Tira Community Center Closed Due To COVID-19

Tira Community Center Closed Due To COVID-19

North Hopkins FFA Help Spruce Up Community Center Flower Beds By Jan Vaughn, Tira News correspondent The Tira City Council meeting, which was scheduled for Sunday, December 6, 2020, was cancelled due to COVID-19 precautions. At this time, the Community Center is not open for gatherings until further notice. Members of the North Hopkins FFA cleaned out the flower beds in front of the Tira Community Center. We want to express our...

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Dec. 9 COVID-19 Update: 3 Fatalities, 13 New Cases, 32 Recoveries

Dec. 9 COVID-19 Update: 3 Fatalities, 13 New Cases, 32 Recoveries

The Dec. 9 COVID-19 case counts offered good and bad news for Hopkins County: while 32 residents recovered and one less patients was in the COVID unit at the local hospital, 13 additional residents received positive COVID-19 results and Texas Department of State Health Services received confirmation of three additional COVID-19 deaths for Hopkins County. Dec. 9 COVID-19 Case Counts The 32 recoveries reported on Dec. 9 helped offset...

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Sulphur Springs ISD Adjusts Plan To Reflect Updated CDC Guidelines For COVID-19 Exposure

Sulphur Springs ISD Adjusts Plan To Reflect Updated CDC Guidelines For COVID-19 Exposure

Sulphur Springs ISD administrators on Tuesday notified parents that the district’s COVID-19 plan has been updated to reflect recently updated CDC guidelines regarding stay-at-home timelines for COVID-19 exposure. SSISD logo Under the Dec. 2 Centers for Disease Control guidelines, individuals who meet certain criteria could potentially spend shorter times in quarantine, reducing at-home times to as few as 7 days for some....

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Weekly COVID-19 County Profile: Adults Age 40-60 Account For 40 Percent of New Cases

Weekly COVID-19 County Profile: Adults Age 40-60 Account For 40 Percent of New Cases

In this week’s COVID-19 demographics, Texas Department of State Health Services reported Hopkins County residents between the ages of 40 and 60 accounted for 40 percent of new COVID-19 cases reported between Nov. 23 and Dec. 6. DSHS chart included in the Dec.8 Hopkins County Weekly COVID-19 County Profile There were 32 fewer new COVID-91 cases reported during the current 2-week reporting period compared to the previous one, and...

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Dec. 8 COVID-19 Update: 5 New Cases, 84 Active Cases

Dec. 8 COVID-19 Update: 5 New Cases, 84 Active Cases

Five additional Hopkins County residents had received positive molecular COVID-19 test results on Tuesday, according to Texas Department of State Health Services COVID-19 Case Counts dashboard, and Hopkins County/Sulphur Springs Emergency Management officials also provided daily free molecular testing and hospital case counts in the Dec. 8 COVID-19 update. Dec. 8 COVID-19 Case Counts Although the week is young yet, there have only...

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Dec. 7 COVID-19 Update: 2 Days Without Any New Cases Reported By DSHS

Dec. 7 COVID-19 Update: 2 Days Without Any New Cases Reported By DSHS

Monday marked the second consecutive Day Hopkins County has gone without any changes reported in molecular COVID-19 case counts by Texas Department of State Health Services. There also have been no additional recoveries of Hopkins County residents who are lab-confirmed by molecular testing to be COVID-19 positives since Saturday. That does not mean there are no active COVID-19 cases in Hopkins County; 79 of the 913 Hopkins County...

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Dec. 5 COVID-19 Update: 20 New Cases, 2 Recoveries

Dec. 5 COVID-19 Update: 20 New Cases, 2 Recoveries

While Texas Department of State Health Services’ Dec. 5 COVID-19 update showed two additional COVID-19 recoveries and no additional COVID-19 fatalities on Saturday, four times as many Hopkins County residents received positive COVID-19 results on Saturday than the 5 new cases reported on Friday, which resulted in a higher active case count as well. On Saturday, the DSHS COVID-19 Case Counts dashboard showed 913 Hopkins County...

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Dec. 4 COVID-19 Update: 2 Fatalities, 5 New Cases, 2 Recoveries

Dec. 4 COVID-19 Update: 2 Fatalities, 5 New Cases, 2 Recoveries

Texas Department of State Health Services Dec. 4 COVID-19 dashboard showed a huge change in the number of new cases reported on Thursday than the 44 reported for Hopkins County Dec. 3 as well as two recoveries. DSHS also announced the 56th COVID-19 fatality, while Hopkins County/Sulphur Springs Emergency Management’s Dec. 4 COVID-19 update showed a rise in patients counts Friday in the COVID-19 Unit at CHRISTUS Mother Frances...

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Dec. 3 COVID-19 Update: 44 New Cases, 63 Active Cases

Dec. 3 COVID-19 Update: 44 New Cases, 63 Active Cases

Texas Department of State Health Services’ Dec. 3 COVID-19 update provided both good and bad news for Hopkins County. While the number of new COVID-19 cases was four times higher on Thursday than on Wednesday, the patient count in the hospital COVID unit declined for the third consecutive day. No new COVID-19 deaths were reported for Hopkins County, but there also were no new recoveries on Thursday either. There were also fewer...

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Changes In SSISD COVID-19 Notifications Announced

Changes In SSISD COVID-19 Notifications Announced

Sulphur Springs ISD administrators Wednesday announced changes in the way SSISD COVID-19 notifications are communicated. Starting this week, notifications will not be sent via Blackboard or email to students, parents, staff and teachers. Now, updates can be found on a chart posted on the district website, www.ssisd.net. Scroll down to the middle of the page until you see the blue “SSISD COVID-19 Dashboard” menu and click...

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