Hopkins County Oct. 26 COVID-19 Update: 11 Recoveries, 8 New Cases

Hopkins County Oct. 26 COVID-19 Update: 11 Recoveries, 8 New Cases

Although 8 additional Hopkins County residents received positive COVID-19 results, 11 residents recovered from COVID-19, decreasing the overall active case count from 185 to 181 on Oct. 26, Hopkins County/Sulphur Springs Emergency Management officials reported in the Oct. 26 COVID-19 update. positive COVID-19 result Overall, that makes 247 Hopkins County residents who have received positive COVID-19 results and 144 who have recovered...

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Oct. 23 COVID-19 Update: 15 New Cases, 185 Active Cases 600 Cumulative Cases

Oct. 23 COVID-19 Update: 15 New Cases, 185 Active Cases 600 Cumulative Cases

The 15 new positive COVID-19 cases reported by Hopkins County/Sulphur Springs Emergency Management officials in the Oct. 23 COVID-19 update increased the overall number of Hopkins County residents who have tested positive for COVID-19 since March to 600. positive COVID-19 result This week alone 136 Hopkins County residents received positive molecular COVID-19 test result. That’s 3 more county residents testing positive this week...

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Hopkins County Oct. 22 COVID-19 Update: 3 Fatalities, 2 New Cases, 2 Recoveries

Hopkins County Oct. 22 COVID-19 Update: 3 Fatalities, 2 New Cases, 2 Recoveries

While Hopkins County/Sulphur Springs Emergency Management officials reported only 2 new cases and 2 recoveries in their Oct. 22 COVID-19 update, Texas Department of State Health Services reported 3 additional COVID-19 fatalities. HC/SSEM COVID-19 Reports Two Hopkins County residents were reported Oct. 22 to have received positive COVID-19 results, HC/SSEM officials reported in the Oct. 22 COVID-19 update. That increases the new case...

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Hopkins County Oct. 21 COVID-19 Update: 42 New Cases, 169 Active Cases

Hopkins County Oct. 21 COVID-19 Update: 42 New Cases, 169 Active Cases

Hopkins County/Sulphur Springs Emergency Management officials, in the Oct. 21 COVID-19 update, reported 42 new positive COVID-19 cases and 169 active cases — the most active case Hopkins County has had at one time. Hopkins County Reports This marks the second time this week a high new case count was reported following a day with no cases. On Monday, 77 new cases were reported. This followed Friday’s report of no new...

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Hopkins County Oct. 20 COVID-19 Update: 2 Additional Nursing Home Deaths Reported

Hopkins County Oct. 20 COVID-19 Update: 2 Additional Nursing Home Deaths Reported

Hopkins County/Sulphur Springs Emergency Management officials in the Hopkins County Oct. 20 COVID-19 update reported no new positive COVID-19 results were reported, great news following a report of 77 new cases on Monday. However, Texas Health and Human Services reported 2 deaths as of Oct. 6 were residents of a local nursing home. HC/SSEM Reports No new patient recoveries were reported on Oct. 20 either, so the active case count...

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Oct. 19 Hopkins County COVID-19 Update: 77 New Cases, 61 Recoveries, 5 Additional Nursing Home Deaths

Oct. 19 Hopkins County COVID-19 Update: 77 New Cases, 61 Recoveries, 5 Additional Nursing Home Deaths

October continues to be record setter for COVID-19 cases in Hopkins County. At least twice this month Hopkins County/Sulphur Springs Emergency Management officials have reported new daily high records in COVID-19 cases. The total number of new cases reported in HC/SSEM’s Oct. 19 Hopkins County COVID-19 update has already far exceeded those reported in previous months. Overall, HC/SSEM reported receiving confirmation that 77...

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Oct. 16 Hopkins County COVID-19 Update: 82 Antigen Tests, 10 In COVID Unit

Oct. 16 Hopkins County COVID-19 Update: 82 Antigen Tests, 10 In COVID Unit

For the first time in a very long time, Hopkins County/Sulphur Springs Emergency Management officials on Oct. 16 reported receiving no new COVID-19 cases in the past 24 hours. While Texas Department of State Health Services reported no additional COVID-19 fatalities were reported on Oct. 16 for Hopkins County, Texas Health and Human Services reported 1 additional nursing home resident died as a result of COVID-19. DSHS/HHS COVID-19...

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Oct. 14-15 Hopkins County COVID-19 Update: 12 New Cases, 1 Additional Death

Oct. 14-15 Hopkins County COVID-19 Update: 12 New Cases, 1 Additional Death

THHS Reported Significant Changes In COVID-19 Cases, Deaths At Sulphur Springs Nursing Homes COVID-19 case counts continue to rise Wednesday and Thursday, according to local and state reports. Hopkins County/Sulphur Springs Emergency Management officials reported 8 new cases and the Local Health Authority reported a 4 percent increase in cumulative COVID-19 cases among adults age 61 over the last 2 weeks on Oct. 14. Three additional...

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Oct. 13 Hopkins County COVID-19 Update: 28 Recoveries, 9 New Cases

Oct. 13 Hopkins County COVID-19 Update: 28 Recoveries, 9 New Cases

Hopkins County/Sulphur Springs Emergency Management officials reported more Hopkins County people recovered from COVID-19 than the number of people who received positive COVID-19 test results on Tuesday. The 28 recoveries reported Tuesday in the HC/SSEM Oct. 13 Hopkins County COVID-19 Update. was good news, but wasn’t enough to balance or offset the number of new positive cases reported over the last 2 days. A whooping 32 new...

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Oct. 12 Hopkins County COVID-19 Update: 32 New Cases, 119 Active Cases, 2 recoveries

Oct. 12 Hopkins County COVID-19 Update: 32 New Cases, 119 Active Cases, 2 recoveries

Hopkins County/Sulphur Springs Emergency Management officials reported 32 new cases but only 2 recoveries, increasing the overall active COVID-19 case count for Hopkins County to 119 on Columbus Day, according to the Oct. 12 Hopkins County COVID-19 update. That’s the most COVID-19 cases reported in one day by HC/SSEM officials since the pandemic, even on Mondays, which since late August have included all case counts reported on...

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