Commissioners Court Agrees To Partner With City To Use Mechanical Concrete To Stabilize Some Roads
Inter-local Agreement To Be Presented To Sulphur Springs City Council in November Hopkins County Commissioners Court Monday agreed Monday to partner with the City of Sulphur Springs to re-use parts of scrap tires utilizing the process called mechanical concrete to help improve some city and county roads. Essentially, the county will collect scrap automobile and light truck tires at regular intervals, approximately twice a month. The...
Cumby City Council Approves Resolution Calling For Special May 2 Election For Place 2 Alderman
Discussion On Annual Audit, Employee Manual, An Annexation Cumby City Hall, 100 East Main Street, Cumby, Texas The resignation of a recently appointed alderman marks the second in recent months, which could necessitate a May 2 special election of fill the Place 2 alderman seat on Cumby City Council. The city employee manual, rescinding the recent Alderman appointment and a resolution calling for a special May 2, 2020 election,...
Sulphur Springs Man Jailed On Lamar County Violation Of Probation Warrant
A 20-year-old Sulphur Springs man was arrested at his residence Monday evening on a Lamar County warrant for violating probation on a controlled substance charge, according to arrest and jail reports. According to arrest reports, Sulphur Springs Police Officer Sean Hoffman was made aware of the warrant for Heston Blaze Golightly’s arrest. Hoffma, in arrest reports, said he knew Golightly’s Pollard Street address and...
Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report For Oct. 1, 2019
Presented to the City Council by City Manager Marc Maxwell on Oct. 1, 2019 SUNSET STREET – This project is nearing completion. The Capital Construction Division is on the last segment of this street. You can see them setting forms for curb & gutter in the photo to the right. I expect them to finish in 3 weeks, as we will still need to tie-in some driveways. Work progresses on Sunset Street CONNALLY STREET – The contractor, 5W...
Curb And Sidewalk Ordinances Receive City Council Approval
Sulphur Springs City Council Sulphur Springs City Council approved on second and final reading Tuesday night proposed changes to ordinances prohibiting curbside parking at intersections and use of certain wheeled conveyances in certain areas of town. Curb Parking Ordinance No. 2759 amends Chapter 25 of the Code of Ordinances to include Section 25-82.1, which prohibits curbside parking within 30 feet of any intersection inside the city...
Hopkins County Commissioners Court Oct. 1 Meeting Agendas
Hopkins County Commissioners Court Hopkins County Courthouse, 118 Church St., Sulphur Springs, Texas
Parks Planning; Curb and Wheeled Conveyance Ordinances Top Oct. 1 City Council Agenda
Sulphur Springs City Hal Parks planning and grant applications, and ordinances regarding curbside parking and wheeled conveyances in commercial areas are among the items to be discussed and considered by Sulphur Springs City Council Tuesday night, Oct. 1. Parks At least three items on the agenda deal with parks. The council is to hold a public hearing regarding plans to submit a grant application to Texas Parks and Wildlife Department...
Cumby City Council To Appoint New Member, Consider Budget and Tax Rate
Cumby City Hall, 100 East Main Street, Cumby, Texas The Cumby City Council has posted notification of a Special Meeting Agenda to be held Saturday, September 21st at 9:00am. The City Council must appoint a new member to fill a recent vacancy as the result of a resignation. The remaining members must consider an appointment of a resident of Cumby, and if so appointed, that person will immediately be sworn in to the Alderman Place 2...
Sulphur Springs City Council Special Workshop Update
About 60 concerned citizens gathered in the City Council Chambers on Monday evening, September 16th, to hear council members discuss the “vision” of Sulphur Springs. The special workshop meeting was called by Mayor Norman Sanders, to discuss ideas and hear about past projects and long range plans for the city. Mr. Sanders tells KSST News that he is thrilled of the progress that the city has made with downtown, Coleman...
City To Hold Sept. 24 Hearing Regarding Special Election Called For Proposition A
If you have comments, questions or thoughts regarding the upcoming special election for Proposition A, then be sure to mark Sept. 24 on your calendar. A public hearing will be held at 7 p.m. that Tuesday at City Hall, 201 North Davis St., to notify Sulphur Springs residents of the scope and budget impact of the proposition. Sulphur Springs City County at their regular July meeting called for the Nov. 5 election this summer in order to...