Oxford Files for Place 5 on City Council
One more time… Former Sulphur Springs City Councilman Charles Oxford, a perennial candidate for city council, has filed for Place 4 on the Sulphur Springs City Council Wednesday morning. He will oppose incumbent Freddie Taylor, who filed shortly after the start of filing. Filing for a place on the city council ends Friday, February 19th. Last year Oxford filed for Place 3 on the council. He lost that election to then incumbent...
Glass Seeks Re-election to City Council Place 5
Emily Glass wasted no time in filing to seek re-election to Place 5 of the Sulphur Springs City Council. Mrs. Glass currently serves as Mayor Pro Tem on the council. An officer of Alliance Bank, she is also involved in a number of activities. Perhaps her greatest joy is her family and family heritage. Mrs. Glass is involved in a number of community, church, and county activities. Holding firmly to her roots, she is the President of...
Lucas Seeks City Council Place 5
Wednesday afternoon, Jimmy Lucas filed to seek Place 5 on the Sulphur Springs City Council. The seat is currently held by incumbent Emily Glass. Lucas has lived in Sulphur Springs his whole life and stated that he likes to say he is an original Sulphur Springs person because he is one of the few who have an 885 home phone number. He has never sought political office before. Lucas said he manages millions of dollars in accounts for...
City Council Proclaims February Black History Month, Hears Reports,
Mayor Kayla Price read a proclamation honoring Black History month as the Sulphur Springs City Council meet in regular session Tuesday evening. The council received reports from the city manager (report here), chief of police (report here), and a report regarding the HOME Program. They also approved a resolution that would prohibit the open carry of a weapon during an open session of the city council. City Human Resources Director...
City Manager Report Notes Destruction of K-9 Vehicle in Local Fire
In his report to the February meeting of the Sulphur Springs City Council, City Manager Marc Maxwell noted street projects completed and those begun. He also noted that work on the Davis/Tomlinson downtown parking lot will begin Friday, February 5th. The city will also be installing lights and landscaping for a county 90-space parking lot to be built at the northeast corner at Jefferson and Rosemont Streets. He also noted the K-9...
Glass, Taylor File for Re-election to City Council
Sulphur Springs City Council Incumbent Emily Glass and Freddie Taylor have filed for re-election toon city council. Glass filed for Place 5 this past week. Incumbent Freddy Taylor filed for Place 4 Monday. The last day to file for one of the two places available on the council is Feb 19th. The election is May 7th. Anyone desiring to file may pick up the paperwork for filing at the City Secretary’s office during business hours at city...
City Council Appoints ZBA Members, Approve Parking Improvements, Welcome Tesla Charging Station
During their forty minute Tuesday night session, January 5, 2016, the Sulphur Springs City Council appointed a member and two alternates to the Zoning Board of Adjustments and approved the remainder of the agenda. Appointed to the ZBA were permanent member Kevin Mohl and alternate members Brad Burgin and Ben Spraggins. The appointments were made after the ZBA had failed to acquire a quorum for meetings in two of the previous three...
City Manager’s Report Presented in Council Meeting
Tuesday night, January 5th, City Manager Marc Maxwell presented his monthly manager’s report to the City Council in session for their January meeting. His report follows. STREETS, WATER AND SEWER – The Rockdale Road reconstruction project is underway. Westbrook Concrete Contractors is forming and pouring the concrete street one segment at a time. Approximately 65% of the concrete is in place. Water utilities have been...
Proposed Charging Station for Tesla On City Agenda Tuesday
Sulphur Springs City Council will consider a proposal that Tesla Motors representatives have already stated would be advantageous to both the city and Tesla vehicle owners. A charging station for Tesla vehicles to be built along Tomlinson Street in Sulphur Springs would be the only charging station between Rockwall and Hot Springs, Arkansas, according to City Manager Marc Maxwell. The location of the eight space charging center was...