Sulphur Springs City Council Sept. 16 Special Workshop Agenda
CITY OF SULPHUR SPRINGS, TEXAS SPECIAL WORKSHOP OF THE CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 16, 2019, 6:00 P.M. A special workshop of the Sulphur Springs City Council will be held at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, September 16, 2019 in the Council Room at 201 North Davis. The following items will be discussed: Call to order.Pledge and invocation.Discussion only regarding the vision for the City of Sulphur SpringsAdjourn Sulphur Springs City Hall, 201 North...
Cumby City Council To Discuss Water Meter Rates, Appoint Associate Judge
Cumby City Hall, 100 East Main Street, Cumby, Texas Water meter rates, the seizure fund, a grant, an emergency number and associate judge’s evaluation are among the items to be discussed and considered at tonight by Cumby City Council. During the 6:30 p.m. meeting Tuesday, Sept. 10, the Cumby City Council is slated to discuss and considered adopting a resolution authorizing submission of a Community Development Block Grant...
Go Ahead Given For New Business Building On Gilmer Street, Plus An 8-Unit Building And 6 Quadplexes
If you’ve driven down Gilmer Street at the Oak Avenue split this spring and summer, you most likely wondered what was planned for the property where the old house was removed. That is tabbed to become Stone Leaf Stone Leaf Addition Sulphur Springs City Council this week agreed to a request from GNZ Land Holdings, LLC, to combine several lots totaling 4.916 acres of property, just off Gilmer Street, into two lots. This will...
Ordinance Change Would Prohibit Scooters, Roller Blades On City Sidewalks
Sulphur Springs City Council will be asked at an upcoming meeting to approve on second reading an ordinance prohibiting most wheeled devices from being driven, rolled and ridden on sidewalks in “commercially zoned areas.” Ordinance No. 2760, as proposed would amend Chapter 25, Article VI of the city code, changing the title to “Bicycles, scooters and other wheeled conveyances.” The code would include...
Proposed Ordinance Would Limit Curbside Parking At Intersections in City Limits
A new ordinance proposed this week by city officials would amend city policies regarding curbside parking. Ordinance No. 2759 would amend Chapter 25 of the Code of Ordinances to include Section 25-82.1, prohibiting curbside parking within 25 feet of any intersection inside the city limits. City Attorney Jim McLeroy explained that this was an ordinance city officials had received a request for. City staff explored the idea of...
Street Maintenance Doubled In Sulphur Springs In Spring
Waste Lift System Repairs Begin Sooner Than Originally Planned The street maintenance fee program implements in 2019 has been successful, doubling the amount street surfaces that received repairs this year, thanks to the $5 street maintenance fee Sulphur Springs residents pay on their utility bills. Plans for another major repair project had to be started immediately due to the precarious state of the system; the Cantex sewer lift...
City Property Tax, Utility Rates Approved On First Reading By Council
Sulphur Springs Finance Director Lesa Smith, City Secretary Gale Roberts Sulphur Springs City Council approved on first reading several ordinances dealing with the city property tax and service rates, as well as another amending the 2018-19 budget. Budget City Finance Director Lesa Smith asked the council to approve Ordinance 27851, which amends the 2018-19 budget. She explained that Sulphur Springs Municipal Airport has sold more jet...
Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report For Sept. 3, 2019
Presented by Sulphur Springs City Manager Marc Maxwell during the Sept. 3, 2019 City Council meeting. Progress on street construction work SUNSET STREET – The Capital Construction Division is back at work on Sunset Street. We have changed the profile of the lay-down curbs to a gentler transition. This is a grant funded project through the Community Development Block Grant program. CONNALLY STREET – The contractor, 5W Contracting, has...
Sulphur Springs City Council To Consider 11 Ordinances, Asset Forfeiture and EDC Budgets At Sept. 3 Meeting
Aside from the City Council and a few other city officials, the Council Room at Sulphur Springs City Hall was empty during the required public hearing for the city tax rate. Proposals for 11 city ordinances will be read for the first time during the Sept. 3 meeting of Sulphur Springs City Council. Most of the ordinances relate to the city budget, tax rate and services fees. However, one ordinance would prevent people from rolling down...