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SSISD Board Meets Monday

SSISD Board Meets Monday

REGULAR BOARD MEETING SULPHUR SPRINGS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD ROOM, ADMINISTRATION BUILDING MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 2016 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER: Invocation FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Announcement by the President whether a quorum is present, that the meeting had been duly called and that the notice of the meeting had been posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551. Approval of the minutes...

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SSISD Board Says “Good-Bye”; Steps toward the Future

SSISD Board Says “Good-Bye”; Steps toward the Future

When the Sulphur Springs School Board met Monday night, it was a time to say “good-bye” and a time to look to the future. Randy Reed was honored for his years of service in administration and the board heard reports regarding a teacher training experience being offered locally that could be expanded to include regional schools in the local summer training. It was Reed’s last school board meeting. The Assistant Superintendent’s long...

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SSISD Board Approves Final Steps of 10 Year Improvements

SSISD Board Approves Final Steps of 10 Year Improvements

Superintendent Michael Lamb addressed the Sulphur Springs School Board Friday at noon during a special meeting in the Superintendent’s Conference Room at the Administration Building on Connally Street. Lamb focusing opening remarks on a variety of construction projects in recent years providing adequate space for a variety of programs from a new Fine Arts Wing to the remodel of buildings and new academic programs and personnel...

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Construction and Remodel of Sports Fields/Stadium on Special Agenda for SSISD Board Friday

Construction and Remodel of Sports Fields/Stadium on Special Agenda for SSISD Board Friday

A new baseball field, remodel of Prim Stadium, and drainage issues and future remodel of the current softball field along with adoption of 15 resolutions allowing for reimbursement of the General Fund from proceeds of a future financing will be the focus of the Sulphur Springs School Board when they meet in special session Friday, May 20th at noon in the Superintendent’s Conference Room. Action items to be presented by...

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SSISD Board Names Angela Edwards Principal for Bowie Primary School; Board Incumbents Take Oath

SSISD Board Names Angela Edwards Principal for Bowie Primary School; Board Incumbents Take Oath

May 3, 2016 – Tuesday at noon, Sulphur Springs Independent School District Board incumbents were sworn in for new terms, new officers for the board were elected and Angela Edwards was named Principal of Bowie Primary School. Mrs. Edwards will begin her duties as principal on July 28, 2016. She is currently at Bowie as the Academic Specialist. She has also taught on the elementary level in the local district. Unopposed for...

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SSISD Board Special Session Considers New Bowie Prinicpal

SSISD Board Special Session Considers New Bowie Prinicpal

Sulphur Springs ISD Board meets in special session Tuesday, May 3rd at noon to swear in incumbent trustees, reorganize board with the election of a President, Vice President, and Secretary. They will also consider the hiring of a new Principal for Bowie Primary School. Carol Worsham recently retired as Principal at Bowie. Other personnel matters including hiring, reassignment, and resignations will also come before the board. The...

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Reed, Elliot to Retire; Parents Address SSISD School Board

Reed, Elliot to Retire; Parents Address SSISD School Board

Two parents addressed the Sulphur Springs School Board in support of their children’s teacher during Public Forum at Monday night’s March board meeting. Lindsay Barton spoke in support of her son’s teacher and Denise Campbell addressed the board in support of her daughter’s teacher. Both children are autistic. Both parents praised their child’s teacher for loving their job and loving the children in the classroom. Ms. Barton stated...

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SSISD Board Hears Report of Educational Performance, Academic Achievement

SSISD Board Hears Report of Educational Performance, Academic Achievement

Monday night the SSISD Board were briefed on the Annual Report of Educational Performance, including the 2014-2015 Texas Academic Performance Report. Josh Williams, administrator, noted that several reports are received during the year and that each report includes basically the same information regarding performance of students. Williams pointed out that the local students are performing above state levels in many of the categories...

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SSISD Board Hears Legislative and Budget Updates

SSISD Board Hears Legislative and Budget Updates

The Sulphur Springs School Board heard a mostly positive Legislative Update from Superintendent Michael Lamb and then got a solid preliminary budget for next fiscal year from Business Manager Sherry McGraw. Lamb found legislative benefits to the district everywhere.  His only complaints were legislators refusing to use ample rainy day funds for education and one unfunded mandate for cameras in special ed classes.  Lamb is intrigued...

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New High School Principal Named; Other SSISD Staff Changes

New High School Principal Named; Other SSISD Staff Changes

In a special meeting at noon Monday, the Sulphur Springs School Board once again deferred any action on contract bids from their Construction Manager on the Civic Center Auditorium renovation project. The board also postponed action during their regular board meeting two weeks ago. The board is now somewhat under the gun if they wish to begin the renovation work on schedule. Plans called for work to begin next Monday. Asbestos...

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