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Titus County Plane Crash Results In 1 Death

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Titus County Plane Crash Results In 1 Death

A Titus County plane crash Sunday night resulted in one death; three others were reported by Texas Department of Public Safety to have been injured.

In a preliminary investigation report, Texas DPS Trooper William Davis indicated the single engine aircraft was approaching the runway at Mount Pleasant Airport from the north when it clipped a tree and crashed north of the runway near County Road 4550 and 4530 at 11:48 p.m. July 3, 2022. The crash is being further investigated by the National Traffic Safety Board.

The pilot, 50-year-old Jon Anderson of Mount Pleasant, and two passengers, 59-year-old Jere Kellough and 54-year-old Tracy Kellough, both of Omaha, were taken to UT Medical Center in Tyler. Jere Kellough later died at the hospital. Jon Anderson and Tracy Kellough sustained what DPS described as “incapacitating injuries.” The third passenger, 49-year-old Tanya Anderson of Mount Pleasant, was transported to Titus Regional Medical Center in Mount Pleasant for treatment of what were reported to be non-incapacitating injuries, according to a news release from DPS Highway Patrol Sgt. Gregg Williams.

From the Paris Junior College Sulphur Springs Center Welding Shop of a Commerce Student

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From the Paris Junior College Sulphur Springs Center Welding Shop of a Commerce Student


PJC-Sulphur Springs Center welding instructor John Plemons checks the work of pipe welding student Gage Blackburn of Commerce during a recent class. To enroll in the welding course offered at the campus, call 903-885-1232.

Paris Junior College Welding
Paris Junior College Welding

Paris Junior College — located in Paris, Texas, about 100 miles northeast of Dallas — has been a part of the Lamar County community since 1924.

Paris Junior College offers Associate in Arts, Associate in Science and Associate in Applied Science degrees, as well as Certificates of Proficiency in technical/workforce fields. The college has expanded its academic curriculum through the years to encourage associate degree and university transfer candidates. Since establishing its first vocational program — jewelry and watchmaking in 1942 — the college has been aggressive in adding technical/workforce programs that will benefit students entering the workforce.

The campus of 54 tree-shaded acres includes 20 major buildings and residence halls and provides students a unique and pleasant environment for learning.

Paris Junior College also operates centers in Sulphur Springs, Texas, and in Greenville, Texas.


To be the educational provider of choice for the region.


Paris Junior College is a comprehensive community college serving the region’s educational and training needs while strengthening the economic, social and cultural life of our diverse community.

TDI: Former NFL player indicted for over $25,000 in bogus medical claims

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TDI: Former NFL player indicted for over $25,000 in bogus medical claims
TDI News Release — Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Former NFL player Narond “Roc” Alexander was indicted June 30 for submitting fraudulent health reimbursement claims to a health plan for former NFL players.

The case was led by Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) investigators and prosecutors working with the Bexar County District Attorney’s Office.

An investigation found that Alexander submitted claims for medical treatments he never received totaling more than $25,000.

Alexander allegedly submitted the claims between September 2014 and September 2018 under the Gene Upshaw NFL Player Health Reimbursement Plan. The Upshaw plan helps pay certain medical care expenses for former NFL players. 

A Bexar County grand jury indicted Alexander and charged him with committing insurance fraud, a third-degree felony. If convicted, he faces up to 10 years in prison and up to a $10,000 fine.

Bexar County District Attorney Joe Gonzales said: “Insurance fraud hurts the people who actually need these funds to cover their health care costs, like the NFL players who benefit from this particular fund. This indictment allows us to seek justice on behalf of the NFL players with legitimate claims who rely on these funds.”

The case will be prosecuted by Special Assistant District Attorney Nicole Thornbro. Thornbro is a TDI employee who works in the Bexar County District Attorney’s Office as a special prosecutor focusing on insurance fraud.

Alexander played for the University of Washington and then in the NFL. He signed with the Denver Broncos in 2004, later playing for the Houston Texans.

You can report suspected insurance fraud by calling 800-252-3439.

Paris Junior College Regents Accept ADA Concrete Work Bid

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Paris Junior College Regents Accept ADA Concrete Work Bid

Paris Junior College

Public Information Services

PJC Regents accept ADA concrete work bid

During the June meeting of the Paris Junior College Board of Regents, a bid was accepted for concrete work as identified through a Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board 2020 Americans with Disabilities Act audit. The work, which includes sidewalk and ramp replacement around campus, must be completed this summer.

  In other business, the Regents: 

  • Approved contracting with the Lamar County Elections Administrator to conduct the November election for the Regents.

  • Called for an election for Place 1 (Precinct 2), Place 2 (Precinct 2), and Place 8 (Precinct 4) on Tuesday, Nov. 8.

  • Reviewed two renderings for a Greenville Workforce Training Center, which would accommodate four workforce training programs.

  • Approved the Substantive Change Policy GK (Local).

  • Approved an increase for the ACT WorkKeys test given by the PJC Testing Center, from $44 to $50 and from $56 to $64.

  • Accepted the 2022-2023 Dual Credit Memorandum of Understanding.

  • Reviewed, as required annually, the State Auditor’s Office Compliance with Public Funds Investment Act Report.

  • Received an update on Summer I enrollment.

  • Reviewed a report on fall and spring retention by course and by faculty member.

  • Received the President’s Report on Summer II enrollment, facilities update and the success of the PJC softball team and the recognition they received.  • Approved the promotion of PJC ADN Nursing Instructor Tamera Lewis as Director of Nursing, effective June 1 and accepted the resignation of Dr. Ashley Jones, Educational Opportunity Center Director, effective August 31.

Paris Junior College — located in Paris, Texas, about 100 miles northeast of Dallas — has been a part of the Lamar County community since 1924.

Paris Junior College offers Associate in Arts, Associate in Science and Associate in Applied Science degrees, as well as Certificates of Proficiency in technical/workforce fields. The college has expanded its academic curriculum through the years to encourage associate degree and university transfer candidates. Since establishing its first vocational program — jewelry and watchmaking in 1942 — the college has been aggressive in adding technical/workforce programs that will benefit students entering the workforce.

The campus of 54 tree-shaded acres includes 20 major buildings and residence halls and provides students a unique and pleasant environment for learning.

Paris Junior College also operates centers in Sulphur Springs, Texas, and in Greenville, Texas.


To be the educational provider of choice for the region.


Paris Junior College is a comprehensive community college serving the region’s educational and training needs while strengthening the economic, social and cultural life of our diverse community.

Chamber Connection – July 6

Posted by on 1:45 pm in Community Events, Headlines, Hopkins County News, Local Business News, Medical News, News, Sulphur Springs News | Comments Off on Chamber Connection – July 6

Chamber Connection – July 6

By Butch Burney, President/CEO, Hopkins County Chamber of Commerce, [email protected]

Get your luau on at the Chamber’s next Business After Hours, hosted by Heritage Home Health and Hospice, from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday, July 14, at the Chamber office

Heritage will have tropical drinks, food and fun music for everyone to enjoy!

Whether you’re a member of the Chamber or not, come on for one of the best networking events.

Mental Health First Aid

Lakes Regional will host a two-day event for Mental Health First Aid (MHFA), which is free and open to the public. The adult MHFA is 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. July 14 at the Lakes Regional Sulphur Springs location on Airport Road. The youth seminar will be 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. July 26.

To register, call 972-977-7295 or email [email protected].

Country Concert

G3 Mercantile will be bringing country music singer Tommy Alverson to Backstory Brewery, along with Longhorn burgers and door prizes on July 9. Burgers will be served from 5 to 9 p.m., with the music going from 7 to 9 p.m.

Goodwill Appreciation

Goodwill Industries at 1320 West Shannon Road will be hosting a customer appreciation event from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. July 9. Enjoy hot dogs, chips, water, soda, watermelon and a chance to earn a discount off your purchases.

Handbag Bingo

The Hopkins County Health Care (HCHC) Foundation will be hosting the ever-popular Designer Handbag Bingo. Tickets and sponsorships are now available for this event which will be held on Thursday, August 4 at the Hopkins County Civic Center. Doors open at 5 p.m. and bingo play starts at 6 p.m.

This event provides an opportunity to support the initiatives of the HCHC Foundation while enjoying a ladies’ night out at bingo. Participants will receive a drink ticket, appetizers, and 10 rounds of bingo games. Each game provides an opportunity to win two handbags.

Tickets are $50 each or a table of eight is $500. Additional tickets are offered for bonus rounds and drinks.
In the past, handbags have been from designers such as Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Kate Spade, and Coach.
To register or sponsor go to and for more information, email [email protected] or call 903-438-4799 or 903-335-0705.

Ribbon Cuttings

Texas Pelvic Health
  • Texas Pelvic Health hosted a ribbon cutting June 29 at Dr. Hailey Jackson’s office at 458 South Hillcrest Drive. She treats patients with pelvic pain, sexual dysfunction, urinary and bowel conditions, orthopedic pelvic pain, or pre- and post-natal issues.
  • Maltech Fleet Services will have a ribbon cutting at 1412 College St. at noon Wednesday, July 16. Please join us for this event.

City Council To Consider Requests To Establish 2 Reinvestment Zones, 6 Zoning Changes

Posted by on 12:34 pm in Featured, Financial News, Headlines, Hopkins County News, Local Business News, News, Sulphur Springs City Council News, Sulphur Springs News | Comments Off on City Council To Consider Requests To Establish 2 Reinvestment Zones, 6 Zoning Changes

City Council To Consider Requests To Establish 2 Reinvestment Zones, 6 Zoning Changes

Gift, 2 Economic Development Projects, Real Property Matters, Contract Amendment For 2022 SIP Also On July 5 Agenda

Sulphur Springs City Council has a lengthy July 5, 2022 agenda, which includes requests to establish two reinvestment zones for new businesses and six zoning changes — including one reinvestment zone request and five rezoning requests to be presented for second and, if approved, final reading; and one new request each to rezone property for a new business and to establish a reinvestment zone for another expansion of a local business. All together, that’s 12 ordinances that will either be created or impacted by decisions made at the regular July meeting tonight.

Executive Session

The City Council will meet at 6:15 p.m. and immediately go into executive session to consult with an attorney, discuss the value or transfer or real property, a prospective gift or donation to the City of Sulphur Springs, and deliberate regarding two economic development projects identified only as Superman and Elephant.

The elected officials are then scheduled to reconvene in regular open session beginning at 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 5, 2022, in the Council Chambers in the Municipal Building.

Sulphur Springs Municipal Building (City Hall) Connally Street entrance, the side on which the conference center, where executive sessions are typically held, is located.

Rezoning Requests

Libba Land LTD is asking the City of Sulphur Springs to rezone about 12 acres of a 24.73-acre parcel located at the Northeast corner of Interstate 30 and State Highway 19, from heavy commercial to light industrial, so a CEFCO truck stop can be constructed there.

The request is being presented on second, and if approved, final approval of the City Council. The request was recommended to the City Council by the Planning & Zoning Board as meeting all requirements and stipulations set forth for such matters. Two members of the City Council voted against the measure at the June 2022 City Council meeting on first reading, but the measure passed on a 5-2 vote with Place 5 Councilman John Sellers and Place 2 Councilman Harold Nash casting the dissenting votes.

One resident of the neighboring area spoke against putting a truck stop on the north side of I-30 near Coleman Park. Among the concerns he cited were potential: traffic issues, hazard to children and residents in the nearby park,, damage to the road, and affect on nearby property values.

A representative for Libba Land LTD discusses a proposed CEFCO truck stop to be placed on Industrial Drive at Hillcrest Drive during the June 2022 City Council meeting

Jason and Jennifer Lacomfora are asking that property located at 1120 Church Street, a 1.54-acre tract be rezoned from multifamily to heavy commercial. This is being presented for second, and if approved, final approval Tuesday night.

Hopkins County Holdings LLC requested that 302 and 306 Magnolia Street be rezoned from light industrial to multifamily and that 530 Davis Street be rezoned from light industrial to multifamily. This is being presented Tuesday for second and what would be final approval, the City Council greenlights the zoning change.

Hopkins County Hospital District has asked that property at 525 Church Street be rezoned from multifamily to professional office and 530 Davis Street be rezoned from single family-10 to professional office. The both requests were approved on first reading in June; this would be second and final approval if the City Council agrees to the request. This will clean up some zoning to fit the use for the structures, and so the property can be sold.

Being presented for the first time as Ordinance No. 2807 is a request from Andrea and Malachi Sandoval to rezone property at 1659 Arbala Road from single family to light commercial.

Just under 1 acre of the 11 acre tract, the portion at the northwest corner of Arbala Road and Wildcat Way, would be used for a new coffee shop, the Planning & Zoning Commission members were told at the group’s June 20 meeting. City staff recommended the request be approved, provided the applicants subdivide the the lots in accordance with the rezoning request.

The City’s land use plan along that area identifies the area as commercial, so the request would be in keeping with intended use. A vacant property to the north of the property in question is zoned heavy commercial. Single family property to the east is also designated as heavy commercially zoned. Vacant property to the south is zoned light commercial. Vacant property to the west is zoned single family or SF-6. round the property for which the rezoning request is made, Sulphur Springs Assistant City Manger/Community Development Director Tory Niewiadomski told the P&Z Commission on June 20.

The Planning and Zoning Commission members determined the request met city requirements, provided the property is subdivided as indicated, forwarding the request to the City Council for consideration on July 5.

Reinvestment Zones

The City Council is scheduled to hear for the second time, and final if approved, the request to establish a reinvestment zone for Ashoka Steel Mills.

On April 11, Sulphur Springs ISD Board of Trustees accepted a Chapter 313 application from Ashoka Steel Mills, LLC, seeking a tax incentive for a $265 million investment which is projected to create 300 jobs and be located on 250 acres of the city’s 4,8570 acre property which previously housed a coal mine, with a 150-acre expansion planned later, Sulphur Springs-Hopkins County Economic Development Director Roger Feagley said when asked by a school official at the April 11 meeting.

Sulphur Springs City Hall
Sulphur Springs Municipal Building (City Hall)

Sulphur Springs is one of two cities being considered for the plant, and could be among the company’s first manufacturing facilities in the US. The other site being considered is Tulsa, Oklahoma. Approval of the reinvestment zone and tax incentives sooner rather than later could give Sulphur Springs the edge to lure the company to Sulphur Springs instead of Oklahoma, according to Feagley.

Ashoka representatives noted the project is contingent on the business receiving tax or other economic incentives from local taxing entities, including the school district and city. The applications submitted to SSISD has been forwarded to Texas Comptroller’s Office to determine whether it meets stipulations required for a 313 agreement. SSISD will be notified of the finding. If it is approved, the school board then would consider approving the application.

A reinvestment zone is required for a business to apply to certain taxing entities for tax incentives. For instance, Ashoka Steel Mills wouldn’t be able to apply for a tax abatement from the hospital district without a reinvestment zone being established

Being resented to Sulphur Springs City Council for the first time Tuesday night for consideration is Ordinance No. 2806, which would establish yet another reinvestment zone for D6, Inc. The company began operations in Sulphur Springs 1 1/2 years ago, receiving tax incentives to open a plant in the old Coca-Cola Building just off Industrial Drive. In October of 2021, Gov. Greg Abbott announced that D6 Inc would be moving its headquarters form Portland, Oregon to the more centrally located Sulphur Springs, Texas. Tax incentives were sought for an expansion of the current facility, which would max out available space. Now, the business is gearing up to construct a large building near the current site on EDC property, into which all operations would be moved.

Overall, the business is expected to expand the current operation by 300,000-square feet, with a 180,000-square-foot building to be constructed as soon as the business can get everything in line and another 120,000-square-foot building expansion in three years. Once complete, the D6 Inc. representatives are planning to relocate everything into the new building, then sell the Coca-Cola plant. The business started out promising 25 jobs and, thus far, has hired 71. That number would increase to more than 250 employees at full capacity for the future 300,000-square foot facility.

Other Agenda Items

The July 5 City Council agenda also includes:

Sulphur Springs Municipal Building (City Hall)
  • Discussion/Action on contract amendment for SIP 2022.
  • Visitors and Public Forum
  • Discussion/Action on public hearing for second and final reading of Ordinance No. 2798 – An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Sulphur Springs, Texas, amending Ordinance No. 2783, the 2021-2022 Annual Budget Ordinance.
  • Discussion/Action on public hearing for second and final reading of Ordinance No. 2799 – An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Sulphur Springs, Texas, amending Ordinance No. 2790, the master fee schedule for costs, fees and rates associated with permitting, utility services and other services provided by the City.
  • Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag, Texas Flag, and invocation.
  • Presentations, proclamations, and announcement.
  • Manager’s report will include a status report of capital improvements, municipal operations, accidents and claims for the month, and a review of expenditures and revenues.

Registration Opens For 2022 Hopkins County Back To School Fair

Posted by on 10:15 am in Community Events, Featured, Headlines, Hopkins County News, Lifestyle, Local Business News, News, School News, Sulphur Springs News | Comments Off on Registration Opens For 2022 Hopkins County Back To School Fair

Registration Opens For 2022 Hopkins County Back To School Fair

Registration is now open for the 2022 Hopkins County Back to School Fair, which will be held from 3 to 6 p.m. Friday, Aug. 5, 2022 at Hopkins County Civic Center.

For six years, the annual back to school fair has been a one-stop destination to help prepare Hopkins County and Yantis ISD students and families for the start of school. The number of people served each year continues to grow and CANHelp anticipates providing for even more in 2022.

This year’s event will again be an indoor/outdoor event that will provide students and families with free backpacks and school supplies as well as other free services such as haircuts, school physicals, dental and vision exams, vaccinations and health check ups. There will be many activities for everyone to enjoy while getting ready for the 2022-2023 school year.

To register for backpacks and school supplies or to become a sponsor, vendor, or volunteer, visit, then click the appropriate colored button at the bottom of the page to learn more. Last day to register for backpacks/school supplies is Monday, August 1. The custodial or enrolling parent/guardian should be the person registering the students for the supplies.

There are various levels of sponsorship available, and no donation is too big or small. A donation of just $35 will fill a backpack with school supplies for one student. Supplies will be packed by The Supply Kit. A donation of $2,000 or more will get the business, individual or group recognition as the presenting or title sponsor, and logo placement on all marketing materials and social media/website acknowledgement moving forward from the date of commitment, and get the name at the top of the list of sponsors on the event t-shirt. Cap and Gown Sponsors donate $1,000-$1,999, Golden Apple Sponsors have contributed $500-$599, Head of the Class Sponsors Give $250-$499, Honor Roll Sponsors contribute $100-249 and School Mascot Sponsors will have given $1-$99. All sponsors will be acknowledged on social media and the CANHelp website. The Honor Roll sponsors will get their names on the event t-shirt. All except Honor Roll and School Mascot get logos on marketing materials from date of commitment and on the back of event t-shirts; the higher the donation the bigger the logo.

Those who’d like to volunteer to staff the Back to School Fair should follow the link on the CANHelp website, then fill out the online form. Be aware because the event is indoor/outdoor this could mean being in the the heat on Aug. 5 intermittently. Food and drinks will be provided for all volunteers.

Any addition questions may be emailed to  [email protected].

Cooper Woman Arrested At Walmart On Felony Theft Charge

Posted by on 2:13 pm in Featured, Headlines, News, Sulphur Springs News, Sulphur Springs Police Department | Comments Off on Cooper Woman Arrested At Walmart On Felony Theft Charge

Cooper Woman Arrested At Walmart On Felony Theft Charge

A Cooper woman was arrested at Walmart at 11:04 a.m. Sunday, July 3, 2022, for theft of merchandise valued at less than $2,500 with two prior convictions, according to arrest reports.

Sulphur Springs Police Officer Francisco Castro responded to a theft at the store. Upon arrival asset protection staff said the woman intentionally skipped items during checkout and left the last point of sale with unpaid items. Latisha Marie “Tish” Harmon also admitted she had intentionally skipped items during check out and also concealed unpaid merchandise in her purse. Among the stolen items, which totaled more than $150 were food and ladies’ clothing.

The officer viewed surveillance footage of Harmon checking out and took her into custody.

Contraband was reportedly located in the woman’s purse, resulting in a citation. Her purse was released to someone else at her request. She was transported to jail on the felony charge.

Sulphur Springs Police Department patrol vehicle publishes Sulphur Springs Police Department reports and news. The Police Department is located at 125 Davis St., Sulphur Springs, Texas. Non-emergency calls can be made to (903) 885-7602.

If you have an emergency dial 9-1-1.

The Sulphur Springs Police Department continues to serve its citizens with pride in its overall mission and will strive to provide the best possible police force in the 21st century.

If you have an emergency, dial 9-1-1

The Hopkins County Sheriff’s Office is located at 298 Rosemont Sulphur Springs, TX 75482. You can reach them for non-emergency matters at (903) 438-4040.

5 Booked Into Hopkins County Jail Over Weekend On Controlled Substance Charges

Posted by on 1:17 pm in Featured, Headlines, Hopkins County News, News, Sheriff's Department, Sulphur Springs News, Sulphur Springs Police Department | Comments Off on 5 Booked Into Hopkins County Jail Over Weekend On Controlled Substance Charges

5 Booked Into Hopkins County Jail Over Weekend On Controlled Substance Charges

At least five people were booked into Hopkins County jail over the weekend on controlled substance charges, according to jail reports.

Putman Street Argument

Logan Deshaune Bailey

An outdoor argument between and man and woman resulted in officers locating marijuana and Ecstasy pills.

Sulphur Springs Police responded at 9:38 a.m. July 2, 2022, on Putman Street, where a disturbance between the pair was reported. The man walked behind the house and the women toward Officer Sean Hoffman as he approached. The woman admitted they had argued. She displayed signs of nervousness while explaining what had happened. The officer reported seeing marijuana in a tray on the dash of a vehicle.

Sulphur Springs Police Office Francisco Castro arrived and walked behind the residence to talk to the male. Logan Deshaune Bailey reportedly admitted the vehicle was his. Both admitted they would go outside to smoke.

The 37-year-old Heartland, Texas man retrieved a container with more marijuana. Officers sew several small multi colored pills in a tray in the driver’s side door. Bailey admitted it was his ecstasy, police alleged in arrest reports.

The Heartland man was arrested for possession of 1 gram or more but less than 4 grams of a Penalty Group 1 controlled substance. Bailey was released from Hopkins County jail Sunday, July 3, 2022, on a $10,000 bond on the controlled substance charge.

Como Street Traffic Stop

Heather Nicole Herring

A Leesburg woman was arrested by Sulphur Springs Police Officer Francisco Castro at 12:05 p.m. Saturday on North Como Street at Jefferson Street after marijuana and THC cartridges were found during a traffic stop.

The driver claimed he had just picked the woman up and they were driving around Sulphur Springs. The man appeared nervous. Officers smelled marijuana; the driver claimed it was cigars. The pair gave conflicting stories as to the reasons for their travels, the officer noted in arrest reports.

The passenger admitted to having a THC pen in her purse. She denied there was more contraband in the Chevrolet Cruze. A case with marijuana, a grinder and rolling papers were found in the passenger side floor board, a bag with marijuana, a container with 11 small containers of THC cartridges that were 1 gram each, and a bag with paraphernalia were also found. Heather Nicole Herring claimed ownership of the vehicle and contraband.

The 36-year-old Leesburg woman was taken into custody at 12:35 a.m. July 2 and arrested for possession of 4 grams or more but less than 400 grams of a Penalty Group 2 controlled substance and possession of 4 ounces or more but no more than 5 pounds of marijuana. The car was released to the driver.

Herring was released from the county jail Sunday, July 3, 2022, on a $20,000 bond on the controlled substance charge and a $5,000 bond on the marijuana charge, according to jail reports.

Cottonwood Street Warrant Service

Tamera Michelle Fouse AKA Tamara Michelle Fouse, Tamera Gibson, Tamara Michelle Rogers and Tamera Michelle Rogers Fouse

Hopkins County Sheriff’s Office deputies, aware of an outstanding warrant for Tamera Michelle Fouse’s arrest, spotted the 43-year-old Sulphur Springs woman walked into her Cottonwood Street residence. They contacted her and took her into custody at 8:41 p.m. Friday, July 1, 2022, on a warrant for possession of 1 gram or more but less than 4 grams of a Penalty Group 1 controlled substance, Deputy Justin Wilkerson and Sgt. Scott Davis noted in arrest reports.

Fouse remained in Hopkins County jail Monday, July 4, 2022, on the warrant.

I-30 East Traffic Stop

Cumby Police Officer Justin Talley stopped a Hyundai at 9:56 p.m. July 1, 2022, on Interstate 30 east at mile marker 112 after noticing the license plate light was not working. The driver had three bottles of a substance Talley believed to be liquid codeine under his feet.

The 29-year-old Mount Pleasant man was arrested at 10:18 p.m. Friday at for possession of less than 28 grams of a Penalty Group 4 controlled substance. He was released from Hopkins County jail Saturday, July 2, 2022, on a $1,000 bond on the charge, according to jail reports.

Jail Transfer

Franklin Nathaniel McWhirter

HCSO Deputy Steve Huffman transferred Franklin Nathaniel McWhirter from Dallas County Jail at 8:55 a.m. July 1 to Hopkins County jail. The 42-year-old was booked in Friday for bond forfeiture on a July 24, 2021 possession of less than 1 gram of a controlled substance charge, according to arrest reports.

McWhirter remained in Hopkins County jail Monday, July 4, 2022, according to jail reports. publishes Sulphur Springs Police Department reports and news. The Police Department is located at 125 Davis St., Sulphur Springs, Texas. Non-emergency calls can be made to (903) 885-7602.

If you have an emergency dial 9-1-1.

The Sulphur Springs Police Department continues to serve its citizens with pride in its overall mission and will strive to provide the best possible police force in the 21st century.

If you have an emergency, dial 9-1-1

The Hopkins County Sheriff’s Office is located at 298 Rosemont Sulphur Springs, TX 75482. You can reach them for non-emergency matters at (903) 438-4040.

Winnsboro Police Department Media Report June 27-July 3, 2022

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Winnsboro Police Department Media Report June 27-July 3, 2022

Winnsboro Police Department each week provides a media report with information about department activity. WPD activity for the week of June 27-July 3, 2022, included:


Winnsboro Police Department
  • Lynn Taylor, 34 years of age, of Winnsboro, was arrested on June 29, 2022, on a Wood County Warrant for Assault Causing Bodily Injury-Family Violence with Previous Convictions.
  • Alexander Nichols, 22 years of age, of Winnsboro, was arrested on June 29, 2022, for Driving While Intoxicated.
  • Tommy Boswell, 44 years of age, of Tyler, was arrested on June 30, 2022, for Possession of Drug Paraphernalia.
  • Alyssa Boswell, 42 years of age, of Tyler, was arrested on June 30, 2022, for Possession of Drug Paraphernalia.
  • Michael Martin, 39 years of age, of Tyler, was arrested on June 30, 2022, for Possession of 4 grams or more but less than 200 grams of a Penalty Group 1 Controlled Substance.
  • Lisa Sparks, 56 years of age, of Knickerbocker, was arrested on July 2, 2022, for Possession of 1 gram or more but less than 4 grams of a Penalty Group 1/1-B Controlled Substance.
  • Zachary Morseth, 25 years of age, of Winnsboro, was arrested on July 2, 2022, for Possession of 1 gram or more but less than 4 grams of a Penalty Group 1 Controlled Substance.
  • Lacey Henson, 37 years of age, of Winnsboro, was arrested on July 3, 2022, for Driving While License Invalid with Previous Convictions.

Calls for Service

The Winnsboro Police Department responded to a total of 139 calls for service during this reporting period.


The Winnsboro Police Department issued 35 citations and 27 warnings during this reporting period.