Maxwell: Audit Showed Sulphur Springs Had Well Controlled, Healthy Financials In FY 2021
Backhoe Purchase Approved By City Council The City of Sulphur Springs’ annual audit showed the fund balance up and debt going down in 2021, city officials reported this week. A backhoe purchase was also approved by Sulphur Springs City Council Tuesday. Sulphur Springs Municipal Building (City Hall) Backhoe Purchase At the regular March 1 meeting, Sulphur Springs City Council was asked to consider approving a purchase of a...
Special City Council Meeting Called For Equipment Purchase, FY 2021 Audit
A special meeting of Sulphur Springs City Council has been called for Tuesday for consideration of an large equipment purchase and an audit. Equipment Purchase The City Council will once again be asked to consider using a Sourcewell contract to purchase a backhoe from South Star JCB. The Council also considered but opted after discussion during the regular meeting on March 1, 2022, to follow City Manager Marc Maxwell’s...
Mayor Encourages All To Join Him in Celebration Of Texas History Month
March 6 Designated As Alamo Day Texas has a diverse and colorful history, which Sulphur Springs Mayor John Sellers hopes all will join him during the month of March in celebrating the state during Texas History Month. And, for those who many not know, not only is March a busy and important month in Texas but several important events transpired and are observed during the first full week in March – including Alamo Day on March 6....
Contractors Selected For Curb And Gutter Work; Backhoe Purchase Put On Hold For A Month
Contractors were selected for curb and gutter removal and replacement as part of the 2022 street improvement program, while a backhoe purchase was put on hold for a month by Sulphur Springs City Council. Also during the regular March council meeting earlier this week, action was taken to cancel the May 7 City Council election. Street Work Assistant City Manager/Community Development Director Tory Niewiadomski told the City Council the...
Sulphur Springs City Council Eyeing Renewal Of Curfew For Unaccompanied Minors
Sulphur Springs City Council, on first reading, approved renewal of Ordinance No. 2762, establishing a curfew for unaccompanied minors. Light pole and banner on Celebration Plaza in downtown Sulphur Springs. Sulphur Springs Police Chief Jason Ricketson, during the regular City Council meeting on March 1, 2022, said the ordinance gives officers an option that serves as a safety measure, offering officers a legal option in dealing with...
Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report – March 1, 2022
Sulphur Springs City Manager Marc Maxwell presented the following report to the City Council during the regular monthly council meeting on March 1, 2022. COVID-19 Response We have 3 patients in the COVID unit at the hospital. Claims We did not have any liability claims or workers compensation claims from February. Senior Citizens Building It looks like we are going to get the $2.4 million in grant funding that we...
Sulphur Springs City Council To Consider Renewing Curfew For Unaccompanied Minors
As the polls are closing in the Party Primary Elections tonight, the regular meeting of Sulphur Springs City Council is slated to begin. The March 1, 2022 agenda is rather short, with only 12 items listed including opening, closing, time allocated for any public comments and adjournment. One of the six action items on the 7 p.m. agenda tonight is discussion on potentially extending Ordinance No. 2762. Chairs for visitors, presenters,...
2 Days Left To File Candidacy For Municipal, School and Hospital District May 7 Elections
So Far No Candidates Are Challenged In May 7 Sulphur Springs and Yantis ISD Board, Sulphur Springs City Council Elections With only 2 days left to file, and so far only as many candidates are reported to have filed so far as places on May 7, 2022 Sulphur Springs ISD Board of Trustees, Yantis ISD Board of Trustees, Sulphur Springs City Council and Hopkins County Hospital District Board of Directors Elections. The filing deadline is the...
City Officials To Begin Process Of Rousting Buzzards From Trees In Town Monday
Sulphur Springs officials will begin working with the USDA biologists Monday evening to begin the process of rousting buzzards from their roosts in the area of Main and Connally streets between Fore and Water Oak Streets. Sulphur Springs resident Gene White asked Sulphur Springs City Council during the elected officials’ January meeting to consider intervening in the area, where what appeared to be buzzards have ensconced...
Sulphur Springs City Council Place 4 Candidate Tommy Harrison
Tommy Harrison filed Tuesday for candidacy for Place 4 on the May 7, 2022 Sulphur Springs City Council Election ballot. Tommy Harrison, candidate for Place 4 on Sulphur Springs City Council Harrison said he is seeking the Place 4 seat on the council so he “can bring a breath of fresh air to the City of Sulphur Springs.” The candidate said he is a retired Department of Defense Army civilian, and includes among the training,...