Sulphur Springs City Council Has Full Agenda Tuesday
Sulphur Springs City Council has a full evening of work ahead Tuesday, with a budget work session and full meeting agenda which includes recommendations for three ordinance amendments, 10 resolutions, two contract service bids, a lease agreement, consideration of action for a November election and an executive session for an economic development matter. Sulphur Springs Municipal Building The council via scheduled at 6 p.m. to hold a...
City Considering Pursuing Grant To Repair, Add New Sidewalks On Oak Avenue
Officials for the City of Sulphur Springs anticipates applying to Texas Department of Agriculture for a Texas Community Development Block Grant Program 2020 Downtown Revitalization Program Grant. The city anticipates the funding would be used for sidewalks on Oak Avenue. Both sides of Oak Avenue, just past the railroad tracks, facing downtown At the July 7, 2020 meeting of Sulphur Springs City Council, GrantWorks was set to be the TDA...
2 Zoning Ordinance Amendments Proposed
Sulphur Springs Planning & Zoning Commission heard two proposals July 20 from city staff to amend zoning ordinances, and is recommending both to the City Council. One proposed amendment defines cosmetic tattooing and permanent makeup and establishes zones in which salons would be allowed to provide those services without a special use permit while the other defines accessory dwelling unit, as well as eligibility, criteria and...
City Offering Grants Of Up To $2,500 To Qualified Small Businesses Impacted By COVID-19
Only 31 Applications Received So Far For City’s Small Business Assistance Program Applications were still available Thursday for eligible Sulphur Springs businesses interested in applying for the City of Sulphur Springs’ small business assistance grant program. The city proposed the planned program, which gained approval, at last Tuesday’s regular City Council meeting to provide a small amount of assistance to...
Election Day Is Tuesday, July 14, In Party Primary Runoffs
Election Day is Tuesday, July 14, in Republican and Democratic Party Primary Runoff Elections. Already 1,525 of the 23,351 registered voters in Hopkins County took advantage of the early voting period to cast their choices in Democratic and Republican runoffs. Early Voting That’s 6.53 percent of registered voters in Hopkins County casting ballots during the early voting period either in person at the polling center or by mail-in...
Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report – July 2020
The following Manager’s Report was presented July 7, 2020, to Sulphur Springs City Council by City Manager Marc Maxwell. COVID-19 RESPONSE • Most City Offices have reopened. Police Department, Fire Department, Water Treatment Plant and Wastewater Treatment Plant remain closed. The Municipal Library has reopened.• Police and Fire continue to implement new procedures for dealing with persons suspected of COVID-19.• Police and Fire...
City Of Sulphur Springs Establishes Small Business Assistance Program In Response To COVID-19
Applications Available Online And Will Be Accepted Beginning At 8 a.m. July 8 Sulphur Springs City Council Tuesday night authorized the establishment of a small business assistance program in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Qualifying small Sulphur Springs businesses can download the application starting Tuesday evening from the COVID-19 Business Resources menu on the City of Sulphur Springs’ website to seek up to $2,500 in...
City Facility Reservation, Use Policy On July 7 Council Agenda
The regular meeting of the Sulphur Springs City Council will once again be conducted via teleconference at 7 p.m. July 7, 2020. A recording of the meetting will be available for the general public to view on Youtube. These measures are due to COVID-19 precautions and restrictions. The July 7 agenda, in addition to the regular administrative reports and consent agenda, includes three resolutions, including one which would impact city...
Louisiana Man Accused of Vehicle Burglary
A 41-year-old Louisiana man was accused of a vehicle burglary after police caught him in the front seat of a vehicle with a damaged door handle, a hollowed out key hole and a damaged ignition switch. Sulphur Springs Police officers were reportedly dispatched to a report of suspicious activity, what appeared to a witness to be two white males breaking into a vehicle. Just prior to arrival, police were told one of the pair had left the...
City To Charge For Use Of Council Chambers
If you had your eye on the City Council Chambers inside the Sulphur Springs Municipal Building (City Hall) for an event or meeting, there will be a fee for new bookings moving forward. The City of Sulphur Springs currently allows the Council Chambers inside City Hall to be used for events, classes, meetings and other gatherings at no cost, City Finance Director Lesa Smith noted. The other city facilities available for use — the...