A Year in Review – Family Nutrition

A Year in Review – Family Nutrition

Happy New Year!  Each year, I provide a highlight of Extension programming in the areas of diabetes, health, wellness, and community.  Last week, I highlighted the diabetes education efforts in Hopkins County.  The next “Do Well, Be Well with Diabetes” series is scheduled for March 24, 26, 31, April 2, and April 7.  More information will be available as those dates draw closer, but if you or someone you know would be interested in...

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Marriage Education and Master Wellness Volunteer Training Offer Winter Opportunities

With the approaching Christmas season, I’m also getting geared up for Texas A&M AgriLife Extension’s winter workshops.  Two fabulous opportunities are available for anyone wanting to participate, and I wanted to get the word out in plenty of time for you to write it on your calendar!  Here is a summary of the upcoming events:      Twogether in Texas Marriage Education Workshop – As one of the certified providers in the area, this...

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Halloween Safety for Pedestrians, Bicyclists, and Motorists

Halloween Safety for Pedestrians, Bicyclists, and Motorists Each year, I like to remind families about Halloween safety.  Those of you who know me are aware that I’m not fond of Halloween, but many people spend the time to be outdoors with their children to enjoy treats, fun, and games.  The days are getting shorter, and the nights are getting longer.  With shorter days comes more night driving.  Because nighttime driving is more...

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Fall Festival Creative Arts Contest

Fall Festival Creative Arts Contest

Excitement is building for the 2014 Hopkins County Fall Festival.  I want to tell you about three exciting events that will take place on October 24 and 25, starting with the Creative Arts Contest.  This contest, held in the Sulphur Springs High School Conference Center, is open only to Hopkins County residents due to space limitations, but we always have an excellent showing!  Here are the guidelines: 1)      Participants may enter...

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National 4-H Week

4-H has a long, proud history in Hopkins County.  All across the nation, 4-H’ers will be recognizing National 4-H Week, October 5-11.  County 4-H clubs and groups have the opportunity to showcase what they have gained from their membership at the local and county level, said Dr. Toby Lepley, assistant state 4-H leader for the Texas 4-H Youth Development Program.  A fundamental purpose of the 4-H program is to highlight our program’s...

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Building a Foundation for Your Child’s Literacy Development

Learning to read and write are skills that are essential to a child’s success in school and later life.  As a parent, you play a vital role in providing guidance, instruction, and opportunities for learning that will help him or her develop the skills needed to be successful both academically and socially.  Dr. Stephen Green, Associate Professor and Extension Child Development Specialist with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service,...

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New 4-H Year Underway!

New 4-H Year Underway!

With the start of school comes the beginning of a new 4-H year. 4-H is the nation’s largest youth organization. 4-H is a community of young people across America who are learning leadership, citizenship and life skills. 4-H is about having fun, learning, exploring and discovering. In 4-H, young people make new friends, develop new skills, become leaders and help shape their communities. More than 65,000 Texas youth are enrolled...

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Back to School Safety Tips for Motorists and Kids

Back to School Safety Tips for Motorists and Kids

It seems like summer is just starting to really heat up in Texas, yet it is almost time for children to go back to school. Soon motorists will be sharing the roads with school buses, children walking or on bicycles, and even lots of new teen drivers taking their first car to school. Drivers need to be vigilant because school children can be very unpredictable. They’re easily distracted and can often run into traffic or out from behind...

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Upcoming Events Brought to You by Your County Extension Office

Upcoming Events Brought to You by Your County Extension Office If you keep up with local happenings, you will often see Texas A&M AgriLife Extension listed as the primary provider or collaborator. Improving the lives of people, businesses, and communities across Texas and beyond through high-quality, relevant education is Extension’s mission. Through the programs Extension faculty members provide, Texans are better prepared to: ·...

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Six Harmful Behaviors That Push People Away

Another interesting document came across my desk recently and I wanted to share it with you. Some of you might recall the column written in May about the five harmful marriage habits. I received many positive comments about that one, and thought many of you would find this one equally enthralling. We all have witnessed negative behaviors the cause damage to relationships, professional success, and to the individual. It is important...

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