed On Controlled Substance Charge, 2 On A DWI Charge
At least six people have been arrested on drugs, alcohol and related charges. Two were jailed on controlled substance charges, two on a DWI charge, and one each on or drug paraphernalia and marijuana charges, according to arrest reports. SH 19 Controlled Substance, Drug Paraphernalia Arrests Hopkins County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Justin Wilkerson initiated a traffic stop on a southbound Hyundai Tucson at 9:49 p.m. March 8 on...
Sulphur Springs Man Jailed Third Time For Parole Violation
March 9, 2021 – A 26-year-old Sulphur Springs man was booked into Hopkins County jail for the third time since 2016 on warrant for a parole violation. Jake Adam Blount (HCSO jail photo) Sulphur Springs Police Department communication operators dispatched officers at approximately 9:50 a.m. Monday, March 8, to a disturbance at CHRISTUS Mother Frances Hospital-Sulphur Springs. Upon arrival, SSPD Officer Tyler Francis was directed...
Sulphur Springs Woman Jailed For The Second Time In Less Than A Month
On Saturday, a 37-year-old Sulphur Springs woman was jailed for the second time in less a month on a controlled substance charge, according to arrest reports. Jessica Smith (HCSO jail photo) Hopkins County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Elijah Fite reported stopping a silver Ford Fusion just before 4 a.m. Saturday, March 6, on East Industrial Drive for multiple traffic violations. Fite noted the woman failed to make eye contact with...
Two Jailed Early Saturday Morning On Felony Warrants
Two people were jailed early Saturday on felony warrants, according to arrest reports. Randolph-Lamar Street Arrest Joseph Hodges (HCSO jail photo) Sulphur Springs Police Officer Shawn Albright and Officer Francisco Castro responded at 1:40 a.m. March 6 found a 66-year-old Sulphur Springs man out in public while intoxicated to the point he posed a potential danger to himself or others. A records check showed Joseph Hodges also had an...
Ecstasy Pill Located During Early Morning Traffic Stop
An ecstasy pill located during an early morning traffic stop resulted in one felony arrest, according to police reports. Sulphur Springs Police Officer Silas Whaley stopped De Shaun Keith Denmark for speeding in a Jeep Liberty at 1:45 a.m. March 4 on Gilmer Street. During a probable cause search of the vehicle, a reddish pink pill later identified as Ecstasy weighing less than one gram was located, Whaley alleged in arrest reports....
Four Arrested On Felony Warrants
Local authorities arrested four people on felony warrants in the last three days, according to arrest reports. Mile Marker 120 Traffic Stop Mark Dale Schunatz Hopkins County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Nick Marney stopped a white and gold Lexus ES300 at just before 11 p.m. March 1 on Interstate 30 west at mile marker 120 for defective license plate lights. A records check showed showed why Mark Dale Schunatz likely appeared nervous...
6 Jailed On Possession Charges
At least 6 people have been jail on possession charges this week, three as a result of traffic stops and three on warrants, according to arrest reports. Gilmer Street Traffic Stop Elizabeth Louise Willis and Orenthal Clifton Brown Sulphur Springs Police Officer Francisco Castro stopped a black Honda about 8:20 p.m. Monday, March 1 for a traffic violation. The driver reportedly showed nervous tendencies. A search of the car allegedly...
Governor’s Executive Order GA-34 Lifts Mask Mandate, Allows Businesses To Open at 100 Percent Starting March 10
After almost a full year of COVID-19 restrictions, Governor Greg Abbott today issued Executive Order (GA-34) lifting the mask mandate in Texas and increasing capacity of all businesses and facilities in the state to 100 percent starting next Wednesday, March 10, 2021. The Governor made the announcement in Lubbock on Tuesday, March 2. Texas Governor Greg Abbott “With the medical advancements of vaccines and antibody therapeutic...
Man Jailed For Evading Arrest Or Detention
A 41-year-old Sulphur Springs man was jailed for evading arrest or detention Saturday night on Fuller Street, according to police reports. Christopher James Timmons After responding to more than once to disturbances in which the man was alleged to have been involved, then left, a Sulphur Springs Police officer spotted the suspect shortley after 10 p.m. Feb. 27 walking toward the area of the prior disturbances. Upon contact, alcohol...