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10% Pay Increase, Additional Positions For HCSO, HCFD Projected In 2022-2023 County Budget

Posted by on 10:59 am in App, Featured, Financial News, Headlines, Hopkins County News, News, Sheriff's Department | Comments Off on 10% Pay Increase, Additional Positions For HCSO, HCFD Projected In 2022-2023 County Budget

10% Pay Increase, Additional Positions For HCSO, HCFD Projected In 2022-2023 County Budget

Increased Property Values & Sales Tax Cited For Proposed Reduction in Hopkins County Tax Rate

A 10% pay increase for all county employees, and funding for additional positions for the sheriff’s office, and an additional position within the clerk’s office were among the items projected in the 2022-2023 county budget. Increased property values and sales tax returns were cited for a propose reduction in Hopkins County tax rate for the coming year.

Tax Rate

Hopkins County Tax Assessor/Collector Debbie Mitchell proposed a tax rate of $0.5239 per $100 property value, lower than the approved rates over the preceding 10 years, beginning with the 2012-2013 fiscal year (2012 tax year). The county tax rate rose from $0.560575 during the 2012 and 2013 tax years to $0.612075 during the 2014 tax year, then $0.627392 during the 2015 and 2016 tax years. The Hopkins County property tax rate declined to $0.624892 in tax years 2017, and remained that rate through tax year 2020. The county tax rate declined to $0.584035 per $100 property valuation in 2021 and is proposed to dip again in tax year 2022 (fiscal year 2022-2023) to $0.5239.

The proposed 2022-2023 tax rate factors in projected tax revenues, including $306,182 in new property added to the tax roll in 2022. Overall, the total property valuation for 2022 on Hopkins County tax rolls is $2,757,459,159.

Breakdown of the county tax rates 2012-2022, and the proposed county tax rate for 2022-2023 which would be reflect in the tax notices that will be going out soon, as well as how much each should raise. (Chart from page 3 of the Proposed Hopkins County budget for fiscal year 2022-2023)

The 2022 no-new revenue tax rate per $100 property valuation is projected to be $0.5019 per $100 valuation, down from 2021 NNR tax rate of $0.561139. The non-new revenue tax rate is the rate the taxing unit needs to generate about the same amount of revenue they received in the previous year if the rate was applied to the same amount of properties in both years. If property values rise, the NNR tax rate will go down and vice versa. 

The voter approval tax rate is projected at $0.523981 per $100 property valuation, down from $0.585726 per $100 value. The voter approval tax rate is the amount at which taxing units are required to get voter approval before they exceed the tax rate. The maximum rate varies based on the type of jurisdiction. Cities and counties can increase the tax rate 3 1/2% for operating expenses. Junior college districts, hospital districts, and special taxing units can increase their tax rates up to eight percent for operating expenses. School district funding calculations and the debt tax rate influence the voter-approval tax rate for school districts, according to

The proposed 52.39-cent tax rate valuation per $100 property valuation includes $0.5039 for general, road and bridge and debt service funds 30.5227-cents in gross revenue going toward the general fund, 14 cents to road and bridge maintenance, 1 cent each for road and bridge special fund and farm to market special fund, and 5.8673 cents to the debt service fund. That should generate $13,894,837 for the general funds, $275,946 each in estimated tax revenue for the road and bridge and farm to market special funds.

That would be $14,446,329 in estimated gross tax revenue, provided every penny billed in county property taxes is collected. That is unrealistic, so the proposed tax rate factors in up to 4% ($577,861) of total tax revenues will go uncollected, while $200,000 in net delinquent taxes and $175,00 in penalties an interest revenue are projected to come in during the 2022-2023 fiscal year and 2022 tax year. That would provide the county with $14,243,667 in projected revenues.

Page 7 of the proposed Hopkins County 2022-2023 Fiscal Budget

The increased property values and increase in sales taxes raised provide extra funding that will allow the budget to be balanced and meet the $1.6 million in debt obligation secured by property taxes.

“All of the counties around us are going up [on tax rate], so it’s huge that we get to do a decrease like this,” Aulsbrook said.


The 2022-2023 budget is expected to include $602,161 more in property tax revenues than the 2021-2022 tax revenues raised from Oct. 1, 2021 to Sept. 30, 2022, a 4.35% increase.

Proposed is a 10% salary increase for elected county officials and county employees for the fiscal year 2022-2023, in addition to the incremental longevity pay of $100 to eligible elected county officials and employees for an additional year of service.

Hopkins County Justice of the Peace 1 and Hopkins County Justice of the Peace 2 will receive a $1,000 increase in auto allowance, allowing for increased fuel costs.

The proposed FY 2022-2023 budget also includes two additional employees for the sheriff’s office, one additional jail employee and one additional sheriff’s office employee.

FY 2022-23 budget as proposed also includes an additional position within the County Clerk’s Office to assist with elections work; the County Clerk serves as elections coordinator, in addition to the traditional duties of the clerk’s office. The additional position is for someone to help handle the increasing duties that go along with conducting elections.

The county is also now required to fully fund 3 fulltime firefighter positions added to the county fire department a couple of years ago. This is part of a multi-year grant program which has covered most of these salaries.

Hopkins County Auditor Shannah Aulsbrooks noted that the proposed 2022-2023 budget does not include anything from any solar farms, as it’s yet to be determined when they will go online and, with extensions of incentive contracts granted to multiple project developers, when those will be added to the tax rolls.

Another public hearing was set for 9 a.m. Aug. 22. There could be changes to the proposed budget between times depending on planning and information gleaned and needs presented before then.

The budget proposal estimated county revenues to be $15.8 million for FY 2022-2023, up from $14.9 in FY 2021-2022 and $13.5 million in FY 2020-2021.

Pizza For Breakfast – Why not?

Posted by on 8:18 am in Community Events, Headlines, Hopkins County News, Lifestyle, News, Sulphur Springs News | Comments Off on Pizza For Breakfast – Why not?

Pizza For Breakfast – Why not?

By Johanna Hicks, Hopkins County Extension Agent, Family and Community Health Agent, [email protected].

If you have ever visited the Texas Hill Country around Fredericksburg or New Braunfels, you are aware that the peak of peach season has arrived! Although a little later this year due to the Texas heat and dry conditions, peaches are still sweet as can be. Texas A&M AgriLife’s Dinner Tonight program has a Peachy Prosciutto Pizza recipe that is so delicious and easy to make. Try making it for brunch or appetizers as you start up the grill!

Peachy Prosciutto Pizza


  • 2 Pieces flatbread, whole wheat
  • 1/2 Cup non-fat mozzarella cheese, shredded
  • 2 Prosciutto slices torn into pieces
  • 2 Small peaches, sliced
  • 2 Tablespoons fresh basil chopped
  • 1/2 Cup fresh arugula or spinach
  • 1 Tablespoon balsamic vinegar glaze

Oven Instructions

  1. Preheat the oven to 425F.
  2. Spray flatbread with olive oil cooking spray, and place in preheated oven for 5 minutes.
  3. Remove flatbread from the oven and top with mozzarella, prosciutto, and peaches.
  4. Place flatbread in the oven to toast for 8-10 minutes, until bread is golden and cheese is melted.
  5. Remove from the oven and top with basil and arugula or spinach. Drizzle balsamic glaze over each flatbread pizza.

Air Fryer Instructions

  1. Spray flatbread with olive oil cooking spray, and top flatbread with mozzarella.
  2. Place in the air fryer for 5 minutes at 400F.
  3. Remove flatbread and add prosciutto and sliced peaches.
  4. Place again in the air fryer for 4-5 minutes at 400F.
  5. Remove flatbread and top with basil and arugula or spinach. Drizzle balsamic glaze over each flatbread pizza.

Serving size: 4 (1/2 of flatbread)

2022 Fall Festival Arts & Crafts Show

The 2022 Fall Festival Arts & Crafts Show will take place on October 21 and 22, in the Sulphur Springs High School cafeteria, north entrance hall, and north covered walkway. So far, response for vendor space has been excellent! We still have room for more, however. This show is designed for hand-crafted, hand-made items to sell. To date, we have wood décor, cutting boards, leather work, quilted items, crocheted items (One of my favorite vendors for children’s crocheted animals!), handmade cards, gift packaging, decorated shirts, tote bags, jewelry, embroidered items, honey, baked items, wood burning/carving, sock monkey puppets, pillows, toys, ceramic roses, paintings, fall and Christmas decorations, pickles, chow chow, children’s books, soap, body scrubs, western novels, pen and ink sketches, ornaments, jams and jellies, fried pies, wooden puzzles, wooden toys, birdhouses, purses, hot cocoa bombs, and more!

If you have hand-crafted items that you would sell, contact the Hopkins County Extension Office at 903-885-3443 and we’ll provide an application for you. Booth spaces are extremely reasonable, and you don’t have to worry about the weather! It’s shaping up to be a great event!

Closing Thought

To be kind is more important than to be right. Many times what people need is not a brilliant mind that speaks, but a special heart that listens

– Scott Fitzgerald

Contact Johanna Hicks, B.S., M.Ed., Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, Family & Community Health Agent at the Hopkins County Extension Office, P.O. Box 518, 1200-B West Houston St., Sulphur Springs, TX 75483; 903-885-3443; or [email protected].

Chamber Connection – Aug. 10: Learn More About Stew Contest At Stewcomers Meeting

Posted by on 9:55 pm in Community Events, Headlines, Hopkins County News, Lifestyle, Local Business News, News, Sulphur Springs News | Comments Off on Chamber Connection – Aug. 10: Learn More About Stew Contest At Stewcomers Meeting

Chamber Connection – Aug. 10: Learn More About Stew Contest At Stewcomers Meeting

By Butch Burney

Monday, Aug. 15, is the final day to get your applications in if you are interested in being in this year’s Leadership Sulphur Springs class.

Leadership Sulphur Springs is a community leadership development program sponsored by the Hopkins County Chamber of Commerce. The course was created in 1989 with the concept of offering leadership training and community involvement for emerging business and community leaders. It is a nine-month session, with meetings held once a month.

Applicants should have lived or worked in Hopkins County for at least a year, have demonstrated a concern for the community, possesses high standards of persona quality and integrity, willing to commit the time required for the program, have the endorsement of their employer to take the necessary time away from work.

To apply, go to the Chamber’s website at, email [email protected] or call 903-885-6515.

The cost is $500, usually paid by the applicant’s employer.

We need 20 applicants for the class to make.

Stewcomers Meeting

For those who are interested in cooking up a pot of stew for the Stew Festival, the Chamber will have a Stewcomers meeting at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 11.

Participating in the meeting does not obligate you to cook in the Stew Fest, but it will give you information on the process, including recipes, timelines and what to expect. Email [email protected] for more information on the meeting.

Photography Contest

It’s time once again for the Chamber of Commerce’s annual photography contest!

The photography contest is open to anyone who resides in Hopkins County. We have seven categories: Natural World, Travel, Family and People, The Hopkins County Experience, Altered Images, Mobile, and Children (for photographers up to 18 years of age). Photographs must have been taken in Hopkins County no earlier than Jan. 1, 2021.

See the rules on our website, You can also upload your photos to our website to enter. The deadline to enter is Aug. 31.

Stewing About It

Registration for the 53rd Annual Hopkins County Stew Festival, presented by Alliance Bank, set for Oct. 22, is open.

To register, go online to the Chamber’s website at, email [email protected] or call 903-885-6515. The cost to enter is $100 per stew pot, with $150 coming from the sponsor to pay for ingredients.

This year, stew cooks can also pre-order a T-shirt with “Stew Cook” on the back for $15.

Register now to reserve your spot from last year.

We also are taking applications for our vendor market at the stew. Cost is $75 for Chamber members, $100 for nonmembers. Go to our website at or call Amanda at 903-885-6515 to register.

Our sponsorship letters should be arriving in your mailbox this week, so be looking for those!

Surviving Drought Requires Planning

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Surviving Drought Requires Planning
Mario Villarino, DVM, Ph.D.

By Dr. Mario A. Villarino, Hopkins County Extension Agent for Agriculture and Natural Resources, [email protected]

Surviving drought requires planning for it. Your plan should include strategies for finances, grazing management and stock reduction, as well as for vegetation recovery after the drought ends.

It is important to implement a grazing plan that promotes vegetation recovery. For example, if warm season grasses have been extremely stressed by successive years of low moisture, the eventual rains will provide some level of green growth. You will need to manage this new growth properly to give the tender new leaves a chance to mature and use sunlight to replenish the depleted nutrient reserves in the roots.

Drought recovery implies a return to a previous condition. Unfortunately, droughts are often considered only temporary events, after which conditions will return to “normal.” Some ecologists suggest that this may not be true in arid and semi-arid rangelands. These ecosystems may not automatically return to the same pre-disturbance “steady state.” (Some cases of brush encroachment within the past 100 years might be examples of this.)

Nevertheless, when rains do eventually come, sound grazing management practices will help the soil capture the rain that does fall and optimize forage growth. To form an effective plan, first determine your desired end point. Develop specific, measurable, attainable and trackable goals for your operation.

It’s easier and more effective to implement a drought strategy if you have good plans and current information. Monitor the supply-demand situation by taking periodic inventories of resources, especially forage production, which is the most limiting factor during drought. As the drought worsens, you will need to monitor and make decisions more frequently in order to maintain control and reach your goals. Although you cannot forecast rainfall with 100 percent accuracy, a good conservative plan with flexibility incorporated will help you be ready for what we cannot predict. Formulate your stock reduction strategies long before the drought begins, and implement those reductions systematically. Because no one can predict the severity or duration of an individual drought, there is no such thing as a perfect plan. However, the better your plan is, the more it can help. To help ensure that the plan has the expected outcomes, a good plan should include accurate records of the decisions you make and their consequences and establish benchmarks, such as photo-point monitoring on rangelands.

The most critical part of drought planning may be to form a drought strategy for each enterprise (cattle, sheep, hay, etc.) of your ranch operation. Develop production calendars for each enterprise to determine when to make critical decisions such as stock reductions, increased feeding or livestock relocation.

For example, know which months the most forage is grown on the ranch and which are the critical rainfall months. When a critical level of rainfall is not received by a certain date, plan for a systematic stock reduction or feeding strategy. If you reduce stock or begin a supplemental feeding strategy as early as possible during a drought, you can reduce the severity of the drought impacts.

In all situations, forage supply must meet or exceed forage demand. Therefore, you should inventory your forage every year. Your plan should incorporate strategies for dealing with poisonous plant problems also. For more information on this or any other agricultural topic please contact the Hopkins County Extension Office at 903-885-3443 or email me at [email protected].

School Begins … In Hopkins County, Yantis

Posted by on 5:08 pm in App, Community Events, Featured, Headlines, Hopkins County News, Lifestyle, News, School News | Comments Off on School Begins … In Hopkins County, Yantis

School Begins … In Hopkins County, Yantis

As has been the case in the past couple of years, school start dats for students in Hopkins County and Yantis will resume for the 2022-2023 school year is staggered over the next two weeks.

Close up miniature metal toy yellow school bus (Credit: Bilal Kocabas

In fact, Sulphur Bluff ISD is just completing their second day of classes Tuesday. After two full weeks of school, students will only be required to attend classes at school four days a week. Beginning with the week of Aug. 22, students will have Fridays off throughout the 2022-2023 school year. They had a traditional Meet the Teacher and hot dog supper last week to drop off supplies.

Cumby ISD and Miller Grove ISD are both slated to begin classes for the 2022-2023 school year on Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2022. Both hosted Meet the Teacher activities Monday, Aug. 8. Miller Grove ISD reminds parents the district is utilizing a new cafeteria system, so be sure to access that when adding funds to and to monitor their students’ accounts.

North Hopkins, Saltillo, Como-Pickton and Yantis ISDs will all begin classes next week.

North Hopkins ISD won’t begin classes until next week, but did offer a special Popsicle with the Principal Monday evening, allowing families to drive through to find out who their elementary students’ teachers will be and to receive a cool treat, and high school students were allowed to pick up their schedules from the front office Monday morning. NHISD Meet the Teacher will be held from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Aug. 15. The district also notes that there will be no eating or drinking anything except water on NHISD school buses this year.

Saltillo ISD’s Meet the Teacher is scheduled from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Aug. 14, 2022. Students will begin reporting to class for the 2022-2023 school year on Aug 15.

Como-Pickton CISD is opening the campus for new student registration and to assist parents with portal. Junior and seniors may pick up their schedules from 9 to 11 a.m. and sophomores and freshman from 2 to 4 p.m. Aug. 11, 2022. Meet the Teacher will be held Saturday, Aug. 13, from 9 to 11 a.m. at CPCISD. Students are invited to grab a hot dog for lunch, courtesy of Alliance Bank and CPCISD. Any 9-12th grade student yet to pick up their schedule may do so during the Meet the Teacher and Back to School Bash. Junior high students will also pick up schedules during the Back To School Bash. High School students who need a parking permit must bring to the high school office their driver’s license, proof of insurance, license plate number, and the make, model and color of their vehicle. Classes at CPCISD begin Aug. 17, 2022.

Yantis ISD will hold Meet hte Teacher from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Aug. 16; elementary students may drop off school supplies, while middle and high school students pick up their class schedules Tuesday. Chromebook Pick Up will be from 2 to 4 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 11 in the High School Culinary Room; parents must be present to sign the Chromebook agreement in order for their student to be assigned a device. Those unable to stop by Thursday may also collect their Chromebook during Meet the Teacher activities on Aug. 16. Don’t forget to check the dress code to be sure your student isn’t violating any of the rules. Classes at YISD will begin on Aug. 18, 2022.

SSISD Hosting Meet The Teacher, Other Activities To Help Students Get Ready For New School Year

Posted by on 3:07 pm in App, Community Events, Featured, Headlines, Lifestyle, News, School News, Sulphur Springs News | Comments Off on SSISD Hosting Meet The Teacher, Other Activities To Help Students Get Ready For New School Year

SSISD Hosting Meet The Teacher, Other Activities To Help Students Get Ready For New School Year

Sulphur Springs ISD is hosting Meet the Teacher and other activities designed to help students get ready for the new school year, which begins Wednesday, Aug. 17, 2022.

SSISD logo

Barbara Bush and Bowie Primary Schools will lead off the Meet the Teacher activities by inviting parents to bring their students by the child’s assigned campus during the designated time Tuesday evening.

Families can meet the child’s teachers, see their classroom and drop off the student’s school supplies during Meet The Teacher activities.

Travis, Rowena Johnson Primary and Sulphur Springs Elementary will host the next Meet the Teacher on Aug. 11, with Douglas ECLC’s Meet the Teacher Night following on Aug. 15. Schedules are staggered to provide more time for parents with students on more than one campus to teachers across the district.

SSMS students will be able to pickup their schedules and yearbooks on Aug. 15, and parents who are interested may sign up and obtain additional information about being involved with PTO during Meet the Teacher Activities during that time as well.

High School and Austin Academic Center will hold Meet the Teacher Tuesday evening, Aug. 16, but Freshman Orientation will be conducted at SSHS earlier in the day for 9th graders and students entering the campus for the first time. Students in grades 9-12 will be afforded the opportunity during designated time on Aug. 15 and 16 to pick up school issued laptops. A time will be provided during the first few days of school for students who are unable to pick up their devices during the designated times.

Families, students and community members are then invited to Gerald Prim Stadium for Meet the Wildcats night on Aug. 16.

Below is a schedule of several of those upcoming activities:

Tuesday, Aug. 9, 2022

  • Bowie Primary
    • Meet the Teacher 5-6:30 p.m.
  • Barbara Bush Primary
    • Meet the Teacher 5-6:30 p.m.

Thursday, Aug. 11, 2022

  • Travis Primary
    • Meet the Teacher 5-6:30 p.m.
  • Rowena Johnson Primary
    • Meet the Teacher 5:30-7 p.m.
  • Sulphur Springs Elementary
    • Meet the Teacher 5-6:30 p.m.

Monday, Aug. 15, 2022

  • Douglas Early Childhood Learning Center
    • Meet the Teacher 4-6 p.m.
  • Sulphur Springs Middle School
    • Meet the Teacher 5-7 p.m.
  • Sulphur Springs High School
    • Laptop pick up 1-4 p.m.

Tuesday, Aug. 16

  • Sulphur Springs High School
    • Laptop Pick Up 8-11:30 a.m.
    • Laptop Pick Up 1-4 p.m.
    • Meet the Teacher 5-6:30 p.m. (Laptops may be picked at this time as well)
  • Austin Academic Center
    • Meet the Teacher 5-6:30 p.m.
  • Gerald Prim Stadium
    • Meet the Wildcats 7-8 p.m.

Registration, Information Updating

Returning Student Online Verification for the 2022-2023 school year is open for all SSISD campuses. If your child was enrolled on the last day of school last year, you will use this to enroll your student for the upcoming year.

Middle School and High School students will not be able to pick up their schedules until their Online Verification has been completed.

Those needing assistance logging into the Family Access account may contact their child’s campus.

New student registration is open for the 2022-2023 school year.

This registration is for new students entering kindergarten -third grade who did NOT end the 2021-2022 school year in Sulphur Springs ISD. Current Pre-K and Head Start students will complete Returning Student Registration with their Skyward Family Access account.

New to Sulphur Springs ISD pre-kindergarten and Head Start students must contact Douglass ECLC for registration information.

All paperwork must be taken to the Sulphur Springs Administration Building located at 631 Connally St., Sulphur Springs, Texas.

To register a new-to-the-district student:

  1. Make an appointment by clicking the link:
  2. Only a Parent or Legal Guardian (must have appropriate documents) can enroll a child.
  3. Bring all required and/or applicable documents (listed below):
    • Proof of residency within district. Must be one of the following
      • Current utility bill
      • Current rent/Lease agreement/Mortgage statement showing name and address of owner
      • Income Tax paperwork
    • Parent or Legal Guardian’s Photo ID
    • Child’s Official Birth Certificate
    • Child’s Social Security Card
    • Child’s Up-to-Date Immunization Record
    • Dr.’s Notes Concerning Allergy/Health Needs
    • Custodial Documents or Court Orders, if applicable.
  4. Complete the online registration process via Skyward:

Consumer Alert: Scammer Posing As TDI Employee

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Consumer Alert: Scammer Posing As TDI Employee

The Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) is urging consumers to be wary of phone calls or other communications from anyone claiming to be a representative of TDI.

TDI will call you only when you ask for assistance.

TDI’s Fraud Unit received a report from a person who was contacted by someone claiming to be a TDI employee, offering to meet at their home to go over their insurance needs.

“The individual who received the call did the right thing by not providing any personal information and contacting us,” said Chris Davis, head of TDI’s Fraud Unit. “This may have been an attempt at identity theft or other crime.”

Davis recommends caution if you’re contacted about any financial matter, and you didn’t make the first call. Unless you’re sure of who you’re speaking with, do not provide personal information such as your address, birth date, Social Security number, or any of your account numbers.

If you need help with an insurance issue or if you suspect insurance fraud, contact TDI’s Help Line at 800-252-3439. The TDI website,, and social media channels are how we provide consumer information.


Sulphur Springs Couple Accused Of Child Endangerment

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Sulphur Springs Couple Accused Of Child Endangerment

A Sulphur Springs couple was accused of child endangerment after their 1-year-old tested positive for methamphetamine.

Child Protective Services launched an investigation of the pair in early July. During the course of the month-long investigation, Justin Dwayne Humphries and Shania Lynn Humphries and their 1-year-old all tested positive for methamphetamine, according to arrest and police reports.

Working in conjunction with Sulphur Springs Police Department, a warrant was obtained for each parent’s arrest. SSPD Special Crimes Unit Lt. Mark Estes and SSPD Sgt. Terry Miller went to a Parkins Street address, served the warrants and took the 28-year-old man and 24-year-old woman into custody at 2 p.m. Aug. 8, 2022, on one child endangerment charge each, according to police reports.

Shania Humphries was released from Hopkins County jail later Monday; her bond was set at $15,000. Justin Humphries, however, remained in Hopkins County jail Tuesday, Aug. 9, 2022. His bond was set at $25,000, according to jail reports. publishes Sulphur Springs Police Department reports and news. The Police Department is located at 125 Davis St., Sulphur Springs, Texas. Non-emergency calls can be made to (903) 885-7602.

If you have an emergency dial 9-1-1.

The Sulphur Springs Police Department continues to serve its citizens with pride in its overall mission and will strive to provide the best possible police force in the 21st century.

If you have an emergency, dial 9-1-1

The Hopkins County Sheriff’s Office is located at 298 Rosemont Sulphur Springs, TX 75482. You can reach them for non-emergency matters at (903) 438-4040.

EEA Our Youth 5th Annual Back 2 School Ready Scheduled Aug. 14

Posted by on 10:02 am in App, Community Events, Featured, Headlines, Hopkins County News, Lifestyle, Local Business News, News, School News, Sulphur Springs News | Comments Off on EEA Our Youth 5th Annual Back 2 School Ready Scheduled Aug. 14

EEA Our Youth 5th Annual Back 2 School Ready Scheduled Aug. 14

East End Allegiance: OUR YOUTH will host the 5th Annual Back 2 School Ready event from 3 to 6 p.m. August 14, 2022, at the HW Grays Building in Pacific Park.

EEA Our Youth is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that relies on the generous donations of the community to make events such as this one possible.

“Every year, we have been consistent on getting the kids in the community ready to be great! With the support of all, we have been able to do so,” said Bridgette Cooper with EEA:OY. “We’ve had over 70 families sign up for free backpacks and supplies. The sign up list is closed, but the event and festivities are for all families. The children must be present.”

The Back 2 School Ready event will provide free haircuts, wellness checks, community resources, family fun, food, games and much more. The event will feature many fun carnival activities. Food, a clothing ministry, music , face painting will also be offered. Everything is free for children and families thanks to the sponsorship of local businesses and individuals investing in the community by helping to equip youth for the 2022-2023 school year.

Over the weekend, the contestants from the recent Miss Juneteenth Pageant showed their community spirit by “donating a bulk of just backpacks and school supplies,” event coordinators noted.

Check out the EEA: Our Youth Facebook page for information on sponsors and contributors to the 5th Annual Back 2 School Ready and additional information on upcoming activities and opportunities to become involved.

EEA: Our Youth Back 2 School Ready 2022

Winnsboro Police Department Media Report — Aug. 1-7, 2022

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Winnsboro Police Department Media Report — Aug. 1-7, 2022

Winnsboro Police Department each week provides a media report with information about department activity. WPD activity for the week Aug. 1-7, 2022, included:

Winnsboro Police


  • Bobby Hughes, 55 years of age, of Kilgore, was arrested on Aug. 4, 2022, for Possession of Less than 2 Ounces of Marijuana.
  • Daniel Ramirez, 58 years of age, of Winnsboro, was arrested on Aug. 5, 2022, for Driving While Intoxicated — 3rd or More Offense.
  • Ronald Dickson, 58 years of age, of Winnsboro, was arrested on Aug. 6 2022, for Evading Arrest or Detention with a Vehicle.

Calls for Service

The Winnsboro Police Department responded to a total of 139 calls for service during this reporting period.


The Winnsboro Police Department issued 27 citations and 53 warnings during this reporting period.