Public Fails to Respond to First City Council Tax Hearing

Public Fails to Respond to First City Council Tax Hearing

A special meeting of the Sulphur Springs City Council was held at 12:00 p.m. on Friday, August 19,2016. The Council met in the Council Room at 201 N Davis St. The purpose of the special meeting was to conduct a public hearing for the proposed tax increase. No one from the public was there to speak. Mayor Emily Glass explained that state regulates the appraisals, not the City of Sulphur Springs. She also added that even if home values...

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Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report

Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report

TO:                  CITY COUNCIL FROM:            CITY MANAGER, MARC MAXWELL SUBJ:              MANAGER’S REPORT STREETS, WATER AND SEWER –   The water line is installed on Bill Bradford Road all the way to Como Street.  Construction will continue to the southeast until we tie into an existing line just beyond the Saputo employee parking driveway.  That’s about 300 more feet.  The sewer main lacks 700 feet to be completed; 500...

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Glass Elected Mayor; Council Honors DI Team; Approves Concrete for Bill Bradford Road

Glass Elected Mayor; Council Honors DI Team; Approves Concrete for Bill Bradford Road

Bill Bradford Road will be a concrete roadway following the vote of the Sulphur Springs City Council during their Tuesday night, June 7th meeting. The city accepted the low bid for the concrete and for the stabilizing of the roadway. The budget for the road reconstruction is now $1.7 million. When the street, that has become a major access in the city, is completed, it will include a total rework of water and sewer lines as well as...

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City Council Incumbents, Taylor, Glass, Returned to Office by Voters

City Council Incumbents, Taylor, Glass, Returned to Office by Voters

City Council incumbents Freddie Taylor, Place 4, and Emily Glass, Place 5, have been re-elected by voters in Sulphur Springs. With 240 votes cast in early voting, near that number turned out Saturday to vote. For Place 4, Taylor received 330 votes to defeat Charles Oxford who received 130 votes. For Place 5, Glass received 305 votes to defeat Jimmy Lucas who received 148 votes. Votes will be canvased at a later...

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City Council Election Saturday, May 7

City Council Election Saturday, May 7

Saturday, May 7th, is Municipal Election Day for Sulphur Springs City Council Places 4 and 5. Voting will take place at the Sulphur Springs ISD Administration Board Room, located at 631 Connally Street. The entrance to the board room is off the north (back) parking lot. Hours for voting are 7 a.m. until 7 p.m.   For City Council Place 4, Charles G. Oxford will appear first on the ballot followed by incumbent Freddie Taylor. In the...

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Mayor Celebrates Arbor Day Planting Tree in Buford Park

Mayor Celebrates Arbor Day Planting Tree in Buford Park

Sulphur Springs Mayor Kayla Price-Mitchell planted a tree in honor of Arbor Day Thursday, April 28, 2016, near the new pavilion in Buford Park. The 9 a.m. event, attended by city staff members and fellow City Council member Emily Glass, brought attention to the loss of trees due to drought and new construction.  tree 1 tree 3 tree 2 20160428_090031 tree 4...

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Law Enforcement Association Endorses Glass For City Council

Law Enforcement Association Endorses Glass For City Council

Members of the Hopkins County Law Enforcement Association have officially endorsed Emily Glass’ campaign for re-election to the Sulphur Springs City Council. Emily is running for Place 5 on the council. “We stand behind Emily Glass for City Council based upon her integrity, honesty, and the ideas that she promoted here throughout her tenure,” said Dennis Findley with the HCLEA. “We look forward to everybody...

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City Manager’s Report: Sewer Improvement Will Assist Development On South Broadway, Shannon Rd

City Manager’s Report: Sewer Improvement Will Assist Development On South Broadway, Shannon Rd

EZ MART SEWER PROJECT – At a previous meeting, the city council approved a sewer project on Mockingbird Lane between Furr’s and EZ-Mart that would divert wastewater flow from three fast food restaurants and one apartment away from the Mockingbird sewer main and toward the trunk line that parallels South Town Branch.  The new line would also carry flow from any new development south and east of Chili’s.  This project has begun, and it...

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City Council, Police Chief Honor Life Saving Response of Officer Shufeldt

City Council, Police Chief Honor Life Saving Response of Officer Shufeldt

Tuesday night during the Sulphur Springs City Council meeting, Police Chief Jay Sanders presented a Life Saver Ribbon to Officer Josh Shufeldt for his efforts in saving a life. Shufeldt was working the late shift in October of 2015 when he responded to a call on Airport Road. When he arrived at the location, he found an adult male who had overdosed and was unconscious, unresponsive, no pulse, and not breathing. Shufeldt began chest...

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Police and Firefighters Associations in Sulphur Springs Seek Pay Increase

Police and Firefighters Associations in Sulphur Springs Seek Pay Increase

Sulphur Spring Professional Police Association and the city’s Professional Firefighters Association are seeking an increase in salaries that would amount to a $1.2 million dollar budget increase for the City of Sulphur Springs and a 13-cent per $100 evaluation increase in city taxes to pay for the salary increase. In a packet presented to the city and city council, they are spelling out their desires and presenting a comparison with...

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