Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs
Sulphur Springs City Council Candidate Profiles

Sulphur Springs City Council Candidate Profiles

Voting in the May 4 Sulphur Springs City Council and special charter proposition elections continues with early voting from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday and Tuesday, April 29-30. Election Day voting will be from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday, May 4. All voting in city elections is being conducted in the second floor conference room at City Hall. Voters are asked to consider approving 13 changes to the Sulphur Springs Home Rule Charter and to...

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Winnsboro Evacuation Lifted Wednesday at Noon

Winnsboro Evacuation Lifted Wednesday at Noon

The Evacuation has been lifted and all roads are now open in Winnsboro. Air Quality and the risk of danger have been deemed concluded. As Hopkins County Emergency Management Planning Team met Tuesday morning to continue preparation toward a table-top emergency drill, in Winnsboro Tuesday afternoon the City of Winnsboro and Wood County began responding to a fire at Valley Feed Mill, 1211 E. Coke Road in Winnsboro. The response to the...

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Winnsboro Evacuates One-Half Mile Around Valley Mills Feed Fire

Winnsboro Evacuates One-Half Mile Around Valley Mills Feed Fire

Update: The evacuation has been lifted as of Wednesday at noon. As Hopkins County Emergency Management Planning Team met Tuesday morning to continue preparation toward a table-top emergency drill, in Winnsboro Tuesday afternoon the City of Winnsboro and Wood County began responding to a fire at Valley Feed Mill, 1211 E. Coke Road in Winnsboro. The response to the fire became a became a full-blown response to potential disaster. The...

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Dairy Festival Queen and Contestants

Dairy Festival Queen and Contestants

The Dairy Festival season will soon be upon Hopkins County once again. Contestants for the Dairy Festival Pageant have been announced, 8 soon-to-be senior girls from Sulphur Springs High School. The reigning Dairy Festival Queen is Ms. Sidney Elaine Dietze. Sidney Dietze is the daughter of Jason and Jill Dietze and the sister of Peyton and Jason Luke Dietze. Sidney loves to sing, play sports, participate in theater, and work with...

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SIA Report Commends Hospital, Directs Response to CMS Survey at Monday Night Board Meeting

SIA Report Commends Hospital, Directs Response to CMS Survey at Monday Night Board Meeting

During Monday night’s Hopkins County Memorial Hospital Board meeting, the board swore in Joe Bob Burgin to another term, honored outgoing member Ralph Preuss, and heard compliments regarding the hospital and staff from Greely, the company serving the Systems Improvement Agreement(Hospital Receives Extension of Medicare/Medicaid Program) that will answer the questions of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services raised in October,...

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Memorial Hospital Survey Results; Reactions

Memorial Hospital Survey Results; Reactions

Hopkins County Memorial Hospital has been notified that on November 6th of this year, they will no longer qualify for Medicaid or Medicare payments. The hospital administration is working to head off termination of their agreement to participate in Medicare and Medicaid programs by November 6 due to failure to meet minimum health and safety standards uncovered in CMS surveys. A meeting with CMS officials will take place Tuesday,...

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