Chamber Connection – June 23: Adult Leadership Class, Stew Logo Contest, Lunch & Learn, Showcase Announced
Hopkins County Chamber of Commerce By Butch Burney Summer may be a time for vacations and holidays, but there is a lot going on at the Chamber. Adult Leadership, the stew logo contest, the upcoming Showcase and a political luncheon are just a few of the things we are working on. Here’s some information on each: Adult Leadership You may think you know all there is to know about Sulphur Springs and Hopkins County, but if you haven’t...
City Council Approves Rezoning Requests, Grant Application, Hears Project Updates
Sulphur Springs City Council approved rezoning requests and a grant application for a new project this week. City Finance Director reports March sales tax numbers were up. Rezoning Requests The city council approved on second and final reading ordinances granting rezoning requests from Larry and Linda Evans and Chuck Sickles during the the regular council meeting on June 1, 2021. The Evans asked that their property at 1340 South...
Sulphur Springs City Council Approves Appointments to 11 Boards and Commissions
In addition to swearing in four councilmen, Sulphur Springs City Council approved appointments to 11 boards and commissions, selected which councilmen will serve as mayor and mayor pro tem during Tuesday evening’s regular council meeting. City Council Re-Organization After an election in November for four places on the council, then a runoff in December for Place 1, all four councilmen elected to the City Council in 2020 again...
Grant Application, Proposal For Project Near Downtown On June 1 Council Agenda
A grant application, proposal for a project near downtown, final approval of two rezoning requests and multiple board appointments are on the June 1, 2021, Sulphur Springs City Council agenda. The City Council will be asked to consider approving an application for a Texas Department of Transportation 2021 Transportation Alternatives Set Aside (TA) Project grant. City staff members are expected to brief the council on the proposal...
DRB Approved 2 Design Requests, City Council To Discuss Multiple Topics At Retreat
Sulphur Springs City Council this afternoon will discuss a number of topics during a retreat, but is not scheduled to take action on any items during the meeting. The Downtown Revitalization Board in a meeting earlier this week approved two design requests, one to update a façade and another for signage and painting for a new bakery and coffee shop in the downtown area. Council Retreat The City Council is slated to meet at 1:30 p.m....
380 Agreement Granted For Towne Street Property
Sulphur Springs City Council Declines Oncor’s Application To Increase “Distribution Cost Recovery Factor” Rates A 380 agreement was granted for a Towne Street property, while a requested rate increase by Oncor was denied by Sulphur Springs City Council at the regular May council meeting. The City Council also approved an interlocal purchasing agreement with the City of Frisco. Sulphur Springs City Council approved a...
New Ordinance Restricts Parking On Tomlinson Street
A new ordinance adopted by Sulphur Springs City Council this week will restrict parking in the 200 block of Tomlinson Street. Ordinance No. 2779, as proposed, prohibits parking on the north side of Tomlinson Street from a point beginning 35 feet east of the Davis Street intersection and ending 100 feet east of the Davis Street intersection. There would be no parking on the south side of Tomlinson Street between Davis and Gilmer...
City Council Approves Zoning Ordinances As Proposed
Sulphur Springs City Council approved three zoning ordinances as proposed at the elected board’s regular May meeting. City officials approved on second reading Ordinance No. 2778, and on first reading Ordinances No. 2780 and No. 2791. These properties are located along the State Highway 19/Loop 301/I-30 corridor, which was intended for commercial and industrial development. Location of request granted to Donnie and Allen...
Councilman Recommends Naming Pacific Park Barbecue Pit After Beachum
Sulphur Springs City Councilman for Place 3, Oscar Aguilar, answered the Juneteenth Celebration Committee’s request to honor the late Prince Beachum by naming something in Pacific Park after him with a suggestion of his own. Oscar Aguilar, Place 3 Sulphur Springs City Council Patricia Morgan asked the City Council during the regular April meeting, on behalf of the Juneteenth Committee and community members, to recognition of...
May 2021 City Manager’s Report
Marc Maxwell Sulphur Springs City Council received from City Manager Marc Maxwell the following monthly manager’s report during the May 4, 2021 council meeting: COVID-19 RESPONSE The number of active cases in Hopkins County decreased 82% since our last meeting with 27 active cases as of May 4th. There are 4 patients in the COVID unit at the hospital. GRAYS BUILDING The brick is installed. The walls are painted. The concrete floors...