August 22 Jury Panel Canceled
The jury panel summoned to appear at 1 p.m. August 22, 2022, for County Court of Law with Judge Clay Harrison has been canceled. Those summoned for jury service do not need to report for duty that day.

County Judge Presented Petition Asking For Election To Make Dike A Type C Incorporated City
The county judge was presented with a petition Monday asking him to call an election to let Dike residents determine whether to make the community at Type C incorporated city, as promised in prior meetings by Michael Pickens. Other Dike residents voiced their views on incorporation of Dike and the Dike solar facility.
Petition to Incorporate Dike
Residents and property owners in Dike community began researching the matter out of a desire to control what goes on in their community after they learned the Commissioners Court had approved tax incentives for a solar project planned in the Dike community.

When speaking up in Commissioners Court and a community meeting hosted by Engie and Hopkins County failed to achieve the goal of residents seeking to stop the solar project from coming to Dike, an attempt to get an injunction and other legal action also was sought. The Dike residents opposed to the solar company leasing private land and installing a solar facility in their community organized.
Initially, the Dike residents voices a hope to incorporate before construction of the solar project began, but were not able to do so. Michael Pickens, spokesperson for Save Dike from Solar, advised the Commissioners Court and County Judge in previous meetings recently that the residents in opposition to the solar facility were working on the requirements to make Dike an incorporate area, so that Dike residents have a say in decision-making that impacts their community.
During Monday’s Commissioners Court meeting, Kirk Reams read a letter drafted to Hopkins County Judge Robert Newsom, asking him to order an incorporation election, and appoint two election judges, and publish or post notice of the election as required, in accordance with Chapter 8 of Texas Government Code Chapter. He then presented the letter, along with a signed petition, and a map of the proposed area of Dike to be incorporated to the county judge.

Reams noted Dike community was settled in 1850 and initially named Booneville. The first US Post Office was established in 1890, with the first postmaster sworn in by President Benjamin Harrison. The community name was changed from Booneville to Dike after residents discovered another town in Texas already existed. A public school operated in Dike in 1905. Dike had six general stores, a blacksmith and two physicians by 1914. In 1985, Dike had three churches, a US Post Office, a camp and 170 residents.
Currently, Reams reports, Dike’s population falls between the requisite 201 inhabitants but less than 5,000. The map of incorporation charts 1.72 square miles, within which more than 201 but less than 2,000 inhabitants. He noted the petition presented to Newsom during the special 11 a.m. Commissioners Court session Monday, Aug. 15, 2022, contained signatures from more than the requisite 10% of qualified voters in Dike community, who reside within the incorporated area.
Reams then requested that the county judge order an incorporation election to be held as soon as legally practicable for Dike, which meets the requirements for a Type C City under the general laws of Texas. The request asks the judge to set a specific date and designate a place in the community for the election, then designate two election judges, one of whom would serve as presiding election judge. The letter petitioning for the incorporation election also asks that three names be added to the ballot for election to mayor and commissioners of Dike: Kirk Reams as mayor, and Betty Waters and Lucretia Pool as commissioners. The elected mayor and commissioners would serve until the first regular election for municipal officers could be held.
“At this time I’m going to present you with the papers that you need to incorporate Dike. This is a map of where the incorporation will be. Also, a map’s in here,” Reams said, and upon obtaining permission from Newsom handed the documents to him.

“It’s a good day for Dike, Texas. We are excited that we can uphold our community, and keep this trash solar out of our community. I don’t know what it is about you guys. You just won’t step back and look at what our point of view is. All y’all see is the money, that’s all you see,” Reams accused with a shake of his head.
He then asked Precinct 3 Commissioner Wade Bartley, if the money was budgeted, why the road he asked him three weeks ago to fix hasn’t been repaired, before retiring to his seat.
When presented with petitions such as the incorporation election, officially typically go through the process of making sure the document meets all terms as specified, then, take whatever steps legally follow.
Additional Related Comments
While several outspoken residents have addressed the court on various occasions regarding the planned solar facility and incorporation, not all Dike residents are opposed to the solar project nor are all in favor of incorporation.

Dike resident Michael Russell has lived in the area most of his life, and has served his country and community, first in the Marine Corps and for the last 10 years at Hopkins County Sheriff’s Office, working his way up from deputy to investigator. He made clear where he stands on the matter of incorporation of Dike.
“I do not agree with incorporating Dike. Nobody can enforce the laws without law enforcement out there. The sheriff’s office cannot go out there and enforce laws that are imposed by the city,” Russell said.
He said while some people are for it, he is completely against incorporating Dike. He also said he was never contacted by anyone about incorporation or to sign the petition presented to the judge Monday morning.
Russell also added that while some “want to dog Mr. Bartley” he thinks he and the Commissioners Court do a good job. He said he realizes there’s more to their jobs than maintaining roads, and understands that.
Dike resident resident Larry Argenbright, a retired Hopkins County Constable, noted that he and his family have been residents of Hopkins County for a long time. His family first settled in the area in the 1870s. His great-great-grandfather is buried in a cemetery in a pasture not far from his home. He was born in the clinic on the square.
“I’ve been here a while and I’m telling you this,” Argenbright said of the solar facility, “will destroy our community.”

Argenbright cited a decrease in property values and noise from inverters, of which he’s been told there will be 60-70, which make 85 decibels of noise. That noise, he said, will make Dike sound like it has a superhighway running through it.
“All I wanted to do when I retired, and I’ve met with this court many, many times, all I wanted to do is get over there and live, be left alone. Now, I’ve got health problems, probably because of y’all,” Argenbright said, addressing the Commissioners Court, “and had to have a pacemaker put in. All I want to do is live and be left alone, that’s all I’m asking: just leave me alone, please.”
FDA Finalizes Rule Improving Access To OTC Hearing Aids

More Affordable Hearing Aids For Those With Mild To Moderate Hearing Impairment Could Be In Stores As Soon As Mid-October
Today (Aug. 16, 2022), the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a final rule to improve access to hearing aids which may in turn lower costs for millions of Americans. This action establishes a new category of over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids, enabling consumers with perceived mild to moderate hearing impairment to purchase hearing aids directly from stores or online retailers without the need for a medical exam, prescription or a fitting adjustment by an audiologist.
The rule is expected to lower the cost of hearings aids, furthering the Biden-Harris Administration’s goal of expanding access to high-quality health care and lowering health care costs for the American public. It is designed to assure the safety and effectiveness of OTC hearing aids, while fostering innovation and competition in the hearing aid technology marketplace.

Today’s action follows President Biden’s Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy, which called for the FDA to take steps to allow hearing aids to be sold over the counter and set a swift 120-day deadline for action, which the FDA met. In 2017, Congress passed bipartisan legislation requiring the FDA to create a category of OTC hearing aids, but it was not fully implemented until now. Consumers could see OTC hearing aids available in traditional retail and drug stores as soon as mid-October when the rule takes effect.
“Reducing health care costs in America has been a priority of mine since Day One and this rule is expected to help us achieve quality, affordable health care access for millions of Americans in need,” said Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra. “Today’s action by the FDA represents a significant milestone in making hearing aids more cost-effective and accessible.”
Close to 30 million adults in the U.S. could benefit from hearing aid use. Individuals with permanent hearing impairment can use hearing aids to help make speech and sounds louder, improving the ability to communicate effectively with others. Many hearing aids can be expensive. The final rule aims to stimulate competition and facilitate the sale of safe and effective OTC hearing aids in traditional retail stores or online nationwide, providing consumers with perceived mild to moderate hearing loss with improved access to devices that meet their needs and are less expensive than current options.
“Hearing loss is a critical public health issue that affects the ability of millions of Americans to effectively communicate in their daily social interactions,” said FDA Commissioner Robert M. Califf, M.D. “Establishing this new regulatory category will allow people with perceived mild to moderate hearing loss to have convenient access to an array of safe, effective and affordable hearing aids from their neighborhood store or online.”
The OTC category established in this final rule applies to certain air-conduction hearing aids intended for people 18 years of age and older who have perceived mild to moderate hearing impairment. Hearing aids that do not meet the requirements for the OTC category (for example, because they are intended for severe hearing impairment or users younger than age 18) are prescription devices.
The FDA finalized the rule after receiving and reviewing more than 1,000 public comments on the proposed rule issued on Oct. 20, 2021. Comments submitted by consumers, professional associations, hearing aid manufacturers, public health organizations and advocacy groups, members of Congress, state agencies, and other stakeholders are summarized in the final rule, along with the FDA’s respective responses. In response to public comments and to assure the safety and effectiveness of OTC hearing aids, the final rule incorporates several changes from the proposed rule, including lowering the maximum sound output to reduce the risk to hearing from over-amplification of sound, revising the insertion depth limit in the ear canal, requiring that all OTC hearing aids have a user-adjustable volume control, and simplifying the phrasing throughout the required device labeling to ensure it is easily understood. The final rule also includes performance specifications and device design requirements specific to OTC hearing aids.
Furthermore, today’s action correspondingly amends existing rules that apply to prescription hearing aids for consistency with the new OTC category, it repeals the conditions for sale for hearing aids, and it includes provisions that address some of the effects of the FDA OTC hearing aid regulations on state regulation of hearing aids.
Concurrently with issuing the final rule, the FDA also issued the final guidance, Regulatory Requirements for Hearing Aid Devices and Personal Sound Amplification Products (PSAPs), to clarify the differences between hearing aids, which are medical devices, and PSAPs, consumer products that help people with normal hearing amplify sounds.
The effective date for the final rule is 60 days following publication in the Federal Register. Manufacturers of hearing aids sold prior to the effective date of the final rule will have 240 days after its publication to comply with the new or revised requirements. For hearing aids that have not been offered for sale prior to the effective date, compliance with the new or revised requirements must be achieved before marketing the device, including obtaining 510(k) clearance if applicable.
Related Information
HCSO: Sulphur Springs Man Caught Hauling A Stolen Trailer
A 36-year-old Sulphur Springs man was caught hauling with a stolen trailer Monday evening, according to arrest reports.
Hopkins County Sheriff’s deputies were made aware from a person they considered a credible source that the man was in possession of a stolen trailer, as well as a possible location, deputies wrote in arrest reports.
The sheriff’s officers reported seeing a white Chevrolet pickup pulling a trailer matching the description given by the source south on FM 69 north at the south service road. The trailer, deputies noted in arrest reports, did not have proper trailer registration tags so a traffic stop was initiated at 6:46 p.m. Aug. 15, 2022.
Once stopped, the deputies contacted the man driving the pickup. He claimed to be unsure who the trailer belonged to; he’d just picked it up he’d been instructed to do by his uncle, deputies alleged in arrest reports.

Deputies took the Sulphur Springs man into custody at 7:09 p.m. and transported him to Hopkins County jail, where he was booked in for theft of property, the trailer he was hauling that officials were told had been stolen, according to arrest reports.
The 36-year-old was released from the county Tuesday, Aug. 16, 2022, on a $1,000 bond for a misdemeanor theft of property valued at $750 or more but less than $2,500 charge, according to Hopkins County jail records.
KSST does not publish the names or photos of people charged with misdemeanor crimes in staff-generated reports, only those accused of felony offenses.
The Hopkins County Sheriff’s Office is located at 298 Rosemont St., Sulphur Springs, TX 75482.
Non-emergency calls can be made to (903) 438-4040.
Students Register for Fall Classes at Paris Junior College
Returning student Addyson Lamb, left, of Sulphur Springs is checking her schedule with PJC-Sulphur Springs Center Office Manager Dana Smock. Registration for fall classes is continuing during August. Fall 1 eight-week and Fall 16-week classes begin on August 29.

Paris Junior College — located in Paris, Texas, about 100 miles northeast of Dallas — has been a part of the Lamar County community since 1924.
Paris Junior College offers Associate in Arts, Associate in Science and Associate in Applied Science degrees, as well as Certificates of Proficiency in technical/workforce fields. The college has expanded its academic curriculum through the years to encourage associate degree and university transfer candidates. Since establishing its first vocational program — jewelry and watchmaking in 1942 — the college has been aggressive in adding technical/workforce programs that will benefit students entering the workforce.
The campus of 54 tree-shaded acres includes 20 major buildings and residence halls and provides students a unique and pleasant environment for learning.
Paris Junior College also operates centers in Sulphur Springs, Texas, and in Greenville, Texas.
To be the educational provider of choice for the region.
Paris Junior College is a comprehensive community college serving the region’s educational and training needs while strengthening the economic, social and cultural life of our diverse community.
Request For Special Use Permit For Manufactured Home Community Withdrawn
A request made for a special use permit to allow C&C Guardian LLC to construct a manufactured home community at 2113 Main Street, a property currently zoned light commercial, was slated to go before Sulphur Springs Zoning Board of Adjustments and Appeals Tuesday evening, but that meeting has been canceled. Applicant Ross Cody has withdrawn the request, according to city staff.
The action follows a Planning & Zoning Commission meeting in which several residents and business representatives voiced concerns about his proposed manufactured home community at that location on Main Street. Overall, approximately 2 dozen nearby residents and business representatives attended the Aug. 15 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting, which concluded with the P&Z Commission not recommending the Zoning Board approve the special permit request.

Project Concept
Ross Cody, who was born and raised in Sulphur Springs, where his family members have been entrepreneurs throughout the county. He and his wife were recently able to move back home to Sulphur Springs recently. He’s done several things in the past, including working in insurance and equipment businesses, but wasn’t sure where he wanted life to take him career-wise. He has been working at Clayton Homes for about 6 months.
“Working at Clayton Homes, the things that makes the difference is getting to help families, families that can only afford $200,000 and that’s the max they’ve got for their family. They’ve got their warehouse workers here in the community trying to provide for their families. I would love for everybody to be able to afford a $400,000 stately home, but right the economy is not easy for everybody to do that,” Cody said.
Cody saw an opportunity to offer some affordable housing by constructing a manufactured home community not far from Clayton Homes on Main Street. Initially, he proposed placing 30 homes on the 10-acres, containing a 40 x 100 foot single-wide lots and middle lots 0.2-acre and northern lots containing 0.23-acre site. Single-wide units would be 16 x 76 feet and double-wide units would be 28 x 60 feet. The park would contain 2 ponds.
He then over the weekend thought on the matter, acknowledging the stigma often attached to manufactured homes: people don’t think they hold up well, that they are a trashy community, possible criminal activity. That’s not what he wants for his development.

“My purpose was to figure out an option for people in this community to buy a new or 1-year-old homes, Clayton Home-built to put in this community,” Cody said.
So, he revised his concept plan, reducing the number of units to 18 multi-section units only, at least 1,500 square-foot but up to 2,000 square-feet, with 3-bedrooms and two baths, valued at $180,000-$200,000. The lots, as proposed in the concept submitted to the city (without engineering), would be 110 x 110 feet, which was be a little over 0.22-acre, the exact same size as in Stone Briar estates, Cody pointed out.
That, he said, would allow people who work in factories to afford housing in town, eliminating the need to live outside the city limits and drive 10 minutes or more to work, Cody pointed out. The community would have two ponds as amenities, where families could fish.
“Thank you all for coming out. It was never my intentions to have a rundown community,” Cody said. “It’s going to be something that was presentable. There’s obviously conditions and restrictions that would go with it.”
Planning & Zoning Commission member Craig English asked Cody if his plan calls the house to already be there, and people would simply buy the land and lot or buy the lot then the house.
“How I want to set it up, is I want to help each family individually. I don’t want to send 10 out there and it be a lease or rent. I want it to be a family that is approved to get a traditional mortgage just like everybody else is in the city. They can get a traditional mortgage, a 25-30-year mortgage, and they buy the land and they put the home on the land,” Cody said.
He was asked who would be responsible for maintaining common areas, such as the two ponds and driveway/road through the community. Cody said it is not his intent to have it set up as a traditional mobile home park, not any currently in the city.
Assistant City Manager/Community Development Director Tory Niewiadomski pointed out that if the lots are subdivided, the city would be responsible for maintaining the road through it, but if it’s constructed as a typical mobile home park, that would make the road a private driveway and road, which the city would not be responsible for maintaining.
Cody said he’d planned to start with gravel street until the development is filled then finish it out in either asphalt or concrete. He said he’d be willing to form an home owners association or whatever is necessary to ensure the homes and community is maintained and common areas kept up, and all restrictions and conditions are met. He presented a page with a proposed list of restrictions residents would need to follow. Each owner would be responsible for their lot, but the rest would be up to the owner of the community.
Minimum requirements established by the City of Sulphur Springs for trailer parks include enclosing the park on both side lines as well as the rear of the property, with a fence at least 5 feet tall. The front has to be enclosed, with ornamental fencing or masonry. Each trailer space has to be at least 34-feet along the front space line and a minimum depth of 50-feet. All streets, pads and parking are required to be paved or concreted. Streets within the park must be a minimum of 25 feet, and trailer wheels shall not be removed. Trailer setback would need to be 5-feet from towing connection, 2 feet of side yard and 5 feet or rear yard setback. Niewiadomski pointed out.
Concerns Expressed
The city officials noted that notices had been sent out to surrounding properties regarding the special use permit request from C&C Guardian, LLC, for the manufactured home community concept at 2113 Main St. The city received feedback from 12 in opposition to the proposed manufactured home community, including four from Koby Circle in Stonebriar subdivision. Some of the voiced statements were that the residents moved to that neighborhood to get away from these types of developments.
Concerns too included the quality of housing and how it would negatively impact adjacent property values; the strain it could have on city services, potential crime, safety and security, the assistant city manager pointed out.
There are already four mobile home parks in the city limits: Lakeview, which has 54 units; Parkins, 14 or more units; Galaxy, southeast of the proposed Main Street development, 43 units; and Hillcrest, located south of Galaxy, with 54 units. There’s also Travel Time RV, located along I-30, west of the Hillcrest mobile home park. If approved, the proposed manufactured home community would have be the third along Main Street, Neiwiadomski noted.
With four new neighborhoods being built — Ellis Crossing, a 160-unit subdivision under development on State Highway 11 west; 1,150 units development on the west side of Stonebriar, north of the railroad tracks; 14 additional units in Woodbridge Crossing; and The Reserve at Sulphur Springs, a 72-unit senior adult apartment complex on League Street — those submitting feedback feel there are other housing options for families in the Sulphur Springs community, Niewiadomski told the P&Z Commission.

Nine people signed a letter of feedback to the city that also noted there potential safety hazard of having complex at a location accessible only from Main Street, a narrow street with no turn lane and traffic congestion during peak work hours at nearby businesses and residents, as well as a blind curve that has resulted in collisions, including one bad crash more recently. Placement or lack thereof, of dumpsters, which could attract rodents, and potential increase in noise level with more people in the area were also sited in the feedback letter, Neiwiadomski noted.
The city did not receive any response in favor of the proposed Main Street manufactured home community.
Barbara Williams, a Koby Circle resident, said she appreciates Cody’s vision and what he is trying to do for workers in the city, and tried to keep an open mind. However, Stonebriar does not have a HOA, but instead has deed restrictions, which come with expectations for high quality homes. The realtors she spoke with at Freedom and Janet Martin Realty advised her that lower income housing such as mobile homes, has a negative effect on home values, and did not wish to see it affect her in such a way.
Williams expressed concern for safety coming out of the blind corner, noise traffic as well as potential stray animals a mobile home community would bring to the area. She said perhaps Cody should think through the options a bit more before presenting the proposal for approval, and hoped the Planning and Zoning Commission would hear their concerns and deny a recommendation for a special use permit.
Elise Douglas said she and Ginger Brooks, who was unable to attend the meeting, opposed the proposal. She asked who would finance a 30 year mortgage for a mobile home, and expressed concerns for continuity of owners of the proposed properties, and that they’d become dilapidated.
Her clients include children coming from difficult circumstances and older adults who need the quiet environment they provide. Just last week, she said, a young client ducked under the table when he heard a truck pass by on Main Street. She’s concerned about the potential noise added traffic and 18-30 families would have on those seen at the Main Street office.
Douglas too expressed concern for the traffic situation, citing one severe crash and at least one other recently, which have occurred in that area. They spent part of the morning removing debris left from a crash that had occurred over night from the ditch in front of the Main Street address.
Elise Douglas too cited the lack of either turn lanes or shoulders on the narrow stretch of Main Street and what it might do to property values, especially with taxes going up with increased appraisal values even when the amounts have been protested.
G. Wiedenbeck, who runs 100 MPH Properties, a company that’s invested millions of dollars in Sulphur Springs. He said he is not opposed to mobile homes. In fact, he lived in a 12 x 60 foot mobile home from 2000 to 2004. He has people that work for him who live in some of the mobile home parks in Sulphur Springs. He does not see one being located next to Stonebriar as a positive thing; it would impact the customers they build houses for by affecting their property values; it would also “hurt phase 3” of the planned Stonebriar expansion, so in opposing the proposed community he is looking out for their customers.
Chris Gibbins said his family has lived in the area since 1935 and has tracts around the proposed facility. He said 30-year mortgages are not available to him as a lender, and to insure a mobile home the financial institution must have a statement of location and surrender the title, and wheels left on would be an issue — an ordinance violation. Gravel roads would result in unbelievable dust for the people in Stonebriar edition. Ordinances regarding dumpsters or lack there of could be an issue. His parents live near Galaxy and there are problems. Trash was dumped the previous night on Turtle Creek that they’ll be picking up over the next few days. Trash trucks tear roads up if dumpsters are placed at the back of the property. He recommended that Cody calculate the value of each lot against the cost for a masonry fence, to see the cost effectiveness of the project concept, and consider a different plan for the use of the property.
Jay Webb, whose business is in the process of developing future phases of Stonebriar subdivision, said the business is opposed to having a mobile home park near the Stonebriar due to the negative impact it would have on the community which is planned to add 1,100 or more homes over the next 10 years or so, their investment in it and those in their customers.
Realtor Carrie Nuckolls said she represents Wiedenbeck and Friddle in existing Stonebriar subdivision, where they’ve done 8 homes in the last 18 months and anticipate selling about 8 more in the next 12-18 months. As a realtor, when showing property, potential buyers always say they don’t want to pay for the property if they have to pass by a mobile home or mobile home park daily.
“I think what Mr. Cody has presented is a beautiful vision. I think it’s certainly necessary, but I don’t think it’s necessarily the best use of the property. When we talk about zoning, lots and acre we talk about ‘best use.’ It’s currently zoned commercial. That is not residential or a mobile home park by any means. Everything around it is heavy commercial, ranch land or single family residential.” Nuckolls said.
She said wear and tear on existing utility capacity have been a concern the farther out they are located. Taxes, Nuckolls noted, play a vital role in that.
“If we are talking about use and the best amount of value that property can bring so that the city down the road in 20 or 30 years can support the utilities being used, it is not a cheaper type housing,” Nuckolls. “I we talked about negative impact. I think the impact would be negative. I think the community is necessary. I just don’t think this is the best location.”

She said people coming into town using the old US 67 (Main Street/FM 313) often note how “rough” the area looks compared to the center of town.
Tenny Tanton, speaking on behalf of her parents who live next door to the site Cody proposed constructing the manufactured home community, said her family has lived in the arear for more than 100 years and are proud of the land their family own. She and her siblings will one day inherent the property. She asked the Planning & Zoning Commission to ask themselves whether they’d like to have the proposed park located next to their land or that of their parents or grandparents when making a decision on whether or not to recommend Cody’s request for a special use permit be granted.
“Land owners all the way around are saying no, that this is not what they want in their community. We’ve dealt with the light industry,” Tanton said.
Already people from local businesses come “fly down the road” at shift change, requiring the relocation of her parents’ mailbox. Motorists turning into their driveway have to do so very quickly to avoid being rear-ended, and exiting the drive is the same due to the blind curve. Adding a manufactured home community there will only increase traffic and make it that much more dangerous for the added residents, especially kids who live there.
“We do not need that, young couples with kids, on that road. It is a dangerous road,” Tanton said.
Ross Cody thanked the Planning & Zoning Commission and those in attendance for their time, adding that “it was never my intention to ruin anybody’s property value or diminish anybody’s current estates,” but an attempt to find an option to provide additional affordable housing close to the city.
Ultimately, the Planning & Zoning Commission said, regardless their decision regarding the request, the final decision whether or not to approve or deny the special use permit will be made by the ZBA. While the city staff and P&Z recommendations may be considered, P&Z Commission Chairman Chuck Sickles said the final say would go to the ZBA.
P&Z Commissioner Craig English made a motion, which Twila Gill seconded, and the commission voted unanimously to deny the recommendation for a special use permit.
City staff Tuesday reported the ZBA meeting, which was to consist primarily of the special use permit request, election of ZBA officers and approval of past meeting minutes, has been cancelled and the applicant has withdrawn the request.
Interim Director Appointed For Senior Citizens Center
An interim director has been appointed for the Senior Citizens Center, following Karon Weatherman’s resignation as program and marketing director on Monday, Aug. 15, 2022.

Kathie Steele will be overseeing operations at the facility until a permanent director is hired, City Manager Marc Maxwell said Tuesday morning.
Steele is no stranger to the city. She retired as Business Office Manager after years of employment with the City of Sulphur Springs.
Steele has helped out some at the Senior Citizens Center since her retirement. She has already stepped in to help ensure programs continue as seamlessly as possible, including the Meal A Day program that serves shut-ins in Sulphur Springs. Meals were prepared by the volunteers this morning and delivered as scheduled. Other planned programs are still planned to proceed as scheduled, according to the city official.
Plans are still being made, but steps will be taken in the near future to begin the process of selecting and hiring a permanent director for the Senior Citizens Center.
Weatherman announced her resignation after 21 1/2 years as senior center director on social media Monday afternoon.

Maxwell confirmed Weatherman’s resignation as senior center director a short time later Monday, but said he cannot comment on personnel matters. He said the goal will be for there to be as smooth a transition as possible until the City of Sulphur Springs is able to hire a permanent director. Steele will work to make center operations continue as seamlessly as possible in the interim.
Dozen Individuals Jailed On Felony Warrants
At least a dozen individuals were jailed felony warrants over the last week, including a woman reported to have been in possession of heroin when she showed up in court.

Hopkins County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Alvin Jordan and Corrections Officer Courtney Steward took Jazmyn Nikolia Smallwood into custody at 4:18 p.m. Aug. 11, 2022, in the District Courtroom on a warrant for bond revocation on an unauthorized use of a vehicle charge.
The 20-year-old Greenville woman was escorted into the dressing area at the county jail and ordered to removed her clothing one item at a time for an unclothed search due to the woman previously admitting to having heroin in her bra, the sheriff’s officer alleged in arrest reports. Before taking off the undergarment, Smallwood was instructed to hand the controlled substance to the officer. She complied, handing the officer a clear piece of cellophane, the kind typically around a cigarette pack, that was stuck to her, the HCSO officer alleged. The woman advised the substance was heroin; it weighed 0.4 gram, deputies alleged in arrest reports.
Smallwood was booked into the county jail on the warrant as well as a new possession of less than 1 gram of a Penalty Group 1 controlled substance charge, Jordan and Steward alleged in arrest reports. She remained in the county jail Monday, Aug. 15, 2022. Her bond on the controlled substance charge was set at $10,000. The bond set on the stolen vehicle charge, however, was set at $250,000, according to jail reports.

HCSO Sgt. Todd Evans and Deputy Michael Chang took Ashton Dure Clark into custody at 2:05 p.m. Aug. 11, 2022, at the courthouse on a warrant. The judge ordered the sheriff’s deputies to place Clark under arrest on the probation warrant, and they did.
Clark was transported to and booked into Hopkins County jail Aug. 11, 2022. He remained in jail Aug. 15, 2022, on the warrant for violation of probation which the 33-year-old North Carolina man was on for a May 20, 2021 assault of a public servant charge, according to arrest and jail reports.

HCSO Jailer Courtney Steward took Edgar Campos into custody at 3:06 p.m. Aug. 10, 2022, in District Court for insufficient bond on March 12, 2022, third or more driving while intoxicated and on an possession of 4 ounces or more but less than 5 pounds of marijuana charges, according to arrest reports.
The 28-year-old Brashear man also had four outstanding traffic warrants: two for failure to maintain financial responsibility, and one each for running a stop sign and driving while license invalid, according to jail reports.
Campos’ new bonds totaled $300,000 — $150,000 each on the felony DWI and marijuana charges. He remained in Hopkins county jail on the charges Monday, Aug. 15, 2022, according to jail records.

HCSO Jailer Courtney took Joey Allen Pierce into custody at 11:16 a.m. Aug. 10, 2022, in District Court and booked into Hopkins County jail at 11:28 a.m. Aug. 10 on a warrant for bond revocation on a March 7, 2022, possession of less than 1 gram of a Penalty Group 1/1-B controlled substance in a drug-free zone charge.
The 36-year-old Big Sandy man remained in Hopkins County jail Monday, Aug. 15, 2022. His new bond on the controlled substance charge was set at $150,000, according to jail reports.

Jailer Steward also took Christopher Orandel Royal into custody at 10:15 a.m. and transported him from the District Courtroom to Hopkins County jail, where he was booked in at 11:16 a.m. Aug. 10, 2022, on a warrant for bond revocation on an Oct. 31, 2019, possession of 4 ounces or more but less than 5 pounds of marijuana charge, according to arrest reports.
The 31-year-old Pittsburg man remained in Hopkins County jail Monday, Aug. 15, 2022. The new bond on the felony marijuana charge was set at $150,000.

At 11:02 a.m. Aug. 10, 2022, Jailer Courtney Steward took Jacob Lane Thomas into custody on a warrant. Steward escorted the 47-year-old Wylie man into Hopkins County jail, where he was booked in for insufficient bond on a Nov. 1, 2021, possession of less than 1 gram of a Penalty Group 1/1-B controlled substance charge.
Thomas remained in Hopkins County jail Monday, Aug. 15, 2022. The new bond set on the controlled substance charge was set at $250,000, according to jail reports.

HCSO Deputy Steve Huffman took Kayln Dawn Bell into custody at 11:47 p.m. Aug. 10, 2022, at Perryville Detention Center in Perryville, Arkansas. He transported the 37-year-old Scroggins woman to Hopkins County jail, where she was booked in at 4:55 p.m. Aug. 10, 2022, on a warrant for a Dec. 13, 2021 possession of drug paraphernalia and another for violation of probation on for a Feb. 27, 2021 possession of less than 1 gram of a Penalty Group 1/1-B controlled substance charge, according to arrest and jail reports.
Bell, who is also known by KK and Kayln Dawn Sartor, was held in Hopkins County jail Monday, Aug. 15, 2022, without bond on the felony charge, according to jail reports.

Hopkins County Sheriff’s Office Deputies Bobby Osornio and Justin Wilkerson, and Sgt. Scott Davis were made aware of a warrant for Charles Cliffton Newman III‘s arrest. The deputies located him at his County Road 2408 residence and took the 40-year-old Pickton man into custody at 9:30 p.m. Aug. 9, 2022, on the warrant. He was booked into the county jail at 10:24 p.m. Aug. 9, on a warrant for bond forfeiture on an assault of a family or household member with previous conviction charge.
Newman, who is also known to by Charles Clifton Newsman Jr., Charles Cliffton Newman II, Charles Clifton Newman III and Cliff Newman III, was released from Hopkins County jail Aug. 10, 2022, according to jail reports.

HCSO Deputy Steve Huffman took Sarah Elizabeth Taylor into custody at 10:28 a.m. Aug. 9, 2022, at Woodman Unit in Coryell County in Gatesville on a bench warrant. Huffman then transported the 28-year-old Sulphur Springs woman to Hopkins County jail, where she was booked in at 4:38 p.m. Aug. 9, 2022, for bond forfeiture on a burglary of a habitation charge, according to arrest reports.
Taylor, who is also known by Sarah Elizabeth Blake, remained in Hopkins County jail Aug. 15, 2022, held on the felony burglary charge, according to jail records.

William David Combs Jr. turned himself in at 4:50 p.m. Aug. 8, 2022, to serve a 180-day commitment for indecency with a child by exposure. The offense was reported to have occurred on July 31, 2021, in Rains County, according to arrest reports.
Hopkins County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Kevin Lester escorted the 32-year-old Emory man into Hopkins County jail, where he was booked in at 5:10 p.m. Aug. 8. He remained in Hopkins County jail on the charge on Monday, Aug. 15, 2022, according to jail reports.

HCSO Deputy Steve Huffman took Norman Oscar Baez-Baez Jr. into custody at 2:02 p.m. Aug. 8 at San Patricio County and transported him to Hopkins County jail on two Hopkins County warrants.
Huffman, in arrest reports, noted Baez-Baez to be “the most polite and courteous individual I have transported. He is trying to get his life on track so he can take care of his wife an child.”
The 32-year-old Mathis, Texas man was booked into Hopkins County jail at 11:07 p.m. Aug. 8, 2022, for surety off bond on a March 17, 2022, unlawful possession of a firearm by a felon charge and warrant for ride not secured by safety belt. Jail records show Baez-Baez, who is also known simply by Jr. and Norman Oscar Baez-Baez, also is noted to have been charged on a Wood County unauthorized use of a vehicle charge.
He remained in Hopkins County jail Monday, Aug. 15, 2022. His bond was set at $20,000 on the firearm charge and $25,000 on Wood County charge, according to jail reports.

Sulphur Springs Police Cpl. Chris Rosamond reported stopping a 2001 Toyota Echo Aug. 8, 2022, on Interstate 30 east at mile marker 126 for traffic violations. A records check showed Irving Alvarez-Guevara to be wanted in Hays County.
The 38-year-old Austin man was taken into custody 12:50 p.m. and was booked into Hopkins County jail at 1:18 p.m. Aug. 8, 2022, on the warrant for violation of probation on a Hays County possession of a Penalty Group 1/1-B controlled substance charge.
Alvarez-Guevara remained in Hopkins County jail Monday, Aug. 15, 2022. Bond was set at $7,500 on the charge, according to jail reports.
Social Security Accelerates Decisions For People With Severe Disabilities

Agency Expands Compassionate Allowances List By 12 Conditions
Kilolo Kijakazi, Acting Commissioner of Social Security, today announced 12 new Compassionate Allowances conditions: Angioimmunoblastic T-cell Lymphoma, Blastic Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Neoplasm, Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker Disease, Microvillus Inclusion Disease – Child, Mowat-Wilson Syndrome, Myelodysplastic Syndrome with Excess Blasts, NUT Carcinoma, Pfeiffer Syndrome – Types II and III, Pontocerebellar Hypoplasia, Posterior Cortical Atrophy, Renal Amyloidosis – AL Type, and Sarcomatoid Mesothelioma.
The Compassionate Allowances program quickly identifies claims where the applicant’s condition or disease clearly meets Social Security’s statutory standard for disability. Due to the severe nature of many of these conditions, these claims are often allowed based on medical confirmation of the diagnosis alone. To date, more than 800,000 people with severe disabilities have been approved through this accelerated, policy-compliant disability process, which has grown to a total of 266 conditions.
“The Social Security Administration is committed to reducing barriers and ensuring people who are eligible for benefits receive them,” said Acting Commissioner Kijakazi. “Our Compassionate Allowances program allows us to strengthen that commitment by accelerating the disability application process for people with the most severe disabilities.”
When a person applies for disability benefits, Social Security must obtain medical records in order to make an accurate determination. The agency incorporates leading technology to identify potential Compassionate Allowances cases and make quick decisions. Social Security’s Health IT brings the speed and efficiency of electronic medical records to the disability determination process. With electronic records transmission, Social Security can quickly obtain a claimant’s medical information, review it, and make a fast determination.
For more information about the program, including a list of all Compassionate Allowances conditions, please visit
To learn more about Social Security’s Health IT program, please visit
People may apply online for disability benefits by visiting
To create a my Social Security account, please visit
Cardiac Rehabilitation: Your Next Step to Recovery

By Jennifer Heitman, Senior Market Development, CHRISTUS Mother Frances Hospital – Sulphur Springs, [email protected]

What is Cardiac Rehabilitation?
Sulphur Springs, Texas, August 15, 2022 — Cardiac rehabilitation is a medically supervised program designed to help people with heart problems improve their health and well-being. Cardiac rehabilitation teams may include physicians, nurses, dietitians, physical therapists or respiratory therapists to provide heart-monitored activity/exercise and education on healthy living.
Who may qualify?
You may be a candidate if you have experienced any of the following:
- Recent heart attack
- Angioplasty and/or stent
- Heart bypass | Transplant | Valve surgery
- Stable angina | Chronic heart failure
What To Expect?
What to expect during cardiac rehabilitation:
- Physical Activity: Attend individualized exercise sessions 3 days/week, typically 6-12 weeks in time, designed to improve endurance and strength
- Education: Teaching on risk factor reduction, importance of changes in lifestyle behaviors and learn about your heart condition
- Support: A multidisciplinary team to help guide you
Benefits of Cardiac Rehabilitation
Benefits of Cardiac Rehabilitation may include:
- Strengthening and conditioning of your heart and lungs
- Reduction in your risk of future heart problems
- Improvement in your overall health by reducing your risk factors
- Faster return to work and activities of daily living
- Improvement in your quality of life
- Increase in self-confidence and emotional support
If you think you may qualify, we encourage you to ask your physician for a referral to CHRISTUS Mother Frances – Sulphur Springs’ Cardiac Rehabilitation Program. For more information, call 903.439.414.

Attention Student Athletes
(7th grade to college age)
FREE Saturday Athletic Injury Clinic for student athletes of all ages is back this month! Starting August 20, Saturday sports injury clinic will be held every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., August 20 through November 12.
Student athletes in Hopkins County from 7th grade to college age will be able to get a free exam and x-ray to determine a plan of care to treat their injury. The clinic will be held at our CHRISTUS Trinity Clinic Orthopedics, Medical Building 5, at 103B Medical Circle in Sulphur Springs. For more information about our Sports Medicine program, or Orthopedic services, please call 903.885.6688.

COVID Vaccine Clinic Next Week
Net Health COVID Vaccine clinic is held again next week (August 22- 26) offering Adult and Pediatric vaccines and boosters at the clinic on 100 Medical Circle in Sulphur Springs. You may walk in from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily. No appointment is necessary.
CHRISTUS Trinity Mother Frances Health System includes CHRISTUS Mother Frances Hospitals – Tyler, South Tyler, Jacksonville, Winnsboro and Sulphur Springs, the CHRISTUS Trinity Mother Frances Louis and Peaches Owen Heart Hospital – Tyler, CHRISTUS Trinity Mother Frances Rehabilitation Hospital a partner of Encompass Health, Tyler Continue CARE Hospital at CHRISTUS Mother Frances Hospital, a long-term acute care facility, and CHRISTUS Trinity Clinic. CHRISTUS Trinity Clinic is the area’s preferred multi-specialty medical group, with more than 400 Physicians and Advanced Practice Providers representing 36 specialties in 34 locations serving Northeast Texas across 41 counties. For more information on services available through CHRISTUS Trinity Mother Frances Health System, visit
- Bed count – 402 – CHRISTUS Mother Frances Hospital – Tyler
- Bed count – 8 – CHRISTUS Mother Frances Hospital – South Tyler
- Bed count – 25 – CHRISTUS Mother Frances Hospital – Jacksonville
- Bed Count – 96 – CHRISTUS Mother Frances Hospital – Sulphur Springs
- Bed count – 25 – CHRISTUS Mother Frances Hospital – Winnsboro
- Bed count – 94 – CHRISTUS Trinity Mother Frances Rehabilitation Hospital
- Bed count – 96 – CHRISTUS Trinity Mother Frances Louis and Peaches Owen Heart – Tyler
- Bed count – 51 – Tyler Continue CARE Hospital at CHRISTUS Mother Frances Hospital