Constitutional Amendment Order Decided for November 2, 2021 Election
AUSTIN, Texas – Deputy Secretary of State Joe Esparza today drew the ballot order for the 8 proposed amendments to the Texas Constitution that will appear on the Nov. 2 ballot. In order to appear on the ballot, the proposed amendments must be approved by at least two-thirds of the members of both the Texas Senate and the Texas House of Representatives. Texans will have the opportunity to approve the following amendments with a...
Downtown West Redesign Proposal Features Plenty Of Water, Shade Trees, Engaging Interactive Components
Toole Design Group unveiled a Downtown West redesign proposal Thursday evening to a room of about 40-50 people. The plan includes use of water, shade and engaging interactive components for individuals, families and children. The project likely will be completed in stages over the course of several years due to the cost and large scale of the project which will require redirecting the storm water drain system to travel north/south...
Downtown West Redesign Reveal Scheduled Tonight At The Grays Building
After three days of gathering community input and ideas, the Toole Design Group team spent last night and will spend today working on a redesign plan for Downtown West, the City of Sulphur Springs’ latest downtown improvement project. Tonight, Ian Lockwood and the Toole Design team will reveal their Downtown West redesign concept. Ian Lockwood and the Tool Design Group team, along with city officials, greet community members...
Sulphur Springs Turns Page On New Chapter With Downtown West Planning
The City of Sulphur springs turned the page Monday on a new chapter in downtown development, with the start of planning for Downtown West, which Ian Lockwood of Toole Design Group calls “the next step in the evolution of downtown.” Downtown West is the area loosely bounded by Mulberry, Rogers/Magnolia and Van Sickle streets and the Kansas City Southern railroad tracks. Downtown West community planning meeting, July...
Cutoffs Will Begin Tuesday For Water Customers Who Have Yet To Address Overdue Bills Accrued Due To COVID-19
Cutoffs will begin Tuesday, July 20, 2021, for Sulphur Springs water customers who have yet to address overdue city utility bills accrued due to COVID-19, Sulphur Springs City Manager Marc Maxwell reminded Thursday morning. A total of 503 water accounts were behind by 30 days or more, including 29 accounts that were more than 12 months or more past due as Tuesday, April 6, 2021, City staff during the April meeting asked Sulphur...
Planning Meeting Set July 19, Charette Slated July 20-22 With Lockwood, TDG For Downtown West Planning
They’re back! Ian Lockwood with Toole Design Group is returning to Sulphur Springs with his team of urban design professionals to conduct another planning charrette, only this time for Downtown West. Ian Lockwood during a previous community meeting Downtown West is the area loosely bounded by Mulberry, Rogers/Magnolia and Van Sickle streets and the Kansas City Southern railroad tracks. The...
Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report – July 2021
Sulphur Springs City Council received from City Manager Marc Maxwell the following monthly manager’s report during the July 7, 2021, council meeting: COVID-19 Response The number of active cases in Hopkins County decreased 58% since our last meeting with 16 active cases as of May 28th. There are 0 patients in the COVID unit at the hospital. Grays Building The building is sufficiently completed to rent out for events. Landscaping is...
3 Assistant City Managers Appointed, Top Candidates For Secretary, Attorney Named
Three assistant city managers were appointed and the top candidates for city secretary and city attorney were also named during Tuesday night’s regular Sulphur Springs City Council meeting. City Manager Marc Maxwell noted the council held an executive session just prior to the start of the 7 p.m. meeting. He said the recommendations were part of long term personnel planning for the city. Maxwell stated that the city has been...
Independence Day Celebration A Big Hit
Following more than a year sans regular observances and events, the 29th Annual Independence Day Celebration held appropriately on Celebration Plaza in Sulphur Springs was a big hit. Many brought lawn chairs and blankets for family and friends to enjoy the military march, concert and fireworks. Others enjoyed their meals al fresco at downtown restaurants, soaking in the festive spirit and music performed by Northeast Texas Symphony...
Sulphur Springs City Council Will Be Asked To Act To Protect Area Water Rights
Maxwell: City of Texarkana’s Superior Water Use Request Could Impact Cooper Lake, Regional Water Supply While most of the Sulphur Springs City Council July 6 agenda appears fairly routine, with the exception of two items: one would start the process to protect the area water rights and another could provide funding to advance development on the old Thermo mine property. Water Use Permit The Sulphur Springs City Council will be...