City Council Approves Ordinance for Street Maintenance Fees to Be Added to Water Bills
After approximately 20 minutes of discussion and answering questions by one local resident, the Sulphur Springs City Council approved on second reading a Street Maintenance Fee Ordnance that will add additional funds to the Street Paving Project and sets up a separate designated account for the funds. Sulphur Springs City Council met in regular session Tuesday evening in Council Chambers. The Street Maintenance Fee Ordinance was not...
Fee Added to Water Bills Could Add More Streets to 2019 Street Improvement Plan
During their November regular session, the Sulphur Springs City Council approved the first reading of an ordinance that will add a fee to water bills for residential, commercial and industrial users. The fee will be used to fund additional streets in the paving program for 2019. The ordinance does not take effect until the second reading is approved. If approved another 2.3 miles of maintenance including an additional nine (9) streets...
City Council Approves First Reading of Street Maintenance Fees, Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Expansion
In a unanimous vote the Sulphur Springs City Council passed on first reading an ordinance regarding street maintenance fees. A monthly fee of $5 will be added to the single family residential water bill and $3.75 for multifamily, which will generate $467,000 for street improvements during the first year. The council also approved the first reading of an ordinance that will expand the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction to include all of the...
City Manager’s Report to Council November 6, 2018
CROSSTOWN TRAIL – The flashing lights for the Main Street crossing have been installed and are now operational. The capital construction division installed 596 linear feet of sidewalk divided among Coleman Dam, Peavine Pinion Pond and the high school. SUNSET STREET – We opened bids for materials for this project on October 24th. Of the 5 bid packets, we only had successful bids on 2 of them. We will have to rebid the...
Sulphur Springs City Council Agenda, November 6, 2018
The regular meeting of the Sulphur Springs City Council will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 6, 2018 in the Council Room at 201 North Davis Street. The following items will be discussed: Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag, Texas Flag, and invocation. 2. Presentations, proclamations, and announcements. 3. Manager’s...
City Council Approves Development Agreement to Acquire Over 4000 Acres
Signing development agreement between the City of Sulphur Springs and Luminant Mining, LLC, are (left to right) Mayor John Sellers, City Manager Marc Maxwell, and City Attorney Jim McLeroy. A unanimous vote of the Sulphur Springs City Council to approve a development agreement between Luminant Mining Company LLC and the city that will lead to the city owning over 4,000 acres located between FM 1870 and State Highway 11 that was once a...
Council Takes Steps for Improvements to Pacific Park, Ordinance for Mobile Food Units, and Rezoning Along Wildcat Way
Tuesday night during the regular session of the Sulphur Springs City Council, the council approved two items that will lead to improvements at Pacific Park, two items that will facilitate the relocation of Murray-Orwosky Funeral Home, and discussed the development of an ordinance regarding mobile food units. The council approved a motion to solicit bids on 50 acres of property on County Road 4738 and to set a minimum bid of $150,000....
Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report October 2, 2018
CANTEX FORCE MAIN – This project is completed. The Capital Construction division connected the final segment of sewer main to the Cantex Lift Station and began pumping through the new force main Monday night. This was the final capital improvement project in the 2013-2017 C.I.P. It replaces 2,400 linear feet of aging sewer force main and 2,900 feet of gravity main. The sewer main did pass through the middle of the hospital...
Sulphur Springs City Council Agenda October 2, 2018
CITY OF SULPHUR SPRINGS, TEXAS REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 2, 2018 7:00 P.M. The regular meeting of the Sulphur Springs City Council will be held at 7:00p.m. on Tuesday, October 2, 2018 in the Council Room at 201 North Davis Street. The following items will be discussed: Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag, Texas Flag, and invocation. 2. Presentations, proclamations, and announcements. 3. ...
City Council Approves Final Reading of Ordinances for Rates and Rezoning
Sulphur Springs City Council met Tuesday night in a Special Session to approve the second and final reading of a number or ordinances, some of which had to be approved before October 1, 2018. The Council approved the tax rate that will not change but will see a slight revenue increase due to higher evaluation of properties in the city. The property values are set by the Hopkins County Tax Appraisal District. They also approved the...