Hopkins County Bond Rating Upgraded As County’s Financial Position Improves

Hopkins County Bond Rating Upgraded As County’s Financial Position Improves

Moody’s Investors Service has upgraded from A2 to A1 Hopkins County, TX’s General Obligation Limited Tax Bonds. The rating action affects $18.3 million in rated debt. The upgrade reflects the county’s improved financial position and the stable outlook for the county’s financial position based on healthy revenue levels. The rating incorporates the stability of the county’s moderately-sized agricultural tax base, below average wealth...

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County Judge Calls 2016 A Good Year

County Judge Calls 2016 A Good Year

Hopkins County Judge Robert Newsom told KSST News that 2016 has been a good year despite the fact that the funds for certain county roads to be rebuild with Federal Emergency Management Agency funds have been slow in coming to the county. Newsom also notes that the transition in Precinct 1 with the retirement of County Commissioner Beth Wisenbaker and soon to be sworn-in Commissioner Mickey Barker and a new sheriff when Lewis Tatum...

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Hopkins County Officals Swearing-In

Hopkins County Officals Swearing-In

Officials in Hopkins County like to swear-in newly elected and re-elected county office holders on January 1. They will do so again this time except, since New Year’s Day falls on Sunday, the time will be later than usual. The ceremony will take place at 4 p.m. in the District Courtroom at the County Courthouse. County Judge Robert Newsom said the later time would allow those who want to attend to go to church Sunday morning and...

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Retirees Honored at County Employee Christmas Party

Retirees Honored at County Employee Christmas Party

At the annual Christmas party for Hopkins County employees held at the Civic Center on December 15, 2016, there was good music, great food and warm fellowship.  Hopkins County Judge Robert Newsome emceed the evening’s celebration, where four county retirees were honored. Sheriff Butch Adams and Precinct One Commissioner Beth Wisenbaker have each put in 20 years of service in their office. They each plan to spend time with their...

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Unique Saturday Afternoon Prayer Service For Hopkins County Blogger

Unique Saturday Afternoon Prayer Service For Hopkins County Blogger

Down on Celebration Plaza, friends and family of Bobby McDonald gathered and petitioned before God for the local man’s health. County Judge, and friend, Robert Newsom opened the service and invited anyone, of any age, to say a prayer. The service was concluded by reciting the Lord’s Prayer. The community is asked to stay in continual prayer for Bobby McDonald.

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Tuesday Proclaimed Dave Davidson Day in Hopkins County

Tuesday Proclaimed Dave Davidson Day in Hopkins County

Hopkins County Judge Robert Newsom read a proclamation Tuesday morning at 10 a.m. on the steps of the Hopkins County Courthouse honoring Dave Davidson for his life of service in Hopkins County Baseball. The proclamation named October 11, 2016 as Dave Davidson Day.  P r o c l a m a t i o n WHEREAS,   M. D. “Dave” Davidson was  born in Hopkins County, Texas in 1934. He is known to his local league as “Dixie...

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Commissioners’ Court Considers Housing Rockwall County Inmates In Local Jail

Commissioners’ Court Considers Housing Rockwall County Inmates In Local Jail

An inter-local agreement with Rockwall County that will house some of that county’s inmates in Hopkins County Jail is on the agenda for Hopkins County Commissioners’ Court agenda for Monday, August 22. The court meets at 9 a.m. in the courthouse first floor courtroom. The contract has cleared attorneys and was on the desk of County Judge Robert Newsom Friday morning. The agreement calls for Rockwall County to pay $45 per day, provide...

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Wednesday, August 3rd is Eisley Henderson Day in Hopkins County

Wednesday, August 3rd is Eisley Henderson Day in Hopkins County

Wednesday morning at Wesley United Methodist Church Hopkins County Judge Robert Newsom read a proclamation naming the day, Eisley Henderson Day. The daughter of Timmy and Magan Henderson, Eisley began experiencing seizures that affected her cognitive and physical development  at age 1. Wednesday, August 3, 2016, she is undergoing surgery at the Cleveland Clinic, a non-profit multi-specialty academic medical center in Cleveland, Ohio....

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Back to the Basics: County Roads and the Commissioners Court

Back to the Basics: County Roads and the Commissioners Court

by Allison Bledsoe County roads are a necessity for the rural communities that bring Hopkins County to life, but very few inhabitants know much about them and how they are maintained.  We’re bringing our readers back to the basics with a quick lesson on county roads and what just exactly they entail. County roads are defined as public roads that have been accepted for maintenance by the Commissioners Court to the standards set...

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Prayer Vigil For Law Enforcement Set for Noon Saturday at Hopkins County Courthouse Steps

Prayer Vigil For Law Enforcement Set for Noon Saturday at Hopkins County Courthouse Steps

Saturday, July 8th, at noon on the steps of the Hopkins County Courthouse County the public is invited to join in prayer as one community with Judge Robert Newsom and members of the Sulphur Springs Police Department, Hopkins County Sheriff’s Department officers, EMS response teams and firemen to pray with and for them.  Prayer will include the Dallas Police Department and local law enforcement and emergency personal. Donations...

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