County Received Grant for Roads; Approved Budget Monday

County Received Grant for Roads; Approved Budget Monday

At a regular meeting of the Hopkins County Commissioners Court Monday morning, the court approved its’ budget for the next fiscal that begins October 1. The tax rate in the budget increases a bit, according to County Judge Robert Newsom. Also, Monday morning the Hopkins County Commissioners Court approved a disaster recovery grant, a Texas Community Development Block Grant, that will be providing funds to offset money spent on...

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Hopkins County Tax Rate Proposed Increase

Hopkins County Tax Rate Proposed Increase

Hopkins County Judge Robert Newsom announced in County Commissioner Court Monday morning that the proposed tax rate for the budget for next fiscal year will be going up a little.  Judge Newsom said two public hearings will be held prior to the final approval given the rate. The purposed rate is affected by the new jail being built. Tax payers approved a 7-cent rate increase however it will not be that high. The new rate will be a...

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Hopkins County Courthouse Rededication Highlights Celebration

Hopkins County Courthouse Rededication Highlights Celebration

  During a celebration of the 120th birthday for the Hopkins County Courthouse Saturday, the courthouse was rededicated during a brief ceremony.  State Senator Bob Hall read proclamations for the occasion from the State Senate and from Governor Greg Abbott.  State Representative Dan Flynn donated a flag flow over the State Capitol.  County Judge Robert Newsom read a resolution. County officials (note picture, left to right, Danny...

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County Seeking Funds From State and FEMA

County Seeking Funds From State and FEMA

Hopkins County Commissioners may be a little closer to receiving federal disaster funds after a Tuesday meeting with a representative of the Federal Emergency Management Agency or FEMA. We get the latest on potential disaster funds from County Judge Robert Newsom. Newsom says two specific plans are being pursued by the county. One is a state of Texas plan that would provide $350,000 total for the county. That money from the Department...

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Budget and Rural Meals Fill County Judge’s Plate

Budget and Rural Meals Fill County Judge’s Plate

Hopkins County Judge Robert Newsom has had a lot on his plate lately. Thursday morning KSST News talked with Newsom about the NETO investigation that could have an impact on a county rural meals program and about budget preparation. Newsom said that some funding that had been coming to the county may not be available. NETO funded meals for homebound will not be funded. County Commissioners along with Judge Newsom are speaking with an...

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County Commissioners Begin County Budget Discussions Monday

County Commissioners Begin County Budget Discussions Monday

It is budget season for county government and Hopkins County Judge Robert Newsom along with the County Auditor have been working since May in preparation for the week of July 13-17. Newsom and County Commissioners will meet in work sessions next week, beginning Monday afternoon, to finalize the budget for the coming year. He hopes to have a budget posted online for the public soon after the week of meetings. Newsom said he is trying...

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Newsom Seeks Commissioner Precinct 1 Nomination

Newsom Seeks Commissioner Precinct 1 Nomination

Maci Newsom of Hopkins County announced today her candidacy for Commissioner of Precinct 1 in the Republican primary. Newsom was born and raised in Hopkins County. She is a graduate of Sulphur Springs High School and Columbus State University. Mrs. Newsom is married to Jonathan Newsom, also born and raised in Hopkins County, and is the proud mother of their two children, Noah, who is eight years old and Anna-Claire, who is six. Her...

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“Updated” Hopkins County Moves Slowly Regarding SCOTUS Ruling; Governor Issues Directive

“Updated” Hopkins County Moves Slowly Regarding SCOTUS Ruling; Governor Issues Directive

(Editors note: Governor Greg Abbott has issued a directive to state agencies and employees to not violate religious  beliefs in government decisions or actions realted to belief on marriage. See governor’s statement made Friday afternoon June 26 here. In it he says the government must never pressure a person to abandon or violate his or her sincerely held relgious beliefs regarding a top such as marriage…”) In a 5-4...

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Hopkins County Awaits Supreme Court Ruling

Hopkins County Awaits Supreme Court Ruling

Tomorrow or any day this month, the nation could receive the ruling by the U S Supreme Court regarding same-sex marriage. Same sex couples in states which currently ban their marriage are now making wedding plans as courthouse officials are getting ready for different scenarios. Steadfast foes to same sex marriage are working on their strategies to keep up the opposition. Marriage license bureaus are bracing for a rush of applicants...

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State Accepts Pilot Program for Hopkins County Voters

State Accepts Pilot Program for Hopkins County Voters

Hopkins County has been approved by the Texas Secretary of State for a pilot program that will allow county voters to cast ballots at any voting site in the county. Voting sites will also be reduced from 21 to 14. County Judge Robert Newsom commended County Clerk Debbie Shirley with enabling this change. Approval for the change began last summer to enable electronic voting allowing a registered voter to vote at any location in the...

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